Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Sacrilege!  ;139 Never compare that red... "thing" to any of the OS-tans, either Windows or not Windows ones!


True,... that is far too cruel, even for the cruelest of the Windows-tans.  -v-

Retracted.  ^___^

*tosses Stinku reference in trash bin, and in cases it in molten lead, than concrete*

Aurora Borealis

Now that I've watched more of Rozen Maiden, this neutralist is starting to be in favor of you GDA members' stances.

And look! I got another picture done!

It's OS9-kun and his fangirl squad (System 3-tan, System 6-tan, Rhapsody-tan, Cheetah-tan (in the background))! But this picture has a bonus to it! System 5-tan appears too! And as an another added bonus, I had plenty of spare time yesterday so I decided to add in some shenanigans in the background! (I like drawing these kind of group pictures) In the upper left part of the picture, OSX-tan trying to make System 7-kun smile for the picture was inspired by a scene in an episode of "Teen Titans" when Kitten, Robin's date was like "And will it kill you to smile?!" and Robin smiles angrily with sharp teeth showing going "yes." :D

This was very hard to start drawing because of the height differences and whatnot but when I overcame that, from there it was smooth sailing-- err... smooth drawing!

And Panther-tan appears just because I use 10.3! Panther-tan's a good girl, smiling for the picture and not causing chaos in the background! ^^ (even though I like chaos in the background and one of the reasons why I like making silly group pictures like this!)

Also in the picture; one of these is not like the other, one of these is not the same! Spot the odd one out! :D


QuoteNow that I've watched more of Rozen Maiden, this neutralist is starting to be in favor of you GDA members' stances.

Haha!  Didn't we say so, ~Desu?  ^__^

Welcome aboard, ~desu....  -v-

QuoteAnd look! I got another picture done!

It's OS9-kun and his fangirl squad (System 3-tan, System 6-tan, Rhapsody-tan, Cheetah-tan (in the background))! But this picture has a bonus to it! System 5-tan appears too!  And as an another added bonus, I had plenty of spare time yesterday so I decided to add in some shenanigans in the background! (I like drawing these kind of group pictures)

*drools*  @o@

Suuuuugoi!!  This is one of the cutest of your pictures I've seen!  ^v^
First, it's refreshing to see OS9-kun in a new light,... filled to the brim with pretty girls (even if they are his sisters)....  ^___^
Second, the height difference is exquisitely-handled.... -v-
(although OS5-tan, despite the angle of the pic, is in a high-enough position to look like the tallest of the foreground characters despite being roughly OS9-kun's height).  ^^'
And third, the background mayhem is pure Mac House!!  ^v^

And what's that I see?!!  An OSX-kun DARING to challenge the will of Cheetah-sama?!!!  @o@

Oh, what a death wish.... ^___^'
With any luck, the Queen will show the poor kitty some level of mercy..... -v-'

QuoteIn the upper left part of the picture, OSX-tan trying to make System 7-kun smile for the picture was inspired by a scene in an episode of "Teen Titans" when Kitten, Robin's date was like "And will it kill you to smile?!" and Robin smiles angrily with sharp teeth showing going "yes."

Well, never saw TT, but do see her OS7-tan's snarling teeth.  ^v^'
But what's with her hair? Looks like a wig....  ^.^'

QuoteAnd Panther-tan appears just because I use 10.3! Panther-tan's a good girl, smiling for the picture and not causing chaos in the background! ^^ (even though I like chaos in the background and one of the reasons why I like making silly group pictures like this!)

I haven't figured out her quirk yet, but she should have at least one.  ^.^
Consider it a prerequisite to being a Mac-tan.  ^v^

But yeah, Panther-san looks sweet in this pic.  ^.^

QuoteAlso in the picture; one of these is not like the other, one of these is not the same! Spot the odd one out!

It's either OS7-san with her wig thingie, or that mysterious purple-haired character in the upper-right.  ^___^
Certainly can't be the Hollywood-style chibi catgirl in the lower right, cause that's you, no?  ^v^


Sorry Aurora, be right back...!  Promise!  ^v^

*runs around madly, trying desperately to take care of various things at once*

Aurora Borealis

And I'm back with 2 new pictures, both I started and finished yesterday! (This rarely happens. Very rarely do I have the attention span to start and finish a picture in a day. Usually takes 2-4 weeks!)

It's 95OSR2.5-tan! She's one of my favorite Windows-tans but is sadly one of the most rarely seen ;__; Drawing this was pretty easy except I had to change some of the proportions so she is taller because in C-Chan's picture with Palm OS-tan that also had OSR2.5-tan in it, she appears to be ~6'0

And here's the Rozen Maiden-inspired picture I was working on! It's pretty self-explanitory but RedHat-tan (or actually RedHat Enterprise-tan, who is the same person except older and maybe crazier (thanks for educating me on this, C-Chan! My logic fails sometimes ;__; ) and one of the things she learned when getting a new identity is the art of suitcase wielding) wields a suitcase as her main weapon and she can even use it to fly and climb on top and ride it like one of those flying surfboard thingies from Eureka Seven or get into it and fly, Rozen Maiden-style!

And maybe go break Toshiaki's windows while she is at it!...  Picture also includes a baffled Toshiaki dressed as Jun! :D


Needs more 3.1sama, but other then that, acceptable! a 95ost2.5 is fine too.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*rushes in*  Yo Aurora!  ^v^

Sorry, still making my rounds....  -v-

Just some quick things:

1) No no no, it's all a matter of persepective.  OSR 2.5-sama is actually about ME-tan's height.  It's just that MS-DOS-chan is both very short AND is lunging towards 2.5-sama in fright.  Mac-tan, meanwhile, is kneeling on the ground also scared out of her wits (naught cause she's a coward, mind you, but more out of fear of mice-like creepy crawlies).  ^__^

2)  RedHat-tan/Rozen Maiden crossover is very cute.  ^.^

Okay, tis all....  -v-'

*rushes off*

Aurora Borealis

Oh! I guess I didn't consider that! Stupid me! I wouldn't have guessed that OSR2.5-tan was only about ME-tan's height! ^^;

But then I realized I made another stupid mistake months ago: I thought that System 4-tan can't multitask and was the last Mac OS that couldn't at all but actually multitasking (and Multifinder) was actually introduced in System 4! I thought System 5 introduced multitasking but I don't know what made me think that when I know that System 5 = System 4.2 + Finder 6! ^^;

*is pondering about what else I could have screwed up on*


*keels over*

Finally!  ^__^
I'm finally able to sit down and answer all thine questions, Aurora-sama.  ^__^

QuoteWhat? No complimentary gift basket? ^^

*tosses Aurora a cookie*

Sorry, that's all that's left.  Rozen Maiden gift baskets are first-come-first-served, and well,... you know.... -v-

*snicker snicker*

QuoteGot the inspiration for this picture pages back when we were discussing the Mac-tans, the Mac-kuns and how they manage to live together! ^^

Yeah, I remember.  ^__^
And in traditional C-chan style, my mind's wondered off away from the Binteji Renmei, A$C and Mac House, and finally onto the User Space Gang.  I am a hopeless cause.  -v-

But if it all works out, I might have an uber cute design in store for FreeBSD-tan.  -v-
(at least a concrete design,.. all the FreeBSD-tan's currently out there are hardly consistent, assuming they're supposed to be FreeBSD... ^^')

QuoteAlso worth mentioning is that System 6-tan acts quite differently when around OS9-kun. She isn't her psycho terminator self! But when around System 6-kun, that's another story!

Spot on!  ^v^
I figure it's both cute and intimidating to watch a +6-foot half-woman/half machine buttering up like that to her little brother.  ^__^
It offers one of those much needed personality irk-n-quirk that every Mac-tan needs.  ^__^

QuoteSystem 3-tan likes OS9-kun because he's such a nice guy who carries her shopping bags when she goes to the mall and sees him as a big brother despite her being much older (but he is a lot taller!)

