Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteACK! OF COURSE!! I should have guessed her! Now I finally understand the hint of the mystery Apple-tan being extremely difficult to divulge secrets from... It's Lisa-tan because she no longer talks and also because aside from Apple ][-tan, she was the only other Apple-tan around to have known Apple I-tan when alive!

And she was also literally right under your nose,... to the point of being one of the main characters of the comic you're working on.  ^.^

The way I see it is this:  ][-chan knew her for the longest, and System 1-chan didn't get to know her at all.  Lisa-chan, therefore, knew her only for a very brief time (maybe only a matter of months or less) -- just long enough to develop the yearning for a mother figure, but not long enough to have really known her as much as her older sister.

QuoteBTW, do all of the Apple-tans know of Apple I-tan and what she was like (through ][-tan's stories of her) or is her existance only known to her and Lisa-tan?

Well the Apple execs aren't as keen as their M$ counterparts to "delete" inconvenient truths about the past,... Certainly the older Mac-tans and other hardcore followers know about the venerable I-sama.  There have even been leaked stories about the Mausoleum, although not explicitly tied to  I-sama (more like vague "Fountain of Youth" or "Sleeping Beauty"-style legends and fables about secret rooms, chambers, catacombs, and treasures hidden deep in the heart of Apple HQ or buried in some remote corner of the Plantations or destroyed during the War).

However, like all history, it gets casually forgotten with each passing generation.  The younger Mac-tans and OSX-tans have their own problems to worry about, or are rather fun-loving and forward-thinking to really appreciate I-sama as anything more than that "great-grandmother".  Not to mention that the OS wars in the 90's wrecked havoc in the family -- and in their desperate struggle to survive, more than a lot of important things had to be left behind and forgotten.

Who's to say the Mausoleum isn't still hidden among the ruins of the old Capital?  `v'

Ahhh,... the plot deepends.  ^___^

Incidentally, the mausoleum DOES exist in real life (kinda sorta).  Aurora-hime, of all people, should know about it.  ^.^

QuoteAny chance of the whole Apple family ever visiting the mausoleum either?

That's probably just as likely as 7-san finally speaking and leading a normal life.  It can happen, but not until many years from now.  It would have to be a very special, sentimental moment, best reserved for an epic tearjerker.  ^___^


QuoteThe next one I had in mind would start off with something that wouldn't be out of place in ZS but the flashback takes a turn for the serious, violent and even sappy!

Oh, I read what you wrote before the black hole sucked up our posts. I can't wait to see this...!

QuoteSpeaking of C128-tan, do you have a present day design planned for her? Because another comic idea I had in mind would involve her (a story that takes place in 2005 with C128-tan and C64-tan reuniting with Quantum Link-tan and the three of them travel to Quantum Link-tan's abandoned resort and take back the island!)

Oooh, that sounds like a neat idea!

QuoteI've got an idea as for how Altair-tan joins them... She finally joined after years of putting it off. She knew she caused her own demise from the competition, and knew that she is frail and accident prone but remained a wanderer by choice for some time, not wanting to give up until one day she gets chased and attacked by a group of bootleg OS-tans and runs for her life (at least she is a fast runner. The Altair 8800 had a clock speed of 2 MHz which was pretty fast in mid 1970's!) and while the enemies completely lose track of her, Altair-tan stumbles upon the Binteeji Renmei again.

She must have been a good jumper, too, cause don't the Vintage-tans live in an isolated walled city or something?

(I think...that was a Haibane Renmei reference)

But seriously...this sounds like a good story, too. Poor Altair-san, she had a pretty bad life...

QuoteExtremely nervous, she reluctantly enters mainly because it is much safer than being a wanderer (and she is lucky to last as long as she had!). When being introduced to the Binteeji girls, Altair-tan appears frightened knowing that she has now encountered the girls whose advancements even knocked out IMSAI 8080-tan from the competition! (and ending the era of microcomputers that operate with switches and blinking lights, giving way for OSes with command lines and GUIs!)

[which then leads to Altair-tan meeting Windows 1.0-tan and 2.0-tan, with ZX Spectrum-tan telling about the discovery...] least she found some peace in the end, though. And yeah, I can see where being around those relatively advanced OS-tans would be intimidating for her!

Ahh, you make me think of how neat it would be to do a comic about the Vintage-tans. I suppose it could be done more as a compilation of short stories about each -tan...

QuoteIt looks like we've got a mystery on our hands!

M$ loves keeping stuff secret. Case closed :P

QuoteWhat was the other half? I'm curious!

Yes, please tell! Although, I have a few ideas myself...

QuoteOh yeah I've worn high-heels. Painful and I can barely run in them T__T

I've never worn real spike heels or anything, if I'm going to some sort of formal event I usually try to wear shorter high heels shoes or something. Or boots :P

QuoteDoes OS-9-tan count? she'd be considered a deviant, especially considering how she dissed Unix out loud AND right in front of her!

Wow, never thought of who OS9-tan would be aligned with. I always assumed she'd be an independent or wanderer...but then again, I suppose the Unix War wasn't limited to only those close to Unix-sama and her immediate family.

But yeah, OS9-tan...she twas and continues to be an outright blasphemer XD

QuoteHere is page 1-4!

Aww, that's nice, System 1-chan gets to hang out with Apple ][-san. Taking her work outfit off in panel 9, System 1-chan looks especially heroic. But then Lisa-san ruins the moment. :P

QuoteThe notion that Apple I-sama died alone, as is officially recorded,.... is,... not......... e-n-t-i-r-e-l-y,....... accurate...... ¬.¬'

Hmmmm...was Lisa-san with her...?

QuoteAnd she was also literally right under your nose,... to the point of being one of the main characters of the comic you're working on. ^.^

The way I see it is this: ][-chan knew her for the longest, and System 1-chan didn't get to know her at all. Lisa-chan, therefore, knew her only for a very brief time (maybe only a matter of months or less) -- just long enough to develop the yearning for a mother figure, but not long enough to have really known her as much as her older sister.

How sad!

QuoteWell the Apple execs aren't as keen as their M$ counterparts to "delete" inconvenient truths about the past,... Certainly the older Mac-tans and other hardcore followers know about the venerable I-sama. There have even been leaked stories about the Mausoleum, although not explicitly tied to I-sