Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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I wouldn't mind some of the coins.  They're all aluminum, so they last very long and the conversion rate is respectable.  -v-

Anyway, sorry I'm late Aurora and sorry I have to delay my praise as I've overextended myself yet again.  ^__^'

But here's a prize for your superb Christmas rendition:

Demand that Fedora-Tan upload that to the front page for me....
Or I'll just do that myself when I get the chance.  ^^;

Take care!  ^v^

*trots off*

Added after 13 hours 13 minutes:


Time for some responsive goodness...  ^___^

QuoteOh yes! The House of Mac may not be the most powerful faction but it sure is the craziest faction!
Another reason I like the Mac-tans!

With a crazy terminator girl equipped with a bazooka, a prankster phantom, a fiesty newspeaking rebel, a girl who wants to rewrite history, a hyper-natured vintage-fashion raver, an emo gangster, a boxcar-driving musician cursed with being perpetually drunk (just to mention a few)...

Yeah. The House of Mac is going to be might crazy! WHOO-HOO!!

Fufufu....  Yeah, in one of my imaginary story ideas, I have PET-chan visiting the House of Mac.  The setting is the same as in the Mac Manga, but clearly now that 10 times more characters are living under the same roof, the level of insanity is off the chart.  For some reason, I imagined the following:

    The OSX-kuns are actually frightened out of their wits of Cheetah-sama, who for some mysterious reason demands that they call her "The Queen".

    In fact, now that the Mac House male-to-female ratio has tipped in favor of the girls, much of the drive of the OSX-kuns now is to return time-honored "traditional perversion".

    OS3-chan is very possessive of OS9-kun and loves to drag him everywhere.  Might be due to the love of a sweet older sister,... or it could just be that OS9-kun is the only guy nice enough to be a pack mule for all her shopping needs.  ^^'

    Due to the chaos, guests are pretty much ignored for the first 15 minutes, with two exceptions:

    One is OS5-chan, who just tries to scare them.

    The other are the iPod-tans, most of whom huddle around guests like refugees of some ongoing torment.  -v-

    OS8-tan and Generic Mac are inseparable, but Generic Mac and Tiger-sama have a little power-struggle going and tend to argue an awful lot.

    Sonata-san and OS9.2-tan are the same way, but tend to be a lot more subtle with their competitiveness.

    Never ask OS2-tan a question, if you don't have the patience to sit through four hours of lecture.

    Likewise, never eat anything cooked by Puma-chan.  There's a reason why she has a confidence problem.  ^^'

QuoteOh, and I can't wait for the picture with QNX-sama in it!

I hope you'll like it.  It's her and yet it's not her....  ^__^'
Good thing is that, for the first time ever, all members of the A$C will be shown together....
Sort of...  ^___^

QuoteAnd a Pudding-inspired is what Darwin OS-tan shall be!  

QuoteAnd I got that OS-tan Xmas special picture done!

And sorry to say I ran out of time again, but the next chance I get I'm going to relish it like a tasty pig snack...  ^__^

See ya later!  ^v^


Okey-dokey, I'm back.  ^__^

Let me begin where I left off.  -v-

RedHat Enterprise-tan is apparently the Santa, which would suit her well for obvious reasons but is actually ironic as she is an entrepreneur (and sorta on the megalomaniacal side as well. At least in ZS.) who sells stuff as opposed to giving it away. Humbug?--

Hehe,.. well in this Corporatized day and age, the two really aren't that different anyway.  ^^'
But in any case, magnficent choice on using Redhat-tan as Santa!!!
Clearly the shoe fits perfectly for her, as she looks like she was practically MADE for the role!!!  ^v^

Her cute little sister besider her compliments the cuteness to the point I'm ready to swoon from the sensory overload.  *v*

Quote*smacked in the head with a suitca--*

(RedHat-tan talking): "Hey wait a minute! This isn't my suitcase! Well, this santa bag will work just as well. At least I'm smacking you free of charge!"