Definitely if you ever get your hands on the Marmalade Boy series, do please watch it.  Apart from being a funny and addictive soap opera-like story, Suzuki-chan reminds me so much of OS3-tan.  Both in appearance and assumed personality.  (Granted Suzu-chan has a bratty side, but I can sorta picture OS3-chan pouting or looking distraught every now and then whenever cheerfulness doesn't work.)  ^___^

QuoteBWAHAHAHA! System 5-tan has the tricked the viewers! She's actually just floating above the ground but strategically placed herself in the picture so that it looks like she's the tallest! She's quite the prankster and has gotten a couple of her sisters to join in the heck raising and will gofor nearly anyone but she decided to have OS9-kun be exempt from her tricks!  (okay, so maybe not that "I'm-the-tallest" illusion, but you all know what I mean!)

hehe, well she's only tricking the cameraperson and not OS9-kun directly, so technically her promise is still kept.  ^___^'

QuoteWell, those OSX-kuns are crazy and will do what it takes to be authority in the house! Luckily Cheetah-tan is one of the Mac-tans who really knows how to put them in their place! Who else should the OSX-kuns beware of?

Well all the Mac-tans are weapon wielders of some sort, so when things get out of hand the OSX-kuns are easily bested by bombs, hammers, etc.  (usually resulting in roof damage)

It's just that Cheetah-sama is extra special,... she strikes ph34r into their hearts cause she's the only one who can literally out-pervert them.  ^__^

Picture, if you will, a blend between Naga from Slayers, Margery from Shakugan no Shana, and one of many hundreds of thousands of dominatrix characters in Anime, and you'll rightfully tremble in ph34r as well.  ^v^'

Other OS-tans to fear are OS6 naturally.  OS8 as Master Bomb Wielder and enforcer, as well as her idol Mac-tan (aka Mac OSX-tan), Grand Master Bomb Wielder and general-purpose beyotch.  -v-'

There shouldn't be too much trouble with the other Mac-tans, but since Puma-chan seems like such easy prey for their perversions, I'd love for her to have some sort of cute but effective countermeasure that keeps them at bay.

Don't fall for the shy and clumsy look!!!  IT'S A TRAP!!!!!!  @O@

QuoteActually. That's System 7-kun! I haven't drawn him until now. But that is a wig he's wearing. His appearance is a reference to Mozart, System 7.5's other codename, and he's an angry psycho musician!

Oh yeah, now I remember.  -v-

Well, you know I wasn't too excited about the Mac OS-kuns, so I kinda forgot about them for a bit.  ^^'
I see now.  -v-

QuotePanther-tan strikes me as the classy type that doesn't like getting into trouble, kinda like System 2-tan. But of course in ZS, the OSX wildcat girls are crazy bikers! Hmm... she could appear classy and sweet at a first glance...

I should probably point out that Apple Lisa-san, although she looked classy and sweet, was in her prime the most arrogant and stuck-up Marie Antoinette figure you could possibly imagine!  ^v^'

Not that history should repeat itself here, but yeah she too needs an effective countermeasure against the OSX-kun's perversions.  ^^'

QuoteI mentioned System 7-san actually being 7-kun but the mysterious purple-haired guy in the upper right is System 5-kun! He hides in the shadows a lot and is extremely shy. I wonder which Mac-tans or-kuns he'd get along with the best?

OS5-tan only.  He's so shy, no one else probably even realizes he exists.  -v-'

QuoteOh! I guess I didn't consider that! Stupid me! I wouldn't have guessed that OSR2.5-tan was only about ME-tan's height! ^^;

Heh,.. well no need for stupidity labeling here, cause it's not like my Palm-chan image didn't suffer from odd perspectives (it was, after all, my second drawing straight out of my lull...  ^v^').
When I first posted it, for example, the Captain thought ME-tan was like 50 ft tall!  
(Run for the hills!  It's a giant ME-tan!  She's gonna eat us all!  Or swipe us with her mighty cowlick!  Or freeze and bring about the next Ice Age!  ;^0^;)

In any case, 95 OSR 2.5-sama is adorable in your picture.  ^__^
Wish I knew who the original artist is, but hope he/she's happy we've given OSR 2.5-sama so much promotion here.  ^v^

