Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteIve been out for a few days.. and am too lazy to read back posts right now....


WTF is that?!

Fufufu.... that there be Mac OS7-tan, formerly a rival of Windows 95-tan and something of a cross between Al Capone and a Yakuza Oyabun.  Technically-speaking, she's now a clinically-depressed Emo girl, so the shocking thing about the picture is that she clearly doesn't look like an Emo girl for whatever mysterious reason unknown to us.  -v-

The kittens in the basket are some young-looking OSX-kuns.  -v-

OS7-san is Aurora's character, after all, so she should say a few words or two about it. -v-

Of course, I do encourge you to read at least a few backposts.  ^^'

Added after 30 minutes:


Now then, back to the second order of business....  -v-

QuoteI understand. eCS-tan has a lot of potential but it could be put to better use than fighting ^^

Precisely!  ^__^
I knew you'd understand!  ^~^
Nothing less from the great Aurora-sama!  ^v^

The implication to this is that even though OS/2 projects a very mean and offish image of herself, she's actually surprisingly considerate (especially of eCS-chan's future).  No doubt if I ever do get to illustrate her backstory, it won't be difficult to believe that a "family" means all the world to OS/2.  ^___^

QuoteActually, neither could I. System 6-tan is a crazy agressive bazooka-wielding terminator girl but she has her limits to what she is willing to do in battle and may have actually been reluctant to fight against Windows 2-tan (that threatened lawsuit because Windows 2's GUI lookes a bit too much like the Mac's at the time was the first major conflict between Apple and Microsoft, right?)

Yep.  Before that, M$ was fairly low profile.  I figure once and a while there was the occasionally territorial dispute that saw Xenix-tan and maybe the DOS-tans joust against a Mac-tan (or Apple II-tan or Apple Lisa-tan, given they were both more active in those days).  But usually Apple competed against more rival home computer companies of that era, and not until 2.0-chan came did they see M$ as an emerging threat.

("Home Computer" companies, cause naturally known of them were powerful enough to topple the great families of that era, particularly the UNIX Family.)

2.0-chan might've defended well against a reluctant OS6-tan, but certainly once 3.11-sama appeared (rather, "3.0-sama") and could clearly fight far better (enough to make a young OS/2 jealous and suspicious), then 2.0-chan's obsolescene really began to show through.

Quoteand what I said my last post:

"Windows 2-tan's downfall caused by 3.1-tan. System 6-tan unavaliable for comment, but able to find Sarah Connor"

was my assumption at what happened involving the irony, summed up in a Fark-style headline! But the late 80's and early 90's was one confusing time period in Apple and M$ history! @__@

Yep... it was very confusing for 2.0-chan also, as it was around that transition that her family was ripped in half over night.  -____-
3.0-sama was too young to have gotten close to Xenix or PC-DOS or OS/2, but not for poor 2.0-chan.  This was also the time she was being forced to step up her aggression against the Apple girls, something 2.0-chan was getting increasingly incapable and unwilling to do as she never once thought of them as targets to destroy.  -__-

I think you see where this is going.  ^__^

QuoteAnd I actually might have made a mistake. I think it should be System 2-tan that dislikes GEM-tan because I remember GEM was released in 1985. However I'm not sure if that would be a good change because System 2-tan being that violent may be awfully out of character! [/uote]

I thing we did have System 2 listed as disliking GEM-tan in the Annex description.  ^___^
But you're right, it might seem out of character to have her do that to poor GEM-tan.  ^__^

It's not too late to deparalyze GEM-tan, although making her a bit lame in some way is still required to transmit the point.  Maybe System 2-chan went a little too far against GEM-tan (trying to protect her little sister perhaps?), and regretted it in time before GEM-tan was severely hurt.  FYI, Apple II-tan wouldn't have approved of such a move, but Apple Lisa-tan back then would've been one to encourage the "squashing" of the little plagiarist.  -v-'

(That'd make a nice illustration of "What Comes Around, Goes Around".  ^__^

QuoteSucks that the stuff that forum members added on to the wiki article got deleted! 

