Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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So cute! ^_^

Fedora-tan seems scared (and rightfully so!)


You think so?  '__'

I dunno, she looks just mildly surprised, just like when someone's on the verge of saying "What the hell?".  ^^


QuoteI dunno, she looks just mildly surprised, just like when someone's on the verge of saying "What the hell?". ^^

I certainly would feel the same way if I ever caught Bliss-tan. Though I think once I realized what was going on, I might keep her around just for fun ^__^

Aurora Borealis

A slightly startled + WTF? look was what I was going for! ^^

Aurora Borealis

Got the picture with GEM-tan finished!

A scene with GEM-tan relearning how to stand up and walk on her own as Amiga-tan lets go of her hand and GEM-tan is at the mercy of her walking stick but that's okay. Amiga-tan and Lisa-tan are there to help and motivate her!

Other notes about this picture: GEM-tan's walking stick is in the style of the GEM 1.0 scrollbar, and I had to guess on Lisa-tan's height. (I hope my guess was close!)


*dunks self in vat of crazy glue*

*sloshes out of vat*

There we go!  Now I can't blow up easily! ^___^

*stares at picture*

Oh shoot,... should've wait till it dried up..... ^^;




*glue hardens in mid explosion, thus leaving a ghastly structure resembling a white sea urchin*

Dr. Mario

;014 Okay, I should sweep C-chan's mess...
*sweeps C-chan up*
..... Okay, Let's revive him.
Okay, you're back! *pat on head*
Just please don't get way too excited, okay?

BTW, nice pictures. (Sorry if you think I'm not on topic, I was somewhere and not on it for long times.)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


*reassembles back together VERY slowly because of the glue*

Thanks Doc!  ^^;
Awwwww man, this turned out not to be a good idea.... after..... *strains.... all......  >__<

*pieces slingshot back into sea urchin position*

Man, I can't even keep my shape,... kinda like the T1000 at the end of Terminator 2.  ;___;
Okay, I'm gonna need to take a bath in some acetane.... -v-

For now, don't mind me if I praise your latest picture in the form I'm in.... ^^;

QuoteGot the picture with GEM-tan finished!

Okay, let me get this outta the way first... -v-

WOW!!  I mean the Wow Factor is so off the charts, it make Vista's "Wow" look like an emptier promise than it already is!  ^v^

Thank you for always drawing Amiga-san as well as you do (and you even got her height down perfectly!).  ^^
And thank you especially for drawing Lisa-chan, and moreover as flawlessly as you did!  ^v^
Might be the quaint Moe expression or the quadruple pigtails + long bang pairing, but you made her look downright stunning!!!  11 out of 10, and I'll bribe the judges just in case that's not allowed!!  ^v^

GEM-san I talked about before when you first posted her, but her pose does make better sense now that Amiga-san and Lisa-chan are next to her.  

Other notes about this picture: GEM-tan's walking stick is in the style of the GEM 1.0 scrollbar,

That's a nifty easter egg.  ^__^
It does warm the heart knowing that, despite years of seeming obscurity, these old OS-tans are slowly rebuilding their lives.  In many ways, I think this picture embodies our OSC spirit just as much as it does the persistence of the GEM OS!  ^v^

Quoteand I had to guess on Lisa-tan's height. (I hope my guess was close!)

She's about 5'3", not tall by today's standards, but certainly quiet tall in her day (when all the other commercial-grade OSes -- II-chan, TRSDOS-chan, the DOS-tans, PET-chan, and eventually Mac System 1-chan -- were literally in their infancy).  ^^;

In a way you can imagine that, given how conceited Lisa-chan was in those days, she didn't like the fact that she had to look up to the young Amiga-tan.  Now clearly she's gotten well over that.  ^___^

Dr. Mario

(screaming with delight) Tandy! Tandy!
I liked this system! (happily dancing around Tandy 1200HX)
I do have Tandy Deskmate 3.94 (it was much like Windows 2.0)
here - it ran perfectly on 2k-tan.
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Ah sou sou!  ^__^
GEM-chan was also bundled with the later Tandy computers at one point!  ^v^

Nice to meet another Tandy fan at last!  ^___^

Our last one created a Deskmate-tan as well as a Coco-tan....

...but sadly disappeared soon after.  '__'

Also made two renditions of TRSDOS-tan, but only chibified.  Full version is pending.  ^___^'

(However, Aurora-san did make a full-sized TRSDOS-tan if you're interested.  ^v^)

Dr. Mario

Thanks, C-chan!

Now, I'm wondering what would Tandy Deskmate look like today (if Radio Shack would still make and sell TRS PC....) T_T they quit making one in 1991..
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...


Knowing Radio Shack,........ they'd probably make it look expensive and dull.... ^___^;
Or they'd just manufacture the PC, and install Windows on it,... although maybe,... just maybe,... they'd be like Dell, Lenovo and HP .... ^.^;

...Sufficiently wary of Vista enough to consider selling Linux machines.  ^v^'

Aurora Borealis

Didn't know (or forgot) that GEM shipped with some of the Tandy computers!

I did draw a fanart with TRSDOS-tan in it although it was only a chibi cameo appearance in a early fanart

She's the gray-haired, pigtailed girl with the book

But I now have an idea for a full-body fanart of TRSDOS-tan!


Oh right,... wonder why I thought she was full-sized....?  '.'

But still, chibi TRSDOS-chan does look cute, doesn't she?  ^___^

And what's this I hear?  a full-sized pic is brewing....?   ^.^

Added after 5 minutes:

Speaking of which, since you posted a nice blast from the past, how about a repost of one of your classic pictures?!  ^v^

Dr. Mario

C-chan, yes, knowingly buying some parts from this store, they could be way too pricey to keeping making TRS PC.

P.S. - Tandy commercial did point out about the TRS PC running Windows 1.0 (I found out by browsing around my uncle's old expo brochures and pictures)
;025 Now, Bowser... What can I do with you...