*smacked with a santa bag*

Ooh! Pretty colors!

That does it.... -v-

*swoons from the sensory overload*

QuoteAnd that is DSL-tan sitting on her head! DSL-tan likes sitting on peoples heads and sometimes hides under unsuspecting peoples' hats
This could be foreshadowing something in zerOSanity...

*swoons again*


*swoons yet again just for the helluva it*

See, told you it was a great idea to make her very very small.  ^__^
That way she can hide in all SORTS of interesting places.  ^v^

Who's to say she hasn't been residing in OSX-tan's apple all this time?  (In ZS, anyway... ^^)

BTW, if we're using the height you established for CE-chan in ZS, that would mean that DSL-tan can technically sit on her head too.  ^.^

Not for too long (can imagine it'd be like a toddler trying to climb on your head), but just enough time for a hilarious moment.  ^.^

QuoteAnd if you look to your lower-left, you'll see a disgruntled Mugshot-tan wondering what the heck she is doing there! (Purple-nosed reindeer girl! ^^ )

Great touch!  ^v^
And yes, she makes a wonderful reindeer.  -v-

QuoteNeXTSTEP-tan and OS X-sama really like that shiny metal cube!
NeXTSTEP-tan is fascinated with cube-shaped things and OS X-sama is fascinated with shiny metal things! Combine them together and-- OOH! SHINY METAL CUBE! *stares* Pretty...

Me likey full-version NeXTSTEP-tan.  ^__^
Ribbon on your OSX-tan's apple is a neat touch.  ^v^

QuoteRhapsody/OS X Server-tan has a basket of egg nog and apparently she's found a happy customer!

(now XP-tan talking) :"I LIKE EGG NOG!"

Now THAT's something I can picture as a good excuse for Rhapsody's perpetual drunkedness.

"One for the customer, one for me,... One for the customer, two for me...."  ^___^

QuoteLinspire-tan thought that ME-tan got frozen solid and is curiously poking "her" with a christmas scallion while the real ME-tan is actually just to the other side of her, chuckling about that!

(now Linspire-tan talking): "Whoa! ME-san is all frozen ~O! I knew she could freeze but this is ridiculous ~O!" *poke* *poke*

Funny.  ^.^
Now that I see it, the pigtailed Linspire is becoming more and more popular I see.  Guess it's not too hard, since she is cuter with her hair lifted like that.  ^__^

QuoteSolaris-tan's got Holiday Java! Or maybe some hot egg nog!

Whoo-boy,.. if it's hot egg nog, hope she doesn't drink too much of it.  The last thing anyone within a 50-mile radius (and not protected inside a bunder) needs is a drunk Solaris-tan.  ^v^;

QuoteI acutally might have rambled on a lot but-- BWAHAHAHAHA! FEAR MY RAMBLING!!

*swoons from pure fear*  XvX

QuoteMS BOB-tan in sort of a Bob the Builder parody with various disgruntled other OS-tans in the background! QNX-sama will be in it too...

QNX-sama!!!  ^v^

Note, methinks DSL-chan can still offer some interesting picture ideas.  ^v^


Okay, now for the recent posts...  -v-


QuoteYIPPEEEEE! With Mac [OS X]-sama, it's complete! And she's cute, maniacal and equipped with a bomb; PERFECT COMBO! Double thumbs up for this!

Thank ye, Aurora.  ^___^
It's nothing compared to your masterpiece, but it's a small token of my appreciation that (when Fedora-Tan is finally hooked up again) will be able to greet you every time you access this site.  ^__^

Here's a zoomed up version:

As you can see, she's in a frenzy, and is pulling back to hurl one of her bombs.  Not very detailed, but since it was gonna be shrunk down anyway...
Don't like that style of eyes either, but had to style-match with the rest of the OS-tans.  ^^'

I omitted the apple on her head due to space constraints (besides, I've seen her just as much without it than with it on).  ^___^

QuoteSounds like an awesome start! And System 3-tan being so posessive of OS 9-kun sounds like such a cute idea! I MUST draw it!

