Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Uhh.... I don't know how to continue! I'm all out of ideas for now ;_;

I was hoping to get page 26 done and start a vector sketch of OS-9-tan but I had to study for a huge test tomorrow but I did get something done though!

Here's an updated YellowDog-tan, also incorporating elements from Siya's rendition!


QuoteUhh.... I don't know how to continue! I'm all out of ideas for now ;_;

GYAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!  ;^0^;

......Well come to think of it, OS-9-san is too obscure of an OS to come up with ideas so spontaneously.... @___@

Ummm,.... guess I'll have to sit on her for a while..... -.-

But don't worry!  ^v^
We'll turn her into the next super-star sooner rather than no!  ^-^

(maybe all she needs is a bit of fanart.... ^.^)

QuoteI was hoping to get page 26 of ZS done and start a vector sketch of OS-9-tan but I had to study for a huge test tomorrow but I did get something done though!

Well,... I kinda would've felt more comfortable if you drew her after you did your test,... but still, I appreciate your concern to contribute something, and ol' Yeller is looking very cute and dignified like a mature Inu-T.  ^v^


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Here's an updated YellowDog-tan, also incorporating elements from Siya's rendition!

Yaaaaay!  YellowDog-tan!  With our powers combined and all that Capt. Planet nonsense, even!

Aurora Borealis

@C-Chan: Hehehe... Ol' Yeller! That could be a good nickname for her!

@Siya: Thank you! And with her updated design, I tried to incorporate as many elements from your rendition as I could! You're so good at designing very unique-looking characters!

And look! Here's that vector sketch of OS-9-tan! She has similar hair color and eye color to Unix-sama's because of OS-9's mentioning that 'Unix is similar to OS-9...' in the manual ;006

And of course OS-9-tan has short, slighty wavy hair and blue eyes to give her a resemblance to Sonata who she often gets mistaken for! :D

But I was thinking her outfit could use some tweaking to be fancier and funkier!

Techno the fox

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
Yaay, more doggie Os-tans. :D
(I can already imagine so many interactions between her and Inu-t.)

On a different note.
Nice worK Aurora.
I've been a fan of your work (and zerOSanity) for a while now.
Keep up the good work.


I like the newer YellowDog-tan! I think her bone-spear is an adorable addition!

Between her, and Puppy-chan, and many dog girls! They could give them cat girls a run for their money ;)

Gussy Keniji

Gussy san greatly approves of Yellow Dog-tan! ^^d

I'm really likin' your version of YellowDog-tan Aurora-sama, the bone spear really sells it, dood



QuoteAnd look! Here's that vector sketch of OS-9-tan! She has similar hair color and eye color to Unix-sama's because of OS-9's mentioning that 'Unix is similar to OS-9...' in the manual

And of course OS-9-tan has short, slighty wavy hair and blue eyes to give her a resemblance to Sonata who she often gets mistaken for!

But I was thinking her outfit could use some tweaking to be fancier and funkier!

For OS-9-tan, I offer,....

CUSTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

*C-chan melts into custard*

Still owe you my thoughts on what OS-9-tan's personality should be like.  And since you were nice enough to offer design suggestions for FreeB-chan, I'll help you flesh out her clothing as much as you want.  ^__^

Course, will mean I'll have to whip out all those 70's, 80's catalogs.  ^^


*flips through catalogues, face-faulting all the while*

Oh dear GAAAAAAAWD, we used to wear this?  T_____T;


*closes magazines*

Yeaaaaaaaaaaah,... this is gonna be a bit harder than I thought.  ^^;
I'll get back to ya on OS-9-tan....  ^v^;

*runs off to hide in corner*

Aurora Borealis

I for one thought that 70's + 80's fashions were awesome! :D

Here's an updated Apple I-tan!

And Apple ][-tan:


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"

Here's an updated YellowDog-tan, also incorporating elements from Siya's rendition!

Quote from: "Siya"
Yaaaaay!  YellowDog-tan!  With our powers combined and all that Capt. Planet nonsense, even!

Bless you both for the rendition of Yellow Dog Linux

-and that's coming from a YDL user  ;010

Aurora-hime, even though you've updated YDL-tan, I'm glad that you still maintained some small parts of Yellow's looks unto her.

Apple I  and Apple ][    looks really good!  ;019


QuoteI for one thought that 70's + 80's fashions were awesome!

*sets up ladder*

*climbs up*

*pats Aurora on head*

You're much too kind, Aurora-dono.  -v-

In any event, lemme pull her up for a sec.... ^.^

Okay, I think I have a fashion idea [or disaster?] that could work well for our obscure, 80's inspired heroine.  ^___^'

- We keep the shirt sleeveless, but let's widen the shoulder straps, deepen the V-Cut, and run a line down the front to make it a buttoned shirt.

- The shirt drapes down over (rather than tucked into her small skirt).  I would probably advise keeping the skirt the same color (or darker lighter) as her shirt -- there's already plenty of blue on her belt.  The logo can go on her skirt instead.  ^__^

- I know pants figure big here, but somehow I think showing some leg would work here (and would help towards the confusion with Sonata-san).  Consider orange-hued pantyhose as an alternative, ending with your choice of either blue shoes with long light-blue socks (perhaps a bit juvenile), or dark-blue knee-high boots (but not high-heeled ones).

- Her white sleeved gloves can stay I think.  ^__^

QuoteHere's an updated Apple I-tan!

SWOONAGE!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

Okay, something's gettin' loaded to the Avatar Gallery!  ^-^

Although I must say,... I've never seen that rendition of ][-chan before.  That a new one you're working on, or just the one with her cake, but with her farm clothes?  ^__^


Aurora Borealis

Glad you all like the updated YellowDog-tan! (And I thought still having her appearance inspired by Yellow from "Pokémon Special" seemed most appropriate!)

Updated OS-9-tan! Thank you C-Chan for the suggestions! However silly me forgot to change the blue on her skirt to a shade of purple! >_<

Yes, The Apple ][-tan in the wiki avi is an edited version of her in one of the pictures I was working on!

I intended to make a simple wiki scrapart picture of her but at the same time remembering that the Apple ][ turned 30 this year (was going to do a birthday picture months ago but forgot) and decided to do both ideas at once!


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"I for one thought that 70's + 80's fashions were awesome! :D

Here's an updated Apple I-tan!

Wheee! Choclatey haired Apple-tan come back! It's so sweet it many ways! ^_^