Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Hey! One of those cookies is missing! Oh... I see someone decided to have a snack before giving them away!

And as for Festering Hate-tan's good qualities, she does have a good sense of humor and is friendly towards Plan 9-tan (or even the whole UserSpace Gang!)


Aaaah!  That's better.  ^___^

Here, have a stale cupcake too....  ^.^

Happy HumBug-Safe Post-Valentine's Day!  ^v^

Aurora Borealis

Mmmmmm... Not bad despite being stale.

Here's a picture in progress that I started earlier today, about 60% done:

Plan 9-tan, Plan B-tan and Octopus-tan! Or Plan 9-tan, her clone and her clone's clone! But the final version will have Inferno-tan added in too.


Cuuuuuuute! I especially like Octopus-tan.

Edit: but... how can I say it... Plan-9-tan is not an astronaut in your design?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Ooooh, neat, Aurora! And I'm also working on a PlanB and Octopus picture. What a cowink-i-dink :P

I saw the beta version in your gallery, and see you've given Plan 9-san Kami-Tux's space suit. I myself didn't draw her in the space suit only because I wanted to show her in her formal clothes...she looks great, though.

And you kept Inferno-chan a Meganekko! Yay! That's two votes to keep her in glasses :P


Wha?!  What travesty is this that the latest version of this remarkably cute picture is not posted on here yet!  I forbid this form happening so I'm gonna post it anyway!  ^o^

There.... Cute as New!  ^____^

Time to go down the checklist...

- Fiendishly Adorable Mama Plan 9-sama w/ Bunny Ears... CHECK!
- Spunky Flame-Haired Young Daughter Inferno-chan.... CHECK!
- Droop-eyed White-Hair with Purple Highlights and Creative Implementation of Purple and Orange Fish Elements and a Clipboard to Boot Plan B-tan.... cHECK!
- Feisty Takoyaki-Fearing Clone-of-a-Clone With Suspicious Inferno-chan-Like Features, Octopus-bunned, Octopus-shouldered, and Octopus Skirt-bearing Octopus-chan.... CHECK!!  ^V^

Yep, this has got it all!  ^__^

Time for swoonage... -v-


QuoteI saw the beta version in your gallery, and see you've given Plan 9-san Kami-Tux's space suit. I myself didn't draw her in the space suit only because I wanted to show her in her formal clothes...she looks great, though.

I myself had always wanted to draw Plan 9-tan in her "alien" attire:

Monochromatic, of course, out of respect for the original black-and-white turkey flop.  ^__^;

But both these versions work well also, since the space suit is more for her space-faring endeavors (and a kind of improvised haz-mat suit when she's entering her daughter's room), whereas her formal wear has an appropriate "Vampira" feel to it.  ^.^

QuoteAnd you kept Inferno-chan a Meganekko! Yay! That's two votes to keep her in glasses :P

Well the meganekko part was in exchange for the flaming hair after all.  ^__^

Gussy Keniji

-Festering Hate-tan
Welcome to the darkside, Festering Hate, she's like the epitome of what a virus-tan should be hate spreadin and malicious. Hm if I'm not mistaken she sounds like she's a Mac virus (or worm, being 'TRUE' viruses for Mac are pretty rare), if so then we just may've found one of ANTI's long lost sisters.

Also I too am a bit of an Anti-Valentines person, IT'S ALL AN ILLUSION! *doesn't have a girlfriend*

-Plan 9, Plan B and Octopus-tan
I dare say that a'm diggin' all 4 of these girls here, it's just somethin about their looks that draws me in (more so in the case of Octo-chan and Inferno) But wait...
Say Wut!? Space bunnygirl meganekko!? that's like putting all 3 of my most favorite things into one cute OS-tan! Why, if I wasn't made of non-combustable material I'd-





Wow, that's kinda like the LongKitty of nuke explosions.  ^^;

Aurora Borealis

...And here it is finished!

Plan 9 + Inferno + Plan B + Octopus-tans family picture complete! (Imagine that they are at one of those places where professional photos are taken) posing in front of an outer space-theme background!


That's just...

Kudos and swoonage to you, Aurora.
Can't say much more.


Aww yeah, I'm loving the shade and highlight work on this.  Now the very tiny Plan 9 lineage is complete!  And looking quite,.... related to one another....  ^.^

I was just about to say,... that had to be a cardboard space background they're in front of.  Otherwise, you would have missed a very essential detail in that flying saucer....

...'d need nice big bunny ears to go with it.  ^v^


QuotePlan 9 + Inferno + Plan B + Octopus-tans family picture complete! (Imagine that they are at one of those places where professional photos are taken) posing in front of an outer space-theme background!

Ah, nice job! This is really great with the shading!

Plan 9-tan looks suitably quirky and cheery, Inferno-chan is very fiery looking...I really like how you colored Plan B-tan's hair and eyes, and Octopus-tan is very sweet looking. The background gives the picture a very old movie-ish kinda flare (cause I imagine a lot of Ed Wood movies were filmed in front of cheesy sets :P)

Aurora Borealis

Yup. The 'cheesy movie set' look was what I was going for!

And that they all look related to each other... Well, cloning can do that... But on the other hand, the BSD-tans are sisters(?) but don't look anything like each other! (except for DSBSD-tan looking a lot like FreeBSD-tan because DSBSD is just a minimalistic FreeBSD)


Here's a new OS-tan, Sorcerer-tan! She is a very skilled sorcerer and healer who uses magic with her crystal ball but also uses spell books. Her two daughters (Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan) are also magic-wielders as well. She is very devoted to her sorcery (the OS itself uses a lot of magic-themed terminology such as 'packages' are 'spells')

However, Sorcerer-tan is not happy about being a mother. This is because the developer of Sorcerer disapproved of Lunar Linux (first daughter of Sorcerer) so Sorcerer got taken off of the internet (although returned later under a non-GPL liscense, meaning no more derivatives can be created).