NewYinzer and I still have the stuff saved on our computers -- plus you can still access the original article through Google caches.  ^^

Either way, most of the old articles are posted up at my Annex.  Consider them "refugees" from Wikipedia.  ^__^


The Running OS-tan pic sounds like a really cool idea (and would make an awesome desktop wallpaper!) but I also like the close-up pictures that you usually use for making avi's too but it's your decision!

Thank you, Aurora-sama!!!  ^__^

The Running OS-tan idea is naturally a time-saver, so as my schedule constricts I may have no choice.  -v-
Still, as you saw with the non-emo OS7-tan rendition, occasionally inspiration for a close-up pic strikes.  ^___^
Especiall now that I'm free to draw them in my style.  ^.^

QuoteYeah. I don't go there anymore. Sure, I still somewhat like Pokemon, but I never felt like I fit in there in the first place. They're the people that weren't willing to take the time to understand the awesomeness that is the OS-tans! However I do check back occasionally and I did see some people that were discussing Rozen Maiden!

And the Gin-Desu Alliance grows!
It cannot be stopped!  ^____^


Wow... that MacOS7-tan is cool! I don't want to be her enemy...  ;012


QuoteYep. Before that, M$ was fairly low profile. I figure once and a while there was the occasionally territorial dispute that saw Xenix-tan and maybe the DOS-tans joust against a Mac-tan (or Apple II-tan or Apple Lisa-tan, given they were both more active in those days). But usually Apple competed against more rival home computer companies of that era, and not until 2.0-chan came did they see M$ as an emerging threat.

Don't get caught up in the idea that it was the OSes fighting the wars. Back then, it was computer manufacturers who were doing the fighting. It wasn't until the conflict between Gary Kildall and Bill Gates that OSes mattered. I think that that would be done best through an "opening crawl" intro of sorts:

Episode I: The Blue Menace

Turmoil has engulfed the computer market. The domination of the future market is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a ton of cheaply priced computers, IBM has taken the computer market overnight.

While other computer manufacturers endlessly debate this alarming chain of events, Steve Jobs has secretly dispatched two OS-Tans, the guardians of peace and justice in the market, to settle the confilct...

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"Okay, I'm back.  Sorry to keep you waiting....  ^___^

First order of business.... -v-

Hehe,... one of the reasons my delay was extended was because I decided it was best to DRAW what I had in mind!  ^v^
Sorry, but I was kinda possessed,... the image begged to be drawn, and well, as they say, a picture's worth a 1000 words.... -v-

So there's the Yakuza katana I was talking to you about.  Made the handle white to differentiate it from Windows 95-tan's (and added a Mac face and toy bomb for extra hintage).  I've been watching Shakugan no Shana lately, so I guess it shows in the way I drew her,... but I hope you think she looks cool.  ^.^

Judging by the age of the OSX-kuns and the fact that she's still looks fierce, you'd think this was a picture taken many years ago.  ^___^

But that's just it.... -v-


This picture is in fact taken many years in the future!  @o@

Could it be that in trying [and succeeding] to protect her younger siblings, she finally rekindled her fighting spirit and found the strength to forgive herself for her past failures?  And what with the wisdom from age and the acquisition of humility, she could very well be STRONGER (or at least smarter) than what she was back when she was still a young and reckless gangster.  -v-

Now second order of business...... ^___^


*falls asleep over keyboard*

Sorry,... wasted too much energy....  Please accept a raincheck.... XvX'

Excellent work! That's the System 7-tan her all her older sisters had respect for! System 7 was a huge step forward (or a step down to some people, but either way System 7 was revolutionary and introduced customizable color icons, automatic multitasking, the first 32-bit Mac OS, the first Mac OS to be used on Apple's laptops (well, actually there was a Mac Portable that ran System 6, but weighing 15-17 lbs, that doesn't count. ), and some other things I actually don't remember at the moment. Oh no! I'm losing it! How can I call myself a Mac expert when I'm forgetting stuff?!?!) and even System 6-tan had respect for her, knowing that there was someone as tough as her that could succeed where she couldn't but when System 7-tan lost the battle against 95-tan, System 6-tan lost her respect for her :(

