Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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lol..gee yea i did join before you did but i was (very) inactive...trying to get more active now.  ;010


QuoteWith Hallowe'en bearing down upon us, I decided it's time for a nice demon-girl desktop wallpaper:

That + Etna = Much Evil Cuteness Incarnate  ^.^

Myself, I'm letting Sonata-san handle the Halloween preparations....

QuoteHehe, I remember that was the advice if the computer didn't work. The chips had come loose or something. :P

Really now,...?  O_o
Well, if AmigaBob says it works, it must be true....  -.-

*grabs work PC*

*slams it on floor*

.....................................................Hmmm,... doesn't work.  --'
Or maybe It's a non-Windows thing....  -.-'

QuoteOh, I missed out on your Apple-tans, C, (I see they're in your sig too, but they were a bit small to catch what it said on Lisa-tans hairclip). They look great.  

Thank you very much, AmigaBob!  ^v^
Though yeah, I'm starting to get the impression that not everyone knows my stuff exists....  ^^'
Doesn't help that I merged them all into the Annex....  -v-'

But yeah, if you're ever interested in a rundown of all my -tans, past and present, you're always welcomed to visit here:

Just look for the words "C-chan's rendition", oh and please don't mind the mess.  ^___^'

QuoteI saw your post on one of the pages in this topic and hey! I saw your desktop background of your Amiga desktop. AmigaOS has a nice design and interface too! I bet there are several things why you love it XD

Ooh, this is probably for you, AmigaBob.  Although I did post my SUSE Linux desktop with C64/Amiga-chan on it.  ^__^
AmigaOS should probably appeal to Alfamille especially, since the interface is quite Mac-like.  ^v^
Especially OS4 (even runs on PPCs).  ^__^

QuoteAnyway, since you're here I'll post mine...

That's your post!  I really feel capturing it for you!  

Haha!  Thank you, Alfamille-san!  ^v^

Truth be told, I'm blushing.  ^___^
Now my porcine description and vaguely perverted fascination with a woman's height is forever immortalized in that screen cap of yours.... ^^'

Quotesuch a simple desktop...*sigh*

Yo Bou.  -.-
I've seen some of your old posts, and have occasionally caught you lurking around.
Welcome back.  Love your ME fanart.  -v-

QuoteWell, to stay on topic:
Well, your dektop is simple, but simplcity is needed for cuteness, yesh? ^^ Cute seems to be an ongoing theme.... haha

welp, I'll see ya around!

The sun rose from the east this morning too.  
Fufufu....  ^.^

Quotelol..gee yea i did join before you did but i was (very) inactive...trying to get more active now.

That must mean we're doing something right if more veteran members are being attracted back.  ^v^
First QAM, now Bou.  The day Fabian-san drops by to visit, we'll know we have it made.  ^^'


Though yeah, I'm starting to get the impression that not everyone knows my stuff exists....  ^^'
Doesn't help that I merged them all into the Annex....  -v-'

I went and took a good look at all the pictures now.   Again, I must applaude your and everybody elses dedication and enthusiasm about the project.  I've never seen so many -tans in one place before.   ;010


Thank you, SilentBob.
Given the scope of the project, though, I'm starting to regret that it's not a Wiki.  (That way, then, everyone could write a little something about their favorite OS-tans, or a system they might have had experience with.)

BTW, I might be getting members mixed up, but didn't you say you were involved in advertising of some sort?  '_'


I do work in an advertising agency yes.   Though web design and such is not my forte in case you were wondering. We got a separate division working on those kind of things.   I mostly do ground work on advertisements, clean ups on pictures with Photoshop ++ and double as assistant sysadmin when the other guy is too busy or not at work.  ^^;


Coolness.  ^__^

Actually, I was wondering the following things:

1) Are you good with Photoshop / drawing programs in general (from what I saw in your answer, yes).  ^__^

2) #1 being true, do you engage in artwork or at least collaging (the next logical step after cleaning up images is altering existing ones to create something new).

3) Unrelated to #1 and #2, would you be willing to critique some of my work (especially the Annex faction logos), and let me know if there's something I can do to improve their impact?

4) In consideration of #1, #2, and #3, is there anything I/we can do for you in exchange for your potential help?  'v'


It may come as a bit of a surprise, but I'm not much of an "arty" fella, to tell ya the truth.  We usually deal in ready made clip art , pictures and other material from our art department for the stuff that we make, as we often have a high workload and tight deadlines to meet. Some of us don't even have an educational background in the trade.  (I myself started off working as a computer technician, I ended up where I am now by chance. One of the reasons I double as assistant sysadmin). As for the touching up of stuff in Photoshop it's usually limited to some speedy removal of objects not supposed to be in the picture, colour alterations and such.  It's like an assembly line, some of us do the basic ground work for some of the material, and then send it over to the next guy for the final touchups, we found that it saves a bit of time, because our department boss is like "I NEED THIS AND THAT, AND I NEED IT YESTERDAY!"   ;013  

I used to draw a bit back in school (many years ago), but that was about it. Simple stuff really.  I hope I didn't give you a too high impression of my abilities.  -_-;    Though that doesn't mean I'm incapable of giving useful critique to art, I'll take a closer look at some of your drawings if that's what you'd like me to.  Heaven knows I've seen enough anime over the years to get a feel of the genre.    =)


Ah, C-Chan, I like your inclusion of that number-9 girl in the upcoming Hallowe'en festivities.  She's Sonata-tan, eh?  Please give her my best regards!