Hehe... Actually, I was planning to draw that too when it was time to make her Wiki avi (like with Leopard-tan, the Wiki Avi would just be a section of a larger pic).

Be sure to watch Super Gals for some ideas. -v-

QuoteBut why are the iPod-tans so scared? Puma-tan's cooking?

Such things are better left to the imagination....  ^.^

Keep in mind that while I wouldn't want to make something as "boobaciously" perverted as the Mac Manga, acknowledgements to the old spirit of perversion would certainly be honored.  -v-
At the very least through innuendo.

QuoteCertain others still using bazookas, hammers, bombs, and magic tricks in the house?

Are you kidding?  ^v^
Let me put it to you this way:
Why else would the OSX-kuns constantly reminisce of the good ol' days when being an honest pervert was easy.  ^__^

Hence their efforts to carry out the Moe Moe Revival Project and conscript all available males (which unfortunately for OS9-kun, means him whether he wants to or not). ^^;

QuoteI wonder what the other Mac-tans would be like in the story! Crazy antics for everyone!

If you think about it, thanks to you, we already outgun the Windows Family in terms of available characters.  ^__^

If there's ever a chance to produce some 4Koma, it'd be an interesting way to experiment with interactions between very different Mac-tans.  ^__^
I'm looking forward to pairing OS9-kun and OS6 and/or Rhapsody-tan for example.  ^__^
Should make for some interesting,... "perspectives"....  -v-

The actual story idea that I mentioned begins with PET-chan's visit to the Mac House, but eventually progresses to the Mainframe Guild.  PETchan (after being coaxed by a little exaggeration from the more melodramatic among the Mac girls) convinces the OSX-kuns to embark on a seemingly impossible journey to seek the power of the "Gods" (to make their Moe Moe Revival possible).  Little does she realize that they do in fact (out of pure luck) manage to reach the Mainframe.  Much fun ensues with the giant Mainframe-tans, especially after one of the OSX-kuns very briefly gets control of the OS World console and causes mischief for unsuspecting OS-tans (and rival OS-kuns).

Incidentally, OS9-kun does get dragged into this, but doesn't go along with the perversions and even manages to befriend a sympathetic mainframe-tan (in a scene similar to Macross 7: The Movie).  

QuoteI'm most curious about this! But long live the A$C (I also like them)- I hope that they become powerful and competent one day!

That's another pseudo story plot int he works.  I guess I'll say a little more when I finish the pic and you'll get to meet eCS-tan, but essentially OS/2-tan can't go on forever and (certainly after IBM cuts her off) will have to pass on her legacy to someone younger and fresher.

eCS is a powerful and competent fighter, but is much more cool-headed and has no stomach for carnage.  If she ever leads the A$C, she might actually strive to improve it through reason, not violence.  ^__^

QuoteAww... that's okay! And I wonder what pigs think of as snacks? I mean what they eat as snacks because that last sentence has a double meaning! ^^;

Hehe... double meaning.  ^___^
Well I'm no cannibal, but for us, snacks are just anything that can be eaten in a single mouthful.  The rest I leave to your imagination.  ^^;


Okay, I'm back again.  ^v^

Quote*has mostly recovered from a smack in the head from "Santa"*

Wow! Good point! And speaking of RedHat-tan, shehastheadvantage inthattennismatchagainstSabataninZS!

Oh yeah, I just saw p.21.  ^__^
Remind me to go buy some mayonaisse for the tuna casserole,... bwahaha!!  ^v^

But in any event, Redhat looks cool/cute, although the facefaulting ME-tan and OSX-tan in the background are worth mentioning.  -v-

And how can I forget the lovely QNX-chan.  ^__^

QuoteAs for DSL-tan hiding in OS X-tan's apple the whole time, possibly! Why I could add that in! And in chapter 3, OS X-tan encounters another supermidget, iPod Shuffle-tan! Don't know how small she should be, but I could picture her anywhere between 0'4 and 0'6 and she'll be really random and unpredictable (and often quote and/or sing lyrics from a song, often at random)- just like how the Shuffle is!

