Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Gussy Keniji

Haha! I couldn't help but lol at the title there Meet the Farkers, lol

anyhoo, The STFU mug and streetlight are a nice touch and the cat ears are just adorable <3

I await their wiki entry with great anticipation, dood-ette!



Aurora-sama is evolving, and will become a Blastoise.



QuoteAurora-sama is evolving, and will become a Blastoise.

Correction, a magical GNU/Linux :) This'll give her the power to have an army of, like, 400 OS-tans to battle SCOs, beat up Vistans, etc, etc...



Aurora Borealis

But.. But I was hoping to evolve into a fire-breathing zombie kitten ;__;

Or a Pikachu.

Or Spongebob...

Or a magical girl part of an underground resistance group who lives in the state of Confusion...

Anyways I have now gotten past the 1000 mark! :D

And it looks like I also have some motivation for working on wiki articles! However... I don't know how to start one though ;__;

But I got two new avis done, both are of characters that I made and got radical makeovers!

AOL-tan, updated rendition.

And a brand new makeover for Barbie Linux-tan! (although it just occured to me I messed up a bit on her ponytail >_<


QuoteBut I was hoping to evolve into a fire-breathing zombie kitten

Ooooooookay,.... that's deserving of a nice big "Hoe?".  ^__^
Then again, the mind of the great Aurora-dono is mysterious in many ways....  ^.^;

QuoteOr a magical girl part of an underground resistance group who lives in the state of Confusion...

...Then again, you were that in all your old comics.  ^v^;

QuoteAnd it looks like I also have some motivation for working on wiki articles! However... I don't know how to start one though ;__;

Well you don't really need to do much at first.  ^^
Just log in to the Wiki using your usual info, go to any page that you wish to edit, then click "Edit" either on the article itself or in the side bar.  Or if you want to start a new article that has not yet been written (e.g., Mac System 3-tan, click on the red link in the OS-tan listing and it will prompt you to create a new page.  There you can just type what you want and it will show up like a regular posting.  Later on, I can go in and format it into the standard article layout.  ^___^

Once you're used to that, then we can discuss more advanced editing techniques so you can really start "cookin' with FIYA!"  ^v^
Remember, your a Gnu now, so you must embrace the can-do spirit!  ^V^

QuoteBut I got two new avis done, both are of characters that I made and got radical makeovers!

Yeah, I have to admit AOL-tan is very nicely done in this picture, although Barbie-sama still takes the cake as she's definitely a dollface!  [pun intended]  ^v^

I'll load up all your avis in about an hour or so,... given the number of avis already in place, I'll likely make an alphabetized listing of them as well before I post up instructions on how to do it yourself.  -v-

Till then.... ^___^

*starts dancing and singing, while holding a picture of Barbie-tan*

"Got meself a DATE...!
Friday night at EIGHT...!
I won't hesitate........!'

*forgets lyrics*

"BlablablablaBLAAAH...!"  ^v^;

Okay, now to actually secure a date.  -v-;

*dials up Barbie-tan's number*

*disconnect notice*




The OS-tan that couldn't deliver a piece of mail if her life depended on it!

Barbie Linux-tan!

The OS-tan that gives penguins a bad self image!

*That was uncalled for, eh?*

Seriously, they're great! Makes me want to go into the wiki and work on a few Linux entries....


QuoteThe OS-tan that gives penguins a bad self image!

So true, but then she's 7ft something so all's forgiven.  ^__^'

*tries number again*

*error dial tone*


I do remember stopping by a website which explains how freakish Barbie would look like if she existed in real life with those proportions.  Fortunately, Aurora-san only kept the height aspect and excluded the chest, feet, waist etc. aspects.  ^____^;

BTW, sure, let's all go to the Wiki!  ^v^

*marches off*

Aurora Borealis

For what Barbie's height would be if she were life size, I've heard some people say 6'0, or 6'7, 7'0 or 7'3 and I decided to go with the high end of those predictions! :D

And when doing my 'research' (look stuff up on Wikipedia), I realized that AOL-tan can actually be a very interesting character with quite a backstory!

She has humble origins dating back to 1985 as Quantum Link-tan (who was a gamer girl) and her first friends were Commodore 64-tan and 128-tan (those were the first systems Quantum Link ran on). And she met the Mac-tans in May 1988 from a collaborative project their companies had and by 1989 (also when Quantum Link became AOL) she was good friends with them! In February 1991, she met the DOS-tans (DOS version of AOL first released then) and in January 1993, she met a Windows-tan for the first time, 3.1-tan.

AOL-tan was at her most powerful in the mid 1990's but is stuck in a state of desperation since the early 2000's. Most find her really annoying and the friends she had in the past miss the old her, back when she was more humble and less of an obnoxios megalomaniac!

Aurora Borealis

Sorry for the double posting but here's a flying Freespire-tan fanart!

and Wiki avi form!


heeheehee! I like it! ^-^
Funny, sorta reminds me of Chio-chan in Osaka-san's dream ^.^

Gussy Keniji

I likes the flyin Linspire-tan, Wheeee I wanna fly too!!

And yes this too reminds me of Chiyo-chan, which certainly isn't a bad thing

awesome work here Aurora-sama



QuoteFunny, sorta reminds me of Chio-chan in Osaka-san's dream ^.^

I third that XD

Cute as ever! I really like her hair :D

Aurora Borealis

Freespire-tan having the ability to fly was suggested by C-Chan, several pages back! Incidentally when he suggested it, he also mentioned the flying Chiyo! Alas I cannot fourth that as I actually haven't seen that but what the heck... I FOURTH THAT!!

Once again more stuff from me!

Macintosh System 7.5-tan. An older Mac-tan that was created by an anonymous artist. First seen on Futaba's Kazumi image archive. There have been some fanarts of her. Depicted as a serious woman, wields guns and is fond of Leopard-kun.


And...The Smoking Gun-tan is here!

Also this thread is now a year old! 0__0


QuoteMacintosh System 7.5-tan. An older Mac-tan that was created by an anonymous artist. First seen on Futaba's Kazumi image archive. There have been some fanarts of her. Depicted as a serious woman, wields guns and is fond of Leopard-kun.

Awesome! 7.5-tan is awesome, sadly we don't see a lot of her...

QuoteAnd...The Smoking Gun-tan is here!

Heehee...the crazed lawyer....I wonder if SCO Unix-tan's even contacted her to become a part of her horde of litigators....XD

QuoteAlso this thread is now a year old! 0__0

Congrats :D So much in one year....

QuoteFreespire-tan having the ability to fly was suggested by C-Chan, several pages back! Incidentally when he suggested it, he also mentioned the flying Chiyo! Alas I cannot fourth that as I actually haven't seen that but what the heck... I FOURTH THAT!!

She's a character from Azumanga Diaho

Can't actually fly, but an imaginative classmate dreamed she did XD