Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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and people complain vista is a waste of system resorces :P
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Pshaw, Vista wastes resources by default, this is just for fun!
But yes, it is a huge waste of resources, it's only use is to show off (which is why it's so easy to turn off ^-^)


Fufufu.... is that a native plugin or an addon?  I'd like to try that on my friend's Macs if possible... he likes the Beryl ripple effects and would get a real kick out of seeing it in OSX.  ^.^


It's actually a combination of things. It was originally intended to be a screensaver but with the help of Backlight 2.0 from it becomes a very cool desktop background (with a few source code modification to improve performance on Sazaki-chan). Unfortunately, I I can't seem to find Backlight 2.0 anywhere on the web anymore! So I've
put a zipped package up on my server if you'd like to try it out. I can't remember if it needs configuration, but I think it ought to work

Added after 6 minutes:

Okay, checked on one of my older Macs and it seems to work just fine. But I sorta packaged that tarball funny so I'm going to fix it ^^'
File will be back in a minute!

Added after 21 minutes:

Just tested it on a clean OS X install, and it worked fine, so I'm confident it should work. File is back up too.

Though a word of caution, the can be quite processor intensive, so if you intend to actually use the computer, I recommend toning down the frequency and detail levels of the screensaver and then setting Backlight's processor priority to twenty (20) (available in Backlight's options). Then it runs decently on a higher end system (most any Intel Mac)
Have Fun!


Fufufu... well that's all well and good, but we're not talking my Macs here.... ^__^;

Sure there ain't a risk of me blowing them up for him?  ^v^;


XP Pro-tan posing with K8's psychotic bootup selector, which thinks this is her namesake system XD

Note I'm now going for a "less is more" look on XP...using the classic theme she runs much faster :)


*relatches onto Bella-san for safe measure*

Yeah, not sure what's in the Fisher Price theme, but XP runs helluvalot faster with the older (and some would say more functional) 2K/98 look.  ^.^

BTW, great news!  ^v^

Puppy Linux 3.0 is out and it's FANTASTIC!!!  ^V^

Not only is it the first offical GPL'd release of Puppy (I didn't realize it before, but the versions we used were only LGPL and before that... *SHOCK*... semi-proprietary... @o@), but it's also introduced some Slackware code.  And from what I've read, it's also compatitble with Slackware packages/applications!  ^v^

This opens up a whole and brave new world of app availability for Puppy-chan, although since this happened very recently (last week), it'll take some time before you really start to see this work wonders.  ^__^


My Desktop. Just XP Silver theme with a cute background.
Nothing too flashy, really.
Red, red, everywhere...


Bella, let that your XP Home dream with the idea that is a XP Pro!!
N.D.R.P. Estudios


This are my OS Desktops.

Win XP Pro

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N.D.R.P. Estudios


Ok, time for another change!
(me = ef - a tale of memories fanboy ^^)

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For those who are interested in my new Kubuntu desktop... brutal, no?

Ubuntu running Fluxbox as DE, I guess this is my own version of Fluxbuntu, right?

I have AmaroK open to demonstrate what the theme looks like, in a rare show of humor I'm playing "We're a Happy Family" by The Ramones (referencing the line "What is minimalism?" answer: Fluxbox!).  FYI, please click on the pictures for the full versions, these are homemade thumbnails... yeah, my image host is no doubt going to let me have it this time...

The Choice of a New Generation.


Wow........ you like............. really love stubby panels, don't ya.  ^__^
Very psychadelic in a cool kinda way.  And look! you got your My Computer icons in there like you wanted!  ^v^

And I still think FluxBox freaks me a bit, but I'll take what you say to heart and try it out slowly and thorougly (via DSL probably) when I get my Asus 3ePC.  ^^
(although it really does a number on the Amarok theme.... ^.^;)

Played with Mandriva 2008 a little more while I was in the middle of the Leopard demo surrounded by OSX users.  Very sweet, cause no one knew what the heck i was using (although they did know about the *Buntus), yet they still loved that sweet sweet Compiz Fusion.  ^___^

I was just happy got 3D and overall graphics settings working properly instantly, and even though I don't use wireless, I managed to connect for the first time ever (on ANY system) into the Apple wifi without so much as batting an eyebrow.  ^__^
(well actually, I still had to go to the connection menu and pick a network, but I was honestly expecting something much more complicated)

Wanted to post here, but didn't last long,... too many users I suppose, since network congestion disconnected me and most of the Macsters.  ^___^'

Very very impressed,.... although this just means I'll eagerly await PCLinuxOS 2008, I may stick it into an auxiliary partition to get used to it.

In any event, couldn't take a screenshot so I'll post one of the pictures from a review.

Also attaching a screenshot of Leopard, because that was also pretty sweet tonight (Time Machine graphics are gorgeous).  ^_______^

Added after 1 minutes:

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Nicoruizmza. Could you please remove your third desktop as I find it offending, not to mention the fact that it's not safe for work...


I got the most interesting desktop. Ever.

Yeah, it's pretty plain but I like it clean.