Hehe,... well the whole thing about hiding in her apple is old news.  I mentioned that a while ago when I made that collage of her standing on the palm of OSX-tan's hand.  But at 15 pages, it's understandable that little details like that get buried.  -v-

I know there was a "Running Windows" style group pic with all the iPod-tans shown, but now I can't find it.  

In any case, I know that this is how Shuffle-chan is often pictured (just don't mind Jaguar-sama...  ^^; ):

QuoteI agree. I think that the version with her hair down is Linspire's former identity, Lindows and the one with the cool pigtails is Linspire. I've also seen the Linspire-tan have the "Click and Run" logo on her odangos/hair bun-thingies which made me think she is more spefically Linspire Five-O-tan (and why she ends her sentences with ~O in ZS and why she does scallion attack hit-and-runs!  )

That's a good point,... hadn't really occurred to me.  ^__^

One day I hope to make her little sister Freespire-tan.  ^v^

QuoteDrunken Solaris-tan?... All I'd got to say is HIT THE DECK, FOLKS! RUN I SAY, RUN!!!!

*runs*  GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!  ;^0^;

Hehe... too bad all the OS-tans that are powerful enough to match her power all have their own "catches".  ^^'

Probably would be cheaper if we just bought her an espresso machine to cool her down.... -v-'


Now I'm reminded precisely of that OSX/DSL collage I made... -v-'

"That's it, fear me!  Fear the perspective!"

*piggy shudder*  O_O

QuoteI could show what I've got so far in that picture but there are some uncertainties and time paradoxes and might need your two cents about it later

Okey-doke.  ^__^

QuoteOoh! It's even better closeup!

Still wish it were a little more detailed.  Style-matching has its disadvantages.... ^^'

QuoteI'd definently like to see that!

But sadly I've never seen Super Gals ;__;

Shoot, and I have the whole series.  -v-
It's a fun series to watch, but besides that the overall "feel" reminds me of OS3-chan for some reason.  Not that she'd be a "gal" per se (being still old-fashioned and stuff), but the excessive glitz and color and shopping fervor suits her nicely.  ^__^

I might be able to do a fast OS3-chan pic soon, given that it's only for a wiki AVI.  She'd be posing glamorously for the camera, one hand grabbing her hat, the other holding up a small shopping bag.  Behind her is OS9-kun carrying the rest of her purchased items, looking back with yearning as Windows ME-chan and OSR 2.5-sama walk past them in the distance, unaware of their presence.  

QuoteAwesome! Yeah! System 6-tan and Rhapsody-tan should be two of OS 9-kun's protectors! (As well as System 3-tan, obviously  )

Also incidentally with System 6-tan being a terminator (obviously based off the main character from "The Terminator"), terminators are also some sort of robotic security guard characters in "Robocop", a good reason and reference to System 6-tan out to protect OS 9-kun!

BIG DEAL! ^^ (I like this phrase too)

From this pic it would seem that OS9-kun is not particularly tall... that should actually work quite nicely,  ^__^
It would almost seem natural that he would be smothered by the towering OS6-san, Rhapsody-san and Cheetah-san on the one hand, and pushed around by massive, muscular catmen on the other. ^.^

QuoteThat. Sounds. AWESOME!! Also would be cool if the opposing characters to the OS X-kun's perverted ways got some of the mainframe-tans in their favor while the OS X-kuns and supporters (would any Mac-tan actually support them though?) got the other mainframes in their favor and it'd be an epic battle over the Moe Moe Revival!

Not sure if that's possible really.  -v-

You see...

