Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

By suggestions, I mean people can suggest things to add on to make an OS-tan "better". But of course I could try my luck at requests too!


Woohoo!!!  ^V^

Actually, hold that thought!  ^-^

I might have a request that's really more of a small favor....  -v-'

Or maybe consider it a trade, since I want to do Wiki avi's for all the OSX catgirls and want to squeeze in your rendition of Leopard-tan as well.  ^.^

Aurora Borealis

This may or may not be the finale (After all, I'm willing to try my luck with requests) but it's a big update nonetheless!

GEM-tan. She's injured after her bad encounter with System 1-tan because Apple threatening to sue (or possibly doing so) resulted in GEM 2 being a big step down from 1! Her slight resemblance to System 1-tan was intentional because of the similarities to their GUIs and that it has to do with the issue I just mentioned! Poor GEM-tan can't smile again :(

GS/OS-tan, Her character design and personality are based off of two of the Apple IIGS's codenames- Rambo and Phoenix. She's very skilled at archery and knife-wielding. And while on the topic of codenames, I was thinking she could have a secret hobby of playing with and collecting Gumby dolls! ^^ (another codename reference)

She's actually the personification of a social networking site and Redhat-tan's and Fedora-tan's little sister. Her character design is based off the Mugshot logo. She was originally going her have her hair spiky but when I drew that I thought she'd end up looking like some freaky purple-haired Super Saiyan so I decided that a spiky hat would be better instead. The butterfly she's holding is there just because it looks cool! :D

It's OS X-tan, Intel version! She could actually be the same person as OS X-tan but when she acquired Intel-capabilities. The ancient Egyptian style outfit and the tablet she holds are references to Rosetta, a component, software or something like that in OS X that allows Power PC apps to run on a Mactel.

But new characters aren't all! Here's some updates or redraws err... whatever!

QNX/Neutrino-tan with her tranquilizer dart gun of doom! And the same one she shot ME-tan with on page 8! She's quite the mad scientist and later on, she starts using a rocket launcher! I have my reasons, the reference is that the equivalent of the start button in QNX/Neutrino says "launch" and that it's a scientfic OS, and what is something science involves? Rockets!

Redhat/Enterprise-tan is back with a vengan-- I mean... suitcase! Yeah, suitcase! She's a secret agent and entrepreneur, sometimes willing to give out good deals and such- or charge a whole lot just because she can get away with it. She represents the original and Enterprise versions. She was once a lot older than her sister Fedora-tan but somehow became her twin sister (THAT SOME TIME PARADOX?! everybodypanic!). She carries a suitcase with her that is useful because it holds useful stuff and it's a powerful weapon too! :D


Thanks for showing us your recent work, Aurora!  The Cute Index has just shot up dramatically!


Back in the days when I was using an Apple Macintosh IIvx, I never took the time to get to know OS7-tan; and now I wish I had.  The poor thing!  She seems all sad-like, so I should send her a communication to let her know how much I appreciated all her excellent work.  (On my local machine, she had a whopping 10 megabytes of random-access memory to work with.)


For me, the Cute Award goes to *opens envelope* RedHat/Enterprise-tan!  Bravo, Aurora!  Encore!  (Sorry about the "encore" bit, but it just spilled out before I could stop it.)




Aurora Borealis

Quote from: MisterCatThanks for showing us your recent work, Aurora!  The Cute Index has just shot up dramatically!


Back in the days when I was using an Apple Macintosh IIvx, I never took the time to get to know OS7-tan; and now I wish I had.  The poor thing!  She seems all sad-like, so I should send her a communication to let her know how much I appreciated all her excellent work.  (On my local machine, she had a whopping 10 megabytes of random-access memory to work with.)


For me, the Cute Award goes to *opens envelope* RedHat/Enterprise-tan!  Bravo, Aurora!  Encore!  (Sorry about the "encore" bit, but it just spilled out before I could stop it.)



System 7-tan is sad because she suffered a horrible defeat against 95-tan in the OS-wars. The first computer I used ran System 7 but it was given away but I still have a Powerbook that runs 7, but it's on the brink of falling apart.

System 7-tan: Yeah! Don't forget meee...

And Redhat/Enterprise-tan thanks you for the award!

Redhat/Enterprise-tan: Aw yeah! Thank you! *runs off happily* I GOT AN AWARD! :D

Quote from: brougeXP22super ka-wa-ii! nice job Aurora! ;019

Thank you! And I was wondering, who's your favorite out of all the OS-tans I drew?