QuoteBut then I realized I made another stupid mistake months ago: I thought that System 4-tan can't multitask and was the last Mac OS that couldn't at all but actually multitasking (and Multifinder) was actually introduced in System 4! I thought System 5 introduced multitasking but I don't know what made me think that when I know that System 5 = System 4.2 + Finder 6! ^^;

*is pondering about what else I could have screwed up on*

Well once Fedora-dono finishes that new Wiki, we can go ahead and slowly add our stuff in there.  That way, little technical details like that can be scutinized by a lot more people, and help us clarify some personality traits of our OS-tans.  Raffaele-san, for example, gave me many new things to add to Amiga-san's personality, so in my mind at least she's becoming more and more a complete and fleshed out character.  ^__^


QuoteThe User Space Gang, eh? Sadly I know almost jack squat about them or the OSes that the OS-tans in that faction represent. But they do sound interesting!

Same as myself,... don't know squat about Plan 9, so I'll have to do plenty of research before I begin drawing.

For the time being, as I usually do, I'm basing their character traits on famous Anime archtypes.  -v-

Plan 9:  combination of Mint from 'Galaxy Angel' and a zombie-loving villain from any generic Ed Wood movie you can think of.  ^^'

Inferno:  combination of Piyoko from 'Leave it to Piyoko' and Devil Flonne from 'Disgaea'

FreeBSD:  combination of Elda from 'Karin' and Lime from 'Saber Marionette' J-series.  (+preexisting drawings)

OpenBSD:  combination of Panther from 'Saber Marionette' J-series and Steyr from 'Scrapped Princess' (+preexisting "Puffy" drawing)

NetBSD:  combination of Kyanny from 'Saber Marionette' R-series and Robin from 'Witch Hunter Robin'.

DragonflyBSD:  probably based on Kosame from 'Girls Bravo' (thanks to SilentBob for the brilliant idea he gave me).  ^___^

Plan B:  hands down, Neneko from 'DearS".  ^v^

QuoteInteresting. That could be the next anime for me to watch! I'm about 3/4 of the way done watching Rozen Maiden and Traumend.

Yay!  Now she'll get to know Meiko-sama!  ^v^

Too bad the series is still a tad bit expensive...  ^___^'

(and perhaps a touch dated.... -v-')

QuoteCheetah-tan sorta always did strike me as the dominatrix type. Oh! That gives me another crazy group picture idea! A picture involving Cheetah-tan giving the OSX-kuns their just desserts (SFW, obviously) and with some onlookers in the background!

Woohoo, I'd buy that for a dollar!  ^v^

Although granted, I also still can't shake off the image of the OSX-kuns in Mac OS7-tan's basket.  ^v^'

Which reminds me, I haven't done any translations in a while.  -v-'

QuoteAlso in the last group picture I did, it had Foobies-tan in it and I thought it would be funny if she snuck into the Mac House on a regular basis and team up with the OSX-kuns! Even scarier and crazier is that she could be completely unfazed by the threats of (or actual) bomb and bazooka fire! BWAHAHAHAHA! However in that picture I forgot to add in her hair ribbon! ;__; NOOOOOOOO!

No problemo.  ^__^
Actually, I sorta forgot about her.  -v-'

QuoteAnd with bombs and such in the house, I know there aren't going to be any fiddlers or other musicians on the roof anytime soon although Rhapsody-tan is likely to attempt that half-drunkedly!

And fall through one of the many holes on the roof, I bet.  ^v^
Although somehow, I can picture her offering some apple cider to the Mac Face roof during one of her drunken stupors.  ^__^

QuoteYeah. The pre OS9-kuns don't really contribute much but they could crank up the craziness. Maybe System 5-tan doing her best to keep System 5-kun's existance a secret from the others, well... uhh... System 6-kun hacked System 6-tan to do his bidding and fight for him (and kinda turned her into a destructive maniac back in the day but aren't terminators supposed to be like that in the first place?) and now that she turned on him... insanity will ensue. System 7-kun is a classy and very disgruntled guy- a tortured artist of some sort but may regain his happiness (like System 7-tan) but he doesn't contribute much because he's at therapy most of the time. And OS8-kun is the righteous knight-in-shining-platinum-armor type, sorta there to make up for the psychopathic insanity of his predecessors but secretly joins in on the heck-raising

