Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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BWAAAA!!!  No OSX-tans!!!  ;^0^;

*cries profusely*

Okay, now that I got that out of my system, I can say that's alright.  You have have to move on anyway.... ^__^

Now then, some more micro-chibi ideas:

- One Pu-chan crying.
- One Musix-tan composing
- One Hacchan (taking refuge inside her box) cowering before a Viru-sama prodding her mischievously.
- One Puppy Linux-tan tugging on Virus-sama
- MSDOS-chan and PCDOS-chan peeking over the top lid.
- One Sonata-san and OS9-san fighting over a giant microphone
- One VMS-sama wielding her giant cleaver.
- One Solaris-sama trying to serve coffee amid all the chaos.
- One Freespire-tan flying Chiyo-chan style in the distance.

And so on,....

I can continue, but I'd just be rambling.  The possibilities are as endless as space permits.  ^.^


^ Agreed with many above mentioned ideas :P

I'm sure you've probably already thought of it, but perhaps a few of the actual tiny OS-tans? Like Palm-chan, Minix-tan, etc.

Or, perhaps a few Linux-tans. Maybe like Ubuntu-san (because just about everyone like Ubuntu!), or PCLOS-sama.

Or.....Someone like SkyOS-tan. Not sure why, I just always liked SkyOS-tan ;)

Also, neat to hear you'll be OS X anniversary pic! I usually think of OS X as being from '01.....I always forget Rhapsody heehee...

Aurora Borealis

Thank you for your ideas! I'll be sure to add in some of them!

As for now, here are new doodles!


Don't forget, always feel free to use microchibis from Zerosanity (such as the one with the cheering OSX girls).  Given that they are only featured once, I certainly would love it if they were given a little more exposure.  ^.^

As for your doodles,... well it's almost repetitive to say that I like them, cause I always end up loving them.  ^^;

For now,... I do have to say that the current posted pic is too tiny to appreciate, so anyone wanting to see her doodles more clearly (it does help,... i have never even HEARD about Young Frankenstein...) can check it out here:

(I'd post the actual pic, but I'm sure Aurora-sama has her reasons.  ^__^)

3.1-sama screaming out that iconic speech is a little surreal, but guess it works.  ^^
Anti-tan making 4.4-tan extremely uncomfortable is rife for some belly-laughs (and I still love her uber-long pigtails!).  

While I didn't get the reference, 2k-tan being stalked by grandma VMS-sama is itself rife for a good ROTFL.  ^__^
I'm assuming that's NT-san in front of her.

But the absolutely C-chan Top Pick prize must go to FreeB-chan about to hork down Puffy-chan!!  ^V^
(and OpenBSD-tan screaming in the background)

Not only was FreeBSD-tan sketches with the utmost precision and the latest in Cute Technology (Windows CT, anybody?), but it's absolutely clever in its simplicity in depicting what is, in fact, a very common occurrence in the Userspace Lair.  ^^'

Oh , and it's great that you have an Anime club,... surely that's a great place to show your pictures, or get your friends acquainted with more obscure Anime titles (unless they're bigger into it than you, of course... ^^')


Wow. You guys have an Anime club? That's so awesome! ^_^

I'm really liking the VMS/2k-tan one! And the FreeBSD and OpenBSD-tan one is great to...

Even I don't think XP-chan would eat a pufferfish :P


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
The "Bleach" related ones I made during anime club (my school has an anime club! So cool!) when watching the series. The OS-tan related ones I drew during open hour when I have free time during the school day.


I'm sure people in your anime club are now familiar with the OS-tans, eh?

By the way, it's fun looking sketch :)


FYi, this picture propped up in the Gallery Rotation the other day,....

Very likely some odd variant of Sonata-sama, but see if you can also tell me who she should remind you of.  ^___^

(hint: her name also has a 9 in it)  -v-

Aurora Borealis

^ Whoa! She does kinda remind me of OS-9-tan! No not that one, the other one! :D




QuoteShe sorta looks like 98-tan to me... o.O

Fufufu!  I suppose she kinda sorta looks like Hacchan,... save for two things!  ^0^

    1)  The Sonata whisp!  No way could the real Hacchan reproduce that cute, sexy wisp of hair!  Only Sonata-sama, Lisa-sama and OS-9-sama have that gift!  ^.^

    2)  She's alive!  The real Hacchan would've been hacked down by 95-tan in an instant the moment she adorned herself with anything Apple related.  ^v^

So there's no other explanation other than that the artist had the foresight and clairvoyance to create a proto OS-9-tan.  ^___^

This calls for a celebration!!!  ^V^


Oooh....that is sorta a neat prototype for OS9-tan :P Though I do agree with Tsubashi that she looks a little like Hacchan...

Course, I doubt she'd dress like that...maybe doing a bit of cosplay? ;)


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteShe sorta looks like 98-tan to me... o.O

Fufufu!  I suppose she kinda sorta looks like Hacchan,... save for two things!  ^0^

    1)  The Sonata whisp!  No way could the real Hacchan reproduce that cute, sexy wisp of hair!  Only Sonata-sama, Lisa-sama and OS-9-sama have that gift!  ^.^

    2)  She's alive!  The real Hacchan would've been hacked down by 95-tan in an instant the moment she adorned herself with anything Apple related.  ^v^

So there's no other explanation other than that the artist had the foresight and clairvoyance to create a proto OS-9-tan.  ^___^

This calls for a celebration!!!  ^V^

I think we've seen several alternate designs of Sonata-sensei.

Fusion of designs? maybe? ^_^

Aurora Borealis

Actually I haven't told anyone in the anime club about the OS-tans! It would be really difficult for me to explain to the others!

And in the Sonata picture that C-Chan posted up, I said that she reminds me of OS-9-tan but I don't know how I forgot that rendition actually has a stronger resemblance to Hacchan! *facepalm*


Poor FCL-tan!  Everyone's eating her hat!

*steals Domo-kun*


LOL! I guess the danger of having you hat eaten comes with the territory of it being so delicious looking XD