But... That did not stop there being a second daughter! And here's where things get really bizarre in Sorcerer-tan's and Source Mage-tan's backstories...

When Sorcerer-tan was being taken away and being relocated, an accident or something like that (or was it?...) destroyed her body (literally) and a new (and taller, and more mature-looking) body was created and with magic, her mind and spirit was transferred to the new body with complete success.

And there was a group of magic users who found the remnants of Sorcerer-tan's old body and reconstructed it with magic, creating Source Mage-tan!

This parallels how Source Mage was created: Created from remnants of Sorcerer after being taken offline, remants put together to make a new distro. Was originally a second Sorcerer but renamed to Source Mage.

I also halfway have ideas for Source Mage-tan and Lunar Linux-tan. Source Mage-tan is based off of Sorcerer-tan's younger self, has a red+black outfit, is accompanied by at least one raven at all times, and requires people to make a social contract with her when meeting her. She takes after Sorcerer-tan quite a bit, keeping with the magic terminology used.

Lunar Linux-tan wears a blue+grey outfit, has short black hair in spiky pigtails that mimic horned owl ears, wears a light blue wizard hat with crescent moons on it. She also likes animals a lot (especially penguins, owls and squirrels), and is very witty and likes to joke around.


Yay, for Sorcerer-tan!  I really like her design!  

I was also thinking of an idea for a Lunar Linux with roller blades, but I could never make anything concrete out of it.  I like your ideas for her and Source Mage-tan a lot, too!


QuoteYup. The 'cheesy movie set' look was what I was going for!

Mmmhmm...just as I thought ;)

QuoteAnd that they all look related to each other... Well, cloning can do that... But on the other hand, the BSD-tans are sisters(?) but don't look anything like each other! (except for DSBSD-tan looking a lot like FreeBSD-tan because DSBSD is just a minimalistic FreeBSD)

There are families where the siblings don't look all that alike...but the cloning in the Plan 9 clan certainly had some effect on them XD

QuoteHere's a new OS-tan, Sorcerer-tan! She is a very skilled sorcerer and healer who uses magic with her crystal ball but also uses spell books. Her two daughters (Lunar Linux-tan and Source Mage-tan) are also magic-wielders as well. She is very devoted to her sorcery (the OS itself uses a lot of magic-themed terminology such as 'packages' are 'spells')

First off, Sorcerer-tan looks really neat! I'd love to see her colored!

And after seeing the Sorcerer site, I know why she has a multi-colored crystal ball :P

Her advanced knowledge of magic works well too; besides the name, Sorcerer is a very advanced distro.

QuoteHowever, Sorcerer-tan is not happy about being a mother. This is because the developer of Sorcerer disapproved of Lunar Linux (first daughter of Sorcerer) so Sorcerer got taken off of the internet (although returned later under a non-GPL liscense, meaning no more derivatives can be created).

Family intrigue, I like, I like...

On a literary level, of course. I think it's sad there's so much infighting in the world of OS-tans, they need to get along more :..(

QuoteWhen Sorcerer-tan was being taken away and being relocated, an accident or something like that (or was it?...) destroyed her body (literally) and a new (and taller, and more mature-looking) body was created and with magic, her mind and spirit was transferred to the new body with complete success.

And there was a group of magic users who found the remnants of Sorcerer-tan's old body and reconstructed it with magic, creating Source Mage-tan!

This parallels how Source Mage was created: Created from remnants of Sorcerer after being taken offline, remants put together to make a new distro. Was originally a second Sorcerer but renamed to Source Mage.

Whoa! I was wondering when we'd see a complete body-transfer with an OS-tan...I always thought if a completely new OS was made from Multics that might be the case. Ant any rate, that's an incredible tale...but I too wonder if it was only an accident...

QuoteI also halfway have ideas for Source Mage-tan and Lunar Linux-tan. Source Mage-tan is based off of Sorcerer-tan's younger self, has a red+black outfit, is accompanied by at least one raven at all times, and requires people to make a social contract with her when meeting her. She takes after Sorcerer-tan quite a bit, keeping with the magic terminology used.

Oooh, I see her need of a social contract is a reference to Source Mage's Debian-like contract...I guess she would make an odd acquaintance :P

QuoteLunar Linux-tan wears a blue+grey outfit, has short black hair in spiky pigtails that mimic horned owl ears, wears a light blue wizard hat with crescent moons on it. She also likes animals a lot (especially penguins, owls and squirrels), and is very witty and likes to joke around.

Horned owl ears?! Better not let SCO-tan catch wind of this, or she'll be convinced Lunar Linux-tan is a code descendant of Unix-sama. Or if Slackware-san hears about this, she'll think Lunar Linux-tan is trying to win Unix-sama's "favor"....In fact, this could make for some comedy XD

Hmmm...penguins, owls and squirrels=Linux, Unix and Amiga. Why do I love Lunar Linux-tan so much already...?

But yeah, they sound really neat! I hope we see the two of them!

QuoteI was also thinking of an idea for a Lunar Linux with roller blades, but I could never make anything concrete out of it. I like your ideas for her and Source Mage-tan a lot, too!

What's up with all the roller-blading Linux-tans? Knoppix, Slackware (sometimes), Lunar Linux....