Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteUpdated OS-9-tan! Thank you C-Chan for the suggestions! However silly me forgot to change the blue on her skirt to a shade of purple! >_<

Hmmmm.... '__'


Well yeah, you forgot about the purple skirt, but still.... I dunno, what'd you think?  For some reason, the orange pantyhose just don't do it for me as I thought it would.  '__'


*snaps hoof*

Okay, how about this! ^__^
We can leave the skirt as is (orange and blue), but lose the pantyhose (we'd already have our quota of orange filled anyway).  Also, forgot to mention this, but her shoes probably could use an open, almost ballerina-style look to them.  Kind of like what Apple I-san has, only without that small strap.  

Reference pic:

[minus the stirrup pants.... T__T')

Techno the fox

Omg, Apple I is back from the great beyond, and looking awesome at that!
*wonders if plan-9 had anything to do with this.*

GJ Aurora I like it :D


Fufufu... Kudos to Kitsune-san for quoting obscure references to our fledgling storyline.  ^.^

Yep, Plan 9-san could through necromancy, although Leopard-chan could do so as well through time travel.  Both have their pros and cons, but I consider both characters as elemental to interaction with deceased OS-tans (in the present day, anyway).  ^__^

Aurora Borealis

Speaking of Leopard...

Uhh... Do disregard my attempt at unifying the three! ^^;

It's the three renditions of Leopard-tan! I originally decided to combine the three, keeping with the belief of unity of multiple renditions of an OS-tan but this time, I felt like making an exception. But it has been suggested somewhere that the three can still be the same person and I support that! I think the blue-haired one is her past self, the pink-haired the present self and the teal-haired one her future self!

Even if all three of them appearing in the same picture can't be good for the Space-Time Continium!



I love your second picture of Apple I-sama! :D OS-9-tan is pretty awesome, too, even as a sketch!

And the Leopard-san pic is neat...though, I tend to imagine the pink haired version as being a future Leopard-san, but who's to say the green haired version isn't from the future, just hanging around in our time plane? And the pink haired version living in the future? But then that brings her back to being the future version, doesn't-

*brain BSODs*

Anyway, it's kinda neat to think she could actually go back in time and see her ancestors (IE, Apple I-sama)!

Aurora Borealis

Now that you mention it, the pink-haired one would be better suited as the future version (Has the longest hair, most futuristic-looking outfit and learned how to put her pocketwatch on her outfit so she doesn't have to carry it around anymore) and the teal-haired one as the present version (has medium-length hair that would look like a shorter version of the pink-haired one's when worn down)

Okay, I'll do that then!


QuoteIt's the three renditions of Leopard-tan! I originally decided to combine the three, keeping with the belief of unity of multiple renditions of an OS-tan but this time, I felt like making an exception. But it has been suggested somewhere that the three can still be the same person and I support that! I think the blue-haired one is her past self, the pink-haired the present self and the teal-haired one her future self!

Keeeeeeeeewte sketch!  ^__^
(although keeping in line with what you and Bella-san agreed afterwards, the pink-haired one would be yay taller than our teal one...)

We definitely must capitalize on the fact that so far only a few Leopard-tans have been drawn, and that the Time Machine feature gives a lot of credence to multiple renditions (something the millions upon billions of Vistans can't hide behind).  After all, when it comes to time travel, it's not simply a matter of "time", but also of "space".  In my preconcept storylines, for example, Leopard's power isn't exactly reverting the existing universe back to an earlier version of itself (which is impossible), but in essence traveling to a different quantum dimension (or a universe identical to our own, but offset by a second, minute, hour, year, century, millenia, age, eon, etc -- an infinite number of these existing like wakes to our universe's "boat").  This at least is a closer analogy to the fact that Time Machine requires an external hard drive to work, and all the "wakes" of the current system are stored in this external HD.  ^___^

By implication, though....

QuoteAnyway, it's kinda neat to think she could actually go back in time and see her ancestors (IE, Apple I-sama)!

...that also means that you can't change the past.

Sure, Leopard-sama could travel back to what looks like 1995, and sabotage 95-tan's katana and body suit so that System 7-tan or OS/2-tan deal HER a lethal blow instead, and cause the emerging Windows dynasty to fall flat on its face (or at least put more pressure on NT-san to produce results).  But while this would affect THAT dimension's timeline, it will never change her own.  This coupled with Leopard's own morale code make it impossible to use her power in anything other than research.  

Then again, information is often the most valuable thing one can have (ever wonder "what if..." or "how did they do this...?" or "what did they put in NT-san's source code...?").  `v'

Aurora Borealis

So, Leopard-tan can not only time travel but explore parallel universes? Cool!