To the average OS-tan (or -kun), the "Mainframe" is the equivalent of Mount Olympus -- where the "gods" of the OS World control its inner workings.  Most -tans don't know or realize that it exists, and with good reason since regular OS-tans (or -kuns) are forbidden to go there unless under very strict allowances.  (any mortal -tan who defies this rule is called a "hacker")

Moreover, the average Mainframe-tan measures anywhere between 50 feet to 150 feet in height, so they LITERALLY look down on any OS-tan/kun.  

Therefore, the small intrusion by the roving band of perverted OSX-kuns would (to them) be akin to a roach infestation...... that needed a good squashing.  ^.^

QuoteWell that's a bummer, but as long as she's still well-remembered and such, she should still be alive! But too bad eCS-tan doesn't like carnage but then again, violence doesn't solve everything! (Although OS/2-tan is likely to object to that though)

hehe,.. well I'm not planning to KILL OS/2-sama.  ^^;
Not physically anyway....

Not only will she be discontinued by IBM, but the truth of her existence will be revealed to her in the end.  Her suspicions about her parent company will finally be proven true, and that will leave her scarred for a long time (not unlike OS7-chan).

On the same token, though, at least her vendetta against the Windows-tans will slowly but surely subside as well.  She still won't like them, but at least she'll no longer blame them for destroying her dreams.  -v-

In any case, the lovely eCS-tan will make it all better.  ^__^

QuoteYou sure you don't want this extra bacon strip I found?


QuoteAnd this is the 300 post GET! 100 x 3 and speaking of 3, I got this System 3-tan full-body picture done yesterday but realized this would be the perfect time to post it!

She's got a magical paintbucket! ^^

WAAAHOO!!!! SHE'S "RO-BU-RI-!!"  ^V^

Especially now that she's full-ver, it'll be easier for me to draw.  ^___^
And yes, it's definite....
She's my favorite classic Mac!  ^v^

(and somehow I can picture her being the best of friends with Amiga-chan, even if they were once [technically] rivals in the market....  ^v^;)


I just wanted to let you know, Aurora and C-Chan, that I'm loving all these
wonderful drawings and the discussions which go with them!  It's like having
a corner-of-the-room seat at The Secret Planning Conference On the Future
Of the OS-tans


Please don't think my usual silence indicates disinterest, because it doesn't!  
Now, go right ahead with what you were doing and don't mind my eating
popcorn back here in the corner.




Please don't think my usual silence indicates disinterest, because it doesn't!

Same here, it's not because i don't post that i'm not interested, i just don't post when i've nothing to tell :D

Besides, remember that anyone wanting a dedicated space on the gallery just have to ask :) If you feel some / all of your creations fits the gallery, you're very welcome to put them there (request a personnal gallery if they're yours).

Added after 6 minutes:

By PM, the request ^_^


Fufu,... we have the Cat-san and Fedora-dono for an audience....  ^___^'


It's time to talk about the User Space Gang then..... -v-

It may not look it, but I hope to give Plan 9-sama and Inferno-chan the same kind of exposure as I'm doing with OS/2.  ^__^


QuoteTrue. Tend to forget things that were posted in a 15 page-long thread! But wow- 15 pages! I can still add in a scene in ZS when DSL-tan sneaks out her apple when no one is looking or noticing!

Hoe?!  O.O
They can look at her and notice her?!  OvO'

I thought that wasn't possible without a magnifying glass.  ^^'

Hohoho... *imagines DSL popping out of the apple, doing some morning exercise, foraging, singing, taking a nap, then descending back in without so much as an eyebrow raised by surrounding OS-tans*  ^v^'

QuoteI didn't know that Linspire-tan had a sister!