Redhat-tan was my favorite. Haha my dad owned stock in them and sold it 3 months before linux was released. Gotta love the irony


Mac OS-tans VS Windows OS-tans  Special guest referee: Lindows-tan! ;025


Tinfoil Hat Linux-tan ftw.   ;010

Reminds me so of my friend, who's a Linux zealot (well, lately he seems to have converted to BSD).  He thinks everybody's trying to hack him, sits behind a bunch of firewalls and that he'll get AIDS or something if he uses Windows too much.  :D


LOL that's so sad. although i do have 2 anti-spyware programs, plus a firewall and anti-virus.  ;011


AURORA!!!!!!!!!  ^V^


That does it....  -v-

C-Chan's Coolest Forum-Goer Chart

1st place - Aurora
2nd place - everybody else
3rd place - forum lurkers

[to NewYinzer]  Told ya I was fickle!  ^_-

Okay, this requires major commentary....  ^__^

*starts typing away*

C-Chan added the following  40 minutes after last message :

GEM-tan - I'm so glad you didn't kill her off afterall!  ^.^
Since GEM's alive (though admittedly not well), I'd love to use the design to cover GEM 1 & 2 (or GEMOS, FreeGEM and all the other releases.... -v-)

The fact that she's crippled, abandoned and vintage reinforces her membership as a "Binteji" Os-tan.  ^v^
And if it's true she can't smile again, then she and Lisa-tan should be the best of "friends" (or as friendly as you can get when neither one can't smile and one is related to the mortal enemy of the other... ^^;)

GS/OS-tan - WOW!  Someone did end up drawing a GS/OS-tan!  ^v^
I was too lazy to individually draw each version of AppleDOS, ProDOS and GS/OS, so I made AppleII-tan a catchall for them.  In fact, if you look closely at Lisa-tan's basket, GS/OS is in there only as an apple...  ^v^;

But anyway, now that there is a living, breathing GS/OS, I'd love to induct her as a Binteji-tan as well...  ^.^
An ancillary for AppleII, reliable enough to make her en par [almost] with System 1/2/3-tan.  ^v^

Mugshot-tan - an app-tan, but cute nonetheless.  And anyone that helps or is related to fellow Linux-tans is A-Okay in my book!  ^__^

OSX-tan Intel Ver.-tan - adorable, but definitely make her the same person with newly-acquired powers.  ^v^'
(Then again, I guess we COULD sneak her in anyway as a new OS-tan, since they did sneak in an XP Media Edition-tan.  But my head still spins in confusion on the matter... ^.^)

Slackware-tan - there we go!  ^v^
I always wondered why you hadn't introduced her...  ^_-

QNX/Neutrino-tan - probably a great place to insert a "FTW"!  ^v^
I especially love making her tranquilizer gun (and later rocket launcher) official, since all A$C members are supposed to be weaponized.  
I know I'm gonna have oodles of fun drawing her!  ^v^
Maybe a Wiki avi at least....  -v-

Redhat/Enterprise-tan - I can see now while Mr. Cat-san likes her.  For whatever reason, your updated design gives her an unprecedented level of cuteness... @o@
It's almost mesmorizing..... #v#

System 7-tan - Oh, how the mighty have fallen.  ^^'
From a powerful Yakuza-like figure to this poor depressed young girl eternally stuck in the "blues"....  ^.^
Yep, OS/2-tan would not approve....  -v-
[Then again, at least System 7 isn't an obsessive psycho like OS/2...  ^__^]

System 1 - Doubleplusgood! ^v^
Admire a girl who loves her fine literature!  ^__^
We better watch out, else she starts rewriting all our history books too.... ^.^

C-Chan added the following  9 minutes after last message :

Ah yes, favorites....  ^v^

1st place.... need I ask...?  `v'

QNX-TAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

2nd place would've gone to Barbie-tan (for the whole height thing), but this one's story breaks my heart and I feel like offering her a consolation prize....  ^__^

A special round of applause for:

GEM-tan!!  ^v^

Runners-up, besides Barbie Linux, also include Fedora-tan, Redhat-tan, NEXTStep-tan, and Leopard-tan....  ^.^

Win 1.0-tan gets special mention since she's my first fanart of your work.  ^.^

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Which reminds me, about that request.....  -v-


Well, maybe I'm a bit too bashful to say it out here in the open... ^^'

*sneaks off to PM screen*

Aurora Borealis

Yay! Thank you, peoples! Getting lots of comments make me happy inside! :D

Hmm... the relation GEM-tan and Lisa-tan would have would be very weird! Would they be willing to get along with each other despite their differences? But then again Lisa-tan never talks and GEM-tan probably wouldn't get along well with others because she doesn't smile anymore or such. Only if there was some sort of mind-reader character to solve this question!


The way I see it, they have three things going for them:

- Age (time heals all wounds... ^.^)
- Macs (to a degree, both wear hurt by Macintosh)
- Body language (conveys a lot of emotion; certainly Lisa is clinically depressed and GEM is crippled, but know a person long enough and you'd be surprised how much they're eyes can communicate all they need to know).

Again, it wouldn't be the laugh-and-frolic-in-the-meadow kind of friendship, but rather something quiet, tender, a respect for eachother's plight and a kind of solidarity among fellow -tans sharing a lot in common.  ^__^


I'd comment on each one, but my brain is too dead to give nice detailed comments/critiques. gomen gomen

why? I'll put that in the topicless thread, I'd rather not get this place off topic. ^^