And is it okay for me to use that idea of Leopard-tan time travelling to 1995 to attempt to change the OS-wars in the Mac's favor but learns the hard way she can't actually change history later on?

Latest progress on the Leopard-tans picture! (estimated progress: ~40%) Switched their heights due to the suggestion of the pink-haired one being Leopard-tan's future self and the teal-haired one her present self.


QuoteWe definitely must capitalize on the fact that so far only a few Leopard-tans have been drawn, and that the Time Machine feature gives a lot of credence to multiple renditions (something the millions upon billions of Vistans can't hide behind). After all, when it comes to time travel, it's not simply a matter of "time", but also of "space". In my preconcept storylines, for example, Leopard's power isn't exactly reverting the existing universe back to an earlier version of itself (which is impossible), but in essence traveling to a different quantum dimension (or a universe identical to our own, but offset by a second, minute, hour, year, century, millenia, age, eon, etc -- an infinite number of these existing like wakes to our universe's "boat"). This at least is a closer analogy to the fact that Time Machine requires an external hard drive to work, and all the "wakes" of the current system are stored in this external HD. ^___^


(This is starting to sound like String Theory XD)

I guess the way I look at it is that she can just transfer her current self though the other dimensions, before the time of her birth or past the end of her lifespan, but in those she's sorta like a ghost or something...nobody can see her and she has no physical power. So she's just watching.

QuoteSure, Leopard-sama could travel back to what looks like 1995, and sabotage 95-tan's katana and body suit so that System 7-tan or OS/2-tan deal HER a lethal blow instead, and cause the emerging Windows dynasty to fall flat on its face (or at least put more pressure on NT-san to produce results). But while this would affect THAT dimension's timeline, it will never change her own. This coupled with Leopard's own morale code make it impossible to use her power in anything other than research.

Then again, information is often the most valuable thing one can have (ever wonder "what if..." or "how did they do this...?" or "what did they put in NT-san's source code...?"). `v'

^Like I said above there, I don't think she'd be any more than a viewer in dimensions or times where she doesn't physically "exist" (IE, before her birth)...however I do wonder what her power would be in times when she is physically there.

Also, I think while time-traveling, the only other person the can see her is in fact, a different time version of herself, which kinda brings me to Aurora's picture...

Quotetest progress on the Leopard-tans picture! (estimated progress: ~40%) Switched their heights due to the suggestion of the pink-haired one being Leopard-tan's future self and the teal-haired one her present self.

Cute! I can't believe it, I also did a sketch similar to this :P

Although teal-haired Leopard-san is my favorite rendition, I'm also liking the pink haired girl, too :D Can't wait to see this pic all finished!


QuoteSo, Leopard-tan can not only time travel but explore parallel universes? Cool!

Actually, it's really one and the same thing.  ^__^

I like to take into example the whole concept of Star Trek-style warp travel.  When you look up into the sky and see the stars, you believe that perhaps any aliens looking back your way are waving back at the same time, and the only thing dividing you two is millions of light years worth of empty space.

In reality, it takes a long time for the light to traverse those light years (hence the word), so what you're really seeing in the sky is not the stars themselves, but just the leftover light from them.  More than likely, a good number of the stars supernova'd ages ago.

So now you see what the problem is with simply "travelling" directly to that planet where your alien friend is.

First it could take millions of years just to get to his planet.  Assuming you'd find some way to preserve your body that long for the voyage, you wouldn't be able to return home cause Earth (or at least humans) might not even be there when you return.  

And second, if after millions of years you finally get there, his planet might not even be there at all, because it ceased to exist millions of years before you saw it in the night sky.

It's a very odd concept to conceptualize, since we're surrounded all our lives by things that exist in the here and now.  But in essence, when you're looking at the beautiful stars in the sky, what you're really seeing is a snapshot of the past!  ^__^

So then how would it be possible to go to his planet and back to yours in real-time, like in Star Trek?  They talk about "warping" space just to get to there, but suppose this 'warping" actually refererred to a kind of space-time jump.  In essence, you "time-travel" back to his era, then time travel back when you're over.  The travel might even be instant (unlike in Star Trek), cause if you can travel to a dimension which is offset by millions of years prior, then surely its also possible to travel to a dimension which is spatially offset from our own (meaning his planet would be situated in the same spot as Earth).

It boggles the mind, I know, but it's kinda cool since it really gets you thinking in terms of various universes rather than our own.  ^___^

It also adds some interest to all those odd natural phenomenon that we don't truly understand (like black holes).

QuoteI guess the way I look at it is that she can just transfer her current self though the other dimensions, before the time of her birth or past the end of her lifespan, but in those she's sorta like a ghost or something...nobody can see her and she has no physical power. So she's just watching.

Quote^Like I said above there, I don't think she'd be any more than a viewer in dimensions or times where she doesn't physically "exist" (IE, before her birth)...however I do wonder what her power would be in times when she is physically there.

Also, I think while time-traveling, the only other person the can see her is in fact, a different time version of herself, which kinda brings me to Aurora's picture...

Actually, I have to both agree and disagree on this one.  ^__^

First a conjecture a friend of mine told me once that sounded interesting.... If we can see the past in the sky, then wouldn't the same hold true the other way around?  You can see Earth's past if you were looking at its residual light.  Maybe we can peer into a black hole and somehow discover the residual light of Earth, replaying the time of the dinosaurs, the construction of the pyramids, the cultures of the Americas, etc [assuming you have the instrumentation sensitive enough to filter away the sun's reflection and see the planet's detail right at the surface].  

Therefore, I think this kind of voyeuristic time travel is not only possible, but also very safe since you'd simply be projecting a kind of avatar of yourself using that universe's own energy.  I've always assumed that, if ghosts did in fact exist, they'd actually be travelers from other dimensions, who just somehow became temporarily visible to our limited spectrum thanks to an eletromagnetic field distortion or other phenomenon.


I also believe it's possible to transfer yourself physically to another space-time dimension as well (in part because of the warp example mentioned earlier), although this naturally requires more work, precision, and a far greater technology than we could ever dream of (enough to open wormholes, or "stable" rifts between space-time continuums, as opposed to black holes which are unstable ones).  And it would not be without its risk....

If it holds true that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, then clearly inserting yourself into another universe is already upsetting this balance.  Surely a universe is a very flexible thing, and this needn't be a problem when traveling between two VERY different points in space AND time (such as in the warping example).  But "warp" within a proximate space such as your own world (to an earlier era of Earth), and you increase the risk of damaging the space-time continuum.  The so-called "time paradox", where both universes converge, suck eachother's energy in an attempt to gain an equilibrium, and ultimately annihilate each other.  Perhaps not so drastically,... I've always assumed that black holes are such rifts between space-time, and... well,... while they may not destroy the whole universe, they certainly wreck havoc on anything within their proximity.

In other words, you WOULDN'T want to create one on Earth's surface, and that's why Leopard-chan would want to avoid this kind of hardcore "time travel" as much as possible.  This, however, is something the older pink-haired version is probably well aware of, after screwing up quite a bit in her younger blue and teal-haired years....  ^___^

Especially trying stunts like these.... ^.^

QuoteAnd is it okay for me to use that idea of Leopard-tan time travelling to 1995 to attempt to change the OS-wars in the Mac's favor but learns the hard way she can't actually change history later on in ZS?

...yep, you definitely can, although definitely try to stress the "hard way".  ^v^

Ultimately, this is all just pseudo-scientific technobabble, and especially when it comes to comedies, there's no need to hold back when it comes to doing the impossible.  ^___^

QuoteCute! I can't believe it, I also did a sketch similar to this :P

Although teal-haired Leopard-san is my favorite rendition, I'm also liking the pink haired girl, too Can't wait to see this pic all finished!

Yeah, I agree, the way you're drawing the pink-haired one is really bringing out the charm (although she needs freckles too)!  ^v^

BTW, do you agree that the younger one is slightly blue-haired?  '__'


QuoteIt boggles the mind, I know, but it's kinda cool since it really gets you thinking in terms of various universes rather than our own. ^___^

Yes. Like the one where everything's the same, except right now I'm typing from a much better computer :D

QuoteFirst a conjecture a friend of mine told me once that sounded interesting.... If we can see the past in the sky, then wouldn't the same hold true the other way around? You can see Earth's past if you were looking at its residual light. Maybe we can peer into a black hole and somehow discover the residual light of Earth, replaying the time of the dinosaurs, the construction of the pyramids, the cultures of the Americas, etc [assuming you have the instrumentation sensitive enough to filter away the sun's reflection and see the planet's detail right at the surface].

Wow. You and your friend have deep conversations :)

QuoteI've always assumed that, if ghosts did in fact exist, they'd actually be travelers from other dimensions, who just somehow became temporarily visible to our limited spectrum thanks to an eletromagnetic field distortion or other phenomenon.

...O__O Interesting....

QuoteUltimately, this is all just pseudo-scientific technobabble

My favorite kind!!!

I also forgot to mention before, I wonder, even if Leopard-chan could change the past, would she? Because changing one past event could effect all of the future, for the better or worse.

Because, suppose she could go back and sabotage the 95-san. Then Apple would have no competition, they'd have no fight for survival, and they'd be the #1 consumer brand. But who's to say that in their monopoly, they wouldn't get bigheaded and overconfident, and ultimately start messing with the consumer (a la M$)?


Oh yes, and an cool idea could be that the young, blue-haired Leopard-chan tried to go back in time to help out OS 7-san (or sabotage 95-san), only to be  stopped from doing anything (or attempting to) by an older version of herself (pink or teal-haired girl), teaching the young Leopard-chan the rather unfortunate lesson that what's past is past...just a thought.

Aurora Borealis

Whoa! That was one mighty deep conversation! Never realized until you mentioned it how mind-boggling time-travel and warping can be!

Incidentally, I was thinking almost the same thing about Leopard-tan wanting to help out System 7-tan through the power of time travel but gets taught an unfortunate lesson by her older, pink-haired self! 0__0

Waaaah! I was so slow today (I was hoping to get it done yesterday, but still getting this done two days after starting it is pretty darn good!) but here is the Leopard-tan picture, finished!


QuoteYes. Like the one where everything's the same, except right now I'm typing from a much better computer

Or from a Vista system... Fufufu.....  ^___^
Fates work both ways, my dear Bella-san.  ^v^

QuoteWow. You and your friend have deep conversations

Trust me, you haven't seen the half of it.  ^.^
Ask me about PaleoSETI theories and then you'll hear all SORTS of wacky stuff.  ^__________^'

QuoteI also forgot to mention before, I wonder, even if Leopard-chan could change the past, would she? Because changing one past event could effect all of the future, for the better or worse.

Because, suppose she could go back and sabotage the 95-san. Then Apple would have no competition, they'd have no fight for survival, and they'd be the #1 consumer brand. But who's to say that in their monopoly, they wouldn't get bigheaded and overconfident, and ultimately start messing with the consumer (a la M$)?

Well,... admittedly, I wrote so much crap, I probably buried the point behind all of it.  ^^'

Essentially, what I said boils down to this:  it's IMPOSSIBLE to change the outcome of your own timeline.  

The closest thing to changing the past is for Leopard-chan to go to one of these quantum universes, sabotage 95-san, and then continue living in that same timeline seeing the outcome of her actions (maybe an era of peace and prosperity for Apple, but at the sacrifice of her OSX sisters who may never be born).  Setting aside the risk of time pardoxes again, she would also age through this method -- so if she ever returned to her own timeline, she'd be much older (albeit much wiser) than when she left.  ^__^

QuoteOh yes, and an cool idea could be that the young, blue-haired Leopard-chan tried to go back in time to help out OS 7-san (or sabotage 95-san), only to be stopped from doing anything (or attempting to) by an older version of herself (pink or teal-haired girl), teaching the young Leopard-chan the rather unfortunate lesson that what's past is past...just a thought.

Well yes,... another inevitably with this time-space travel is that it becomes possible to meet up with other versions of yourself, who hopefully are around to help police their more younger, foolish selves.  ^___^

QuoteWhoa! That was one mighty deep conversation! Never realized until you mentioned it how mind-boggling time-travel and warping can be!

Fufu... told ya.  ^v^
Just a little something extra to add depth to the character.  ^___^
Someone as smart as Leopard-chan, after all, must be able to pull off this kind of technobabble.  ^v^

QuoteWaaaah! I was so slow today (I was hoping to get it done yesterday, but still getting this done two days after starting it is pretty darn good!) but here is the Leopard-tan picture, finished!


Okay, when's the last time I melted in your thread?  ^___^
I think I'm due for one!  ^v^

*C-chan swoons and melts into a malt shake*


QuoteOr from a Vista system... Fufufu..... ^___^
Fates work both ways, my dear Bella-san. ^v^

Uh oh...

*Vista using Bella comes into my dimension*

*Ubergeek, Windows pwning, Bella shows up as well*

Argument ensues...

*Punches start flying*

QuoteAsk me about PaleoSETI theories and then you'll hear all SORTS of wacky stuff. ^__________^'

Well, I know SETI has to do with searching for aliens....

QuoteWell,... admittedly, I wrote so much crap, I probably buried the point behind all of it. ^^'

Essentially, what I said boils down to this: it's IMPOSSIBLE to change the outcome of your own timeline.

The closest thing to changing the past is for Leopard-chan to go to one of these quantum universes, sabotage 95-san, and then continue living in that same timeline seeing the outcome of her actions (maybe an era of peace and prosperity for Apple, but at the sacrifice of her OSX sisters who may never be born). Setting aside the risk of time pardoxes again, she would also age through this method -- so if she ever returned to her own timeline, she'd be much older (albeit much wiser) than when she left. ^__^

No, what I was rambling about was mostly a philosophical question...

Techno the fox

1.) *Wide eyed stare* Leopard-tan x3?
:D You've really outdone yourself this time Aurora.

2.) C-CHAN GAH!! How am I supposed to keep from eating you when you keep turning into things like that?

3.) Oooh, Deep time traveling conversations..