Sou, sou, and she's quite the cutie too.  ^.^
Free too, but just not as patient with novices as her onee-san....  ^^


BTW, now that we're on the subject of Solaris-sama, I wonder if you've ever watched the Slayers series before.  If so, you'll probably get it when I say that Solaris reminds me of Luna Inverse.  Right down to the fact that she's a waitress, an EXTREMELY powerful sorcerous and can strike terror into the hearts of people that normally strike terror into the hearts of others.... ^^'

QuoteOh yeah! I remember that!

"Can you survive a 5-foot drop?"

The little lassie should be grateful it wasn't Barbie-tan doing that.  ^^'

Or worse,... a Mainframe-tan.... -v-

QuoteHere's what I got in the picture so far! BOB-tan is like "No! this isn't what it looks like!" System 1-tan is disgruntled and wants her hammer back, QNX-tan is on the roof of the "building" with two of her friends (could have also added in her friends from the A$C but I wasn't sure if I had the room to do so (I guess that's what Photoshop is for! ^^)

It's looking quite fine already.  ^v^
OS1-chan is a nice touch cause she strikes me as a rarer character, but I love the expressions of all the tans in the background.  ^^

I'm guessing BOB-chan's panic is more so since she probably doesn't understand a thing OS1-chan's saying.  ^v^

If you want to add some A$C characters, fortunately all of them were around in that time period [except eCS, but she's not technically an A$C member].

But RISC-tan is probably your safest bet, since OS/2 and 95 wouldn't have tolerated breathing the same air and you haven't seen Tandy yet.  Besides, the A$C wasn't formed back then, so RISC is probably the only one who might've been acquainted with QNX.

QuoteAnd what makes this a possible time paradox is that System 7-tan and 95-tan are apparently their younger selves, during the time BOB was introduced and although they hate each other, they do agree that BOB-tan must be stopped!

Ehhh,... those were different times, you know....
Back then, enemies still had mutual respect for one another and would occasionally engage in some chivalrous pastime before setting off to, um,... kill eachother.  ^^'

Even OS/2 and 95 were like that for a while.  -v-

QuoteBut if that's the time period, QNX/Neutrino-tan would be the original version instead of the Neutrino version and would probably be different from how she is now but I'm not sure.

Simple solution:  make her younger-looking.
In her, Pre-Warp years, OS/2 did not have her glasses.  And when she first came out in 1987, she was pretty much a kid.  ^^
[Which is why she got along so well with Win2, MSDOS and PCDOS back then, to the point of promising to be friends forever -- only to have that friendship torn apart for them years later.]

QuoteAnd for the heck of it, I was going to have one of the girls on the roof be playing a fiddle-- Fiddle on the Roof!

Meh,.. it'd be an obscure reference, unless you can get a magically-gifted OS-tan of that era [which now that I think about it, that sort of fits RISC-chan.... -.-]

QuoteAlso, what other OS-tans should be added in to crank up the craziness?

It still strikes me that OS2-chan is nowhere in sight.  Guess she's slacking off in her duties to protect her crazy older sister.  ^^'

QuoteCan't wait to see that! It'll be nice to System 3-tan! It'd also be nice to see OSR 2.5-sama and OS9-kun because they don't get enough fanart ;__;

Hehe,... well I already did some OSR 2.5-sama fanart a few times already, so I actually run the risk of overusing her.  ^^'

It would be my first OS9-kun (and if anything, my first OS-kun), though, but it shouldn't be too bad.  He's a fine lad, and much more deserving of being drawn than those infernal Windows-kuns (except Homeo, who is tormented by everyone, the poor boy... ;-; ).

QuoteGlad you added those things onto System 3-tan's personality because I wasn't really too sure what to do. Still not entirely sure about System 4-tan's personality but I was thinking something like System 3-tan's (being very cheerful and all) but tomboyish and hyper- does that sound good?

Fufufu... tis my pleasure.  I have to think about these things anyway for the Annex, so consider it also my duty.  ^^

And as for OS4-chan....


Tomboyish and hyper.....
Tomboyish and hyper.....
Tomboyish and hyper..........