But... since that picture you say is of System 7-tan in the future, that means her younger sisters will know how tough and powerful she used to be and System 6-tan will have respect for her again! (well, that is if System 7-tan is willing to forgive her)

And System 7-tan does look a lot like Shana in that picture! No word on whether she'll start using the phrase "URASAI URASAI URASAI!!" though. ^^

Quote from: "Exa"Wow... that MacOS7-tan is cool! I don't want to be her enemy...  ;012

Yeah! When she regains her confidence and power and starts using her katana again like in the picture C-Chan drew, she will be a formidable OS-tan again and give those enemies a good slicin' and dicin'! :D


To complete the Shana image, we needs a bunch of sparks and fire! ^^

Or maybe just some melon pan. that should do it. XD
...btw, it's all Shana's fault that I like meron pan.


QuoteBut... since that picture you say is of System 7-tan in the future, that means her younger sisters will know how tough and powerful she used to be and System 6-tan will have respect for her again! (well, that is if System 7-tan is willing to forgive her)

Fufufu... well, OS7-san strikes me as a tough cookie.  ^__^
So I can see her easily dispensing with forgiveness,... Cause no matter what they may have thought of her for the past decade or so, as long the family is kept together that's good enough for her.  -v-

Of course, you're her creator, so it's really up to you to determine what will really happen to OS7.  I'm just brainstorming, is all....  ^__^

Still not sure why I drew the OSX-kuns as kittens, though.... -v-

Either cause that's how she sees them in her mind,... Or maybe some troublemaker decided to capture them and do a little reverse engineering, meanwhile OS7-san was the only one genuinely worried about them.  ^.^

All hypothetics anyway, cause we won't have to worry about this for a long time.  ^__^

QuoteAnd System 7-tan does look a lot like Shana in that picture! No word on whether she'll start using the phrase "URASAI URASAI URASAI!!" though. ^^

QuoteTo complete the Shana image, we needs a bunch of sparks and fire! ^^

Or maybe just some melon pan. that should do it. XD
...btw, it's all Shana's fault that I like meron pan.

*taking down notes*

Melon bread....

Though now I'm treading dangerously-close to rip-off status.  ^^;

*crosses off "sparks"*

Okey-dokey.  ^.^

QuoteYeah! When she regains her confidence and power and starts using her katana again like in the picture C-Chan drew, she will be a formidable OS-tan again and give those enemies a good slicin' and dicin'!

Preferrably dicin',...
Cause any SLOB can slice an opponent... *thinks sword-wielding Windows-tan*
But only a true pro can dice and julian-cut her enemies!  ^v^

Aurora Borealis

You drew the OSX-kuns as kittens because they're cute in kitten form! Or maybe System 5-tan and her friends captured the OSX-kuns and did reverse engineering (or maybe took them to QNX-tan's house and asked nicely if she could reverse engineer them, and wanting to try out her reverse-engineering machine, she does) to make them into kittens! :D

I was kinda kidding about adding in more Shana references but I might be able to add in a Shana parody scene in ZS at some point!

Uh oh... what's that? 95-tan heard you! *puts on military commander helmet* Mac-tans- Get your bombs, bazookas, katanas and magic and defend the stations and the nearby members, folks!


Oh-hohoho!  ^0^

Mattaku,...  95-tan is soooo self-conscious..... -v-

Need I remind her that she's not the ONLY sword-wielder in the Windows Family....  -.-

(Fufufu,... methinks I can have fun with this....   Ã,¬vÃ,¬)

But just in case, yeah get all that stuff ready.  ^__^
Not sure what the OSX kitties use for defense,... claws maybe?  '_'
Oh well, whatever, bring that too, just to get some young blood on board.  ^___^

QuoteYou drew the OSX-kuns as kittens because they're cute in kitten form! Or maybe System 5-tan and her friends captured the OSX-kuns and did reverse engineering (or maybe took them to QNX-tan's house and asked nicely if she could reverse engineer them, and wanting to try out her reverse-engineering machine, she does) to make them into kittens!

Yep, something like that could work.  Probably started as a joke and unwittingly rekindled OS7's flaming red-hot spirit.  (there we go with the Shana references again...)  ^v^'

Probably would scare the heck out of them too, seeing the emo girl suddenly go "gangsta" on them.  ^^;

Aurora Borealis

Are you calling the other Mac-tans old?! *bazookas, bombs, magic and katanas and hammers (no! I forgot System 1-tan! I UNSMART!!) start pointing C-Chan's way* And aw man! I forgot that 2K-tan is also sometimes seen wielding a sword too! But 2K-tan without her glasses? Does not compute!


Awww crap,... I think I'll take my chances with 95-chan right about now.... ^^;

*starts to slowly squirm away*


there are better, and more mecha versions of 2ks sword
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "C-Chan"Oh-hohoho!  ^0^

Mattaku,...  95-tan is soooo self-conscious..... -v-

Need I remind her that she's not the ONLY sword-wielder in the Windows Family....  -.-

And don't forget the scallion-wielders, too! ^_^


Quotethere are better, and more mecha versions of 2ks sword

Oh yeah, I know.  I've played that game, ya know.... -v-

It's just that that particular image appeared in the random picture viewer right before I came here to post, so I took it as a Sign from the Gods.  ^___^

"Thou shalt use that 2K-tan image!", and stuff... -v-

QuoteAnd don't forget the scallion-wielders, too!

Yeah, ME-tan and her killer Cowlick of Death is surely something to watch out for.  ^___^

And now that you mention it, I once saw a picture of Mama NT-tan wielding a thin sword.  Should try looking for it later.... -v-

See, the entire Windows Family is filled with viscious psycho women!  ^.^

Oh right, almost forgot this.....  -v-

QuoteDon't get caught up in the idea that it was the OSes fighting the wars. Back then, it was computer manufacturers who were doing the fighting. It wasn't until the conflict between Gary Kildall and Bill Gates that OSes mattered. I think that that would be done best through an "opening crawl" intro of sorts:

Episode I: The Blue Menace

Turmoil has engulfed the computer market. The domination of the future market is in dispute.

Hoping to resolve the matter with a ton of cheaply priced computers, IBM has taken the computer market overnight.

While other computer manufacturers endlessly debate this alarming chain of events, Steve Jobs has secretly dispatched two OS-Tans, the guardians of peace and justice in the market, to settle the confilct...

I wonder how true that is with home/small business computers versus the large industrial mainframes and mini computers of that era (= Unix domain).  -v-

But you do touch upon the point I keep stressing -- aside from the usual competition, the OS-tan world was relatively peaceful in that era.  And yes, hardware mattered over software (now know one cares if your computer is Dell Gateway or Alienware as long as it runs Windows!), although I definitely and unintentionally blurred the line with some of my OS-tans (e.g., Apple II-tan, Commodore 64-tan, etc.)

But yes, the companies did most of the fighting, winning, losing, brilliant maneuvers, stupid mistakes, etc., while the OS-tans simply went about their lives, doing as they were told sometimes, making a name for themselves other times, but all in all just living and letting others live.

It's only later beginning in the early 90's, with the double onslaught of the OS War and the UNIX wars, that things got ugly and personal, with very few systems left unaffected in some way.

So yeah, the Star Wars parallel works quite nicely here.  ^___^


Quote from: "C-Chan"

See, the entire Windows Family is filled with viscious psycho women!  ^.^

You see it wrong. They're not vicious, they're just well-trained and can protect theirselves!


The same can be said of Stinku, and you know that hidden behind that calm and professional facade is a viscious psycho woman!  `v'