Well, I tried at least. -_-

Please don't sweat whatever this crazy pig says.  Just draw what you want, of course.  ^__^

Quote50 ft. ME-tan? That was probably the reason everyone was EVERYBODY PANICKING! Nah, j/k! But having your hand replaced by a genie is probably just as scary! 0__0

Perspectives can be mighty tricky, can't they? -_-

Yep.  ^__^
Granted I did those characters in Poser, so the perspective is correct.  The problem is the camera angle -- because it's pointing straight (more like upwards) and you can't see the floor or their feet, it does play a lot of tricks on you.  -v-'

In any case, all of my full-body drawings have at least one major defect like that.  ^v^'

Speaking of which, I'm bouncing around the idea of converting my PalmOS-tan into simply Palm-tan (the hardware, not unlike the iPod-tans).  That way we can clarify the difference easily and still keep what we need.  -v-

(in my case, a "handheld"; in your design, a "pilot")

QuoteThe wiki will be especially awesome when it is finished and new stuff can start being added in!

The new MediaWiki though looks closer to the Wikipedia one and at first glance seems to have a bit more of a learning curve than the PM one.  But I'll see during the beta stage how it works.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

now that you mentioned System 7-tan and a basket of OSX kittens, I should draw a picture of that too!

I've also had the urge to make a House of Mac 4koma-format zerOSanity-style spinoff comic! The Mac-tans and -kuns are the main characters and it involves them doing their best to deal with each other, declare war on perverts, have crazy house parties and have other OS-tans from different factions come over (or at least attempt to. Most are too scared to proceed when a maniac with a bomb, bazooka or hammer just blasted the nearest wall down and that girl was about 1 ft away from getting hit) and maybe join the fray while they're at it!

And one of the scenes could involve Rhapsody-tan on the roof doing what you suggested. Something along the lines of:

Rhapsody-tan: Ooooohhh... smiley roof you wanna cider?
*pulls out bottle of apple cider*
drink up!
*cider just spills down the roof*
BAD ROOF BAD! *punches hole in roof*
Oh no! What have I done?!


Also I was thinking the System 1,2,3 and 4-tans need nicknames but I can't really think of any.

There are still some things that I ponder such as:

*System 1-tan founded the House of Mac, right? (Almost positive unless the mysterious blonde Mac-tan was around then because she once represented all of Mac OS. But I think she's just OSX-tan now and her age changed although still unknown) But if so, did her older sisters approve of living on her own? How well did she get along with them and did she move away as a sign of rebellion? And what about her having a different haircolor? More rebellion?

*Also are the other Mac-tans 1-tan's little sisters or daughters?

*How well did Lisa-tan get along with her Mac sisters before she got traumatized and scarred for life and stopped talking?

*As mentioned earlier, Cheetah-tan. OSX-tan, Veronica-tan (OS8-tan) and Antares-tan (System 6-tan) are the girls that the OSX-kuns fear the most because they really know how to put the catmen in their place.

And spiffy new signature btw, C-Chan! So much OS-tan goodness in one picture and even better is that it is all underrepresented OSes! I've noticed some irony in the picture though: OS/2 Warp-tan is surrounded by Mac-tans and she dislikes them because of her upbringing! But hey, she could have been surrounded by Windows-tans! BWAHAHAHA! And eCS-tan is holding the plushies she made! And System 7-tan's got a basket of kittens! ^^


*pitter patters in*

Hold that thought, Aurora-sama!  ^v^
Shuffling back and forth a lot between here and that Wiki!  ^__^'

*pitter patters out*

Aurora Borealis

The picture idea of Cheetah-tan giving an OSX-kun his just desserts is in progress! Why, here's the sketch of it!

BWAHAHAHA! There's another "odd one out" in the picture!
*sings* "One of these is not like the other, one of these is not the same!" :D

And here's a full-body picture of the Yotsuba-inspired Mac-tan, System 4-tan, and with Clarus the Dogcow! MOOOOOOOOOF!


erm...ok but...maybe concider that legs have knees half-way..they bend when they walk...same goes for the arms i guess lol

the lighting finish is done nicely though