TOMO-CHAN!!!!!!!!! ^V^
From Azumanga Daioh.  -v-

Minus the mischief, but with a comparable level of smarts.  ^^'
She is old, after all, so she can't be TOO smart compared to tans these days.... ^v^'

QuoteOS9-kun seems to be about ME-tan's height (5'0) but how tall are Cheetah-tan and the catmen?

Nope.  Look carefully and you'll notice that ME-chan has to look up to him all the time.  But it's not a lot, so clearly it's only a matter of inches.  My guess is that he's no more than 5'4", maybe even just a little less.  

The OSX-kuns are easily big, brawny 6-footers, if not a little more so [given the pro-wrestler look].  
Personally I'd rather keep it at 6' just so OS6-chan would look more intimidating to them [aside from being naturally-stronger than all of them combined].  ^^'

And as for Cheetah-sama, hmmm,....


Well you're the Mac user,... -v-
You come up with a nice realistic height for her personality type.  ^^
I'd say she's the tallest and most mature-looking of all the OSX catgirls, but I wouldn't put her an inch over Rhapsody-tan just to keep things consistent.  -v-

QuoteOh. Would have made a really cool plot twist though!

And out of all the Mac-tans, which would be in favor of what the OSX-kuns are doing and which would be in opposition?

Don't worry, you'll see plenty of plot twists and turns with the A$C, the Linux-Unix Consortium, the User Space Ganga and the CIOST.  They're the only ones actively trying to complicate their lives, whereas life at the Binteji Renmei is mellow and at the Mac House its... "fun".  ^^;

Who would be CRAZY enough to be in favor of what the OSX-kuns are doing?!!  You mean other than Toshiaki?!!  OO;


It's a tough call, but I'd say OS5-tan since they can't do anything to her anyway, and besides she's a mischief player just like they are.  ^^;

In addition, call me crazy, but I get the impression that OS7 would sympathize with them as well.  She respects them for leaving her alone from all their perversions (deep down inside, the OSX-kuns are honorable cats) and also quietly admires their youthful, carefree spirit.  It'd be nice if perhaps,... several years down the line,... she may recover from her depression thanks to the therapeutic power of those big lugs.  ^v^

QuoteBut I just hope that OS/2-tan doesn't get as badly mentally scarred as System 7-tan! Emo trekkies are just as scary if not scarier than emo gangsters! *pulls out "Scary" tag* SCAAAAARRRYYYY!

Hehe... yeah,... fear her,... Fear the manic-depressive Trekkie....  `v'

"They did WHAT for Star Trek Nemesis?!!!  NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"  *goes postal with her phaser*

QuoteGlad you like her! ^^

But you also said that System 5-tan was another favorite but now she's sad ;__;

Shoot,... guess I'll have to start a love triangle then.... -v-

*poses melodramatically*

Ohhhh,... two cute girls vying for the love of a pig....  *v*
Ahhh!  What an interesting situation!  ^.^

*swoons melodramatically*

QuoteMe having my own gallery could really help contribute to the whole OS-tan gallery! I should take that into consideration!

*clears throat*  I know this is buried in said 15 pages, but you sorta claimed to have taken that into consideration 2 months ago.  ^-^'
Hopefully now you will start downloading stuff to the gallery.  -v-


I'm sorry to not contribute any to this thread, but I am so lost amongst these long posts with quotes and responses.  ^^;


Wuss alert, wuss alert!  ^v^

hehe,... just kidding.  ^___^

Fortunately, I'm short on time, so for the first time in a couple of days, I'll have to leave a short post for now.  ^^'

Basically have to say three things:

1)  SomethingAwful-tan is funny.  ^^

2)  Darwin-tan is drop-dead cute.  ^v^

3)  Not done yet, but since you've been nice enough to show everyone your sketches, I figured I'd do the same.  This still needs RISC, QNX, Tandy, shading, and some textures, but at least the hardest parts are done.  ^^

Please say hello to eCS-chan.... ^v^

(Oh, and yes she is also a seamstress part-time -- very handy if you want to make your own plushies.  ^.^)


As I've mentioned here before, I quite enjoy reading the goings-on in this thread.  However, in light of SleepyD's statement regarding long-ish posts, I'm going to unburden myself.