Here's my current desktop wallpaper:

Indeed, our little buddy Etna has taken over not only the desktop function but also the start-up and shut-down screens.  Running around behind the scenes helping out is the ever-philosophical Reiko Mouryou:




QuoteIt may come as a bit of a surprise, but I'm not much of an "arty" fella, to tell ya the truth. We usually deal in ready made clip art , pictures and other material from our art department for the stuff that we make, as we often have a high workload and tight deadlines to meet. Some of us don't even have an educational background in the trade. (I myself started off working as a computer technician, I ended up where I am now by chance. One of the reasons I double as assistant sysadmin). As for the touching up of stuff in Photoshop it's usually limited to some speedy removal of objects not supposed to be in the picture, colour alterations and such. It's like an assembly line, some of us do the basic ground work for some of the material, and then send it over to the next guy for the final touchups, we found that it saves a bit of time, because our department boss is like "I NEED THIS AND THAT, AND I NEED IT YESTERDAY!"

Haha!  ^__^
Yeah, that sounds familiar.  -v-

In my case, I'm kind of the reverse.  Began as an editor for an insurance company (not having an educational background in the trade) and evolved into a computer [more like software] technician.  Now I'm the overall "Go-To" guy, although I have plenty of run-ins with ridiculously crazy deadlines.  ^___^'

A while I go I proposed an assembly-line approach to 4-koma comics, in order to spit them out quickly and with minimal time commitment from everyone.  But it really didn't fly.... -v-'

QuoteI used to draw a bit back in school (many years ago), but that was about it. Simple stuff really. I hope I didn't give you a too high impression of my abilities. -_-; Though that doesn't mean I'm incapable of giving useful critique to art, I'll take a closer look at some of your drawings if that's what you'd like me to. Heaven knows I've seen enough anime over the years to get a feel of the genre. =)

Thank you AmigaBob.  ^__^
That's always helpful, of course.  ^.^
But so as not to tie up your time too much, I only really need the faction logos scoped out since they're each meant to represent a lot of -tans and besides they're also the only thing I am able to update at this time.  Due to scheduling limitations, I note all shortcoming for my OS-tans pics (torso issues, for example), but generally leave them as is after they're done.  -v-'

I'm always happy to see people volunteer some bit of artwork, although I can understand if there's no time or will to do so.  But I certainly wouldn't discourage attempts on lack of talent or practice alone. ^^'

Case in point, I am not an artist nor have an artistic background nor have engaged in a lot of original artwork in the past (a lot of cbeap collage work on Photoshop, though, such as this parody of The Ring...)

Still, with a lot of improvisation and emulation, I'm able to stick my snout in this art stuff rather comfortably.  ^__^

I was hoping to write a sort of 'Non-Artist's Cheaters Guide to Anime Cel Drawing', to see if that can inspire visitors to take up the paintbrush and try their hand at OS-tan depictions.  ^__^
But aside from the tackiness of the idea, I think I've alreaady bit off more than I can chew as far as outstanding projects go. ^___^'

QuoteAh, C-Chan, I like your inclusion of that number-9 girl in the upcoming Hallowe'en festivities. She's Sonata-tan, eh? Please give her my best regards!

Haha, Number 9 girl, that's cute.  ^.^
Before Alfamille stops by with a lynch mob, just want to let you know that the girl is in fact Mac OS9-tan.  ^__^
We just call her Sonata since that's the original codename for OS9 (and it slides off the tongue easier than "OS9").  ^___^'

So many Etna pictures, btw, are making me curious about Disgaea 2.  It seems she reappears in the game's storyline, although I could be mistaken.  -v-

The comic is cute (in a morbid sort of way), btw.  ^^

C-Chan added the following  52 minutes after last message :

Just to make sure I don't veer off-topic again, it's time for another OBSCURE DESKTOP PIC!!  ^V^

Actually, this one isn't too obscure.  In fact, it's often considered the TRUE (albeit by now, dated) alternative to Windows....

...Probably because it was meant to be the market heavyweight that Windows eventually usurped.... ^^'

Probably explains why the interface looks vageuly familiar....  ^v^'


Ah, the poor thing. (wow there's a lot of stuff down there....)

Well, my recent desktops have been rather bright, and I like this change in scenery... prolly going to stay for a month or so... hah

zomg, my desktop is cleaner! XD;


*yawn*  Very very cute, but still Windows....  Been there, done that bout 100 million times....  -.-

*preps pillow*  Wake me up when you get OS/2 or at least little eCommStation-chan... -v-

[Boy, do I ever rout for the underdog... ^^']

*lies on pillow*


*snore*  Zzzzz  -____-

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

*zips up from bed*

Kudos for having Inkscape installed, though!  ^.^

*showers SleepyD with points*

*goes back to sleep*


*snore*  Zzzzz -____-

Alex Stankevitch

Nice one Sleepy, Winamp skin too  ;010


[sleep talking]  yay,... winamp.....  -____-  Zzzzzzzz

*shuffles in bed*

Alex Stankevitch

Coldplay too, great band and great songs...


[sleep talking] ...Assignment... 4,... research....?  -____- Zzzzz