Is there some reason this thread has to be a mile wide?  Frankly, I hate (as in "hate") having to scroll back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth just to read a god-damned sentence!

They have these software gadgets now, variously called "graphics editors" or "image editors" or "photo editors," which allow images to be re-sized!  Honest!  For example, you can take an image which is 1500 pixels in width and shrink it down to only 500 pixels in width ââ,¬â€ a width which actually fits on a thread page and doesn't require readers to scroll back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth just to read the narrative!


Also, there a thing called "remote linking."  What remote linking allows you to do is post a small image ("small" in this case may be taken to mean no larger than 500 pixels in width) on the thread ââ,¬â€ that's so people don't have to scroll back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth just to read the narrative ââ,¬â€ whilst hyper-linking it to a really-big image someplace else.  Neat, huh?




Heya Aurora!  ;hi

I read that you were planning to make your own artwork on OS9-kun (or Kyouru-kun), although I have some little suggestions.

I never really wanna interfere on your works, but as a OS9-kun fan I don't think Os9-kun is a guy who should be guarded. I don't even know why he should be guarded. :D

But if that's what you wanted, well I can assure you that I'll still be excited to see it, but wouldn't be Os9-kun's character be more interesting if he is portrayed as a wanderer. Sure he is dedicated for manpower services around the Mac area like the OSX-kuns but his character in general is to be someone like the one who wanders around the Os-tan community or the Nijiura/Futaba community and knows what's outside those walls and also he talks to some people outside. What's more interesting is that most people in the community didn't know that he is  a photographer and a columnist of a magazine :D

Keep up and more power to you Aurora!

(By the way, I LOVE your rendition of RedHat-tan. I really wish more people draw more Linux distros and make some 4komas of it!)


Haha!!  Wow, it's so rare to see the cat pissed off, it's almost worth doing that again!  ^v^

*marks 2nd tally on strike sheet*

That's two... -v-

But truth be told, it does look worse on the low-res screen at work, in lieu of some very useful doohickies called "copy-n-paste" and "Notepad".  So very well then....  ^^

QuotePS: On Wakachan, a member called Unix "Unix-tan".

Well,... Guess I'm off to start an inquisition.  `v'

QuoteBut if that's what you wanted, well I can assure you that I'll still be excited to see it, but wouldn't be Os9-kun's character be more interesting if he is portrayed as a wanderer. Sure he is dedicated for manpower services around the Mac area like the OSX-kuns but his character in general is to be someone like the one who wanders around the Os-tan community or the Nijiura/Futaba community and knows what's outside those walls and also he talks to some people outside. What's more interesting is that most people in the community didn't know that he is a photographer and a columnist of a magazine  

Right right, well don't get us wrong, OS9-kun is by all accounts a loner.  ^__^
But that's where the comic part comes in, as he's often dragged into things against his will.  Plus his mood never really changes, so he can get breast smothered or shoved into some perverted stunt, and still remain fairly non-chalant about it.  If not pressured to do something, his first reaction is to just walk away.

I'll be back to reply to more.  ^___^


Thank you very much, C-Chan, for considering my petition!





*stares in awe*! eCS-tan looks great! Now, under normal circumstances, you'd receive some potatoes or the KAWAII TO THE MAX! Award, but this warrants something different. As you know, I've been raiding several islands in the Pacific for treasure, and found several flying turtles. Since eCS-tan isn't to "blow yer brains out" cute, I think that this deserves a:

Please note: There are flying turtles. They don't fly in the air. They're not nearly as cute as Love Hina makes 'em seem. But they're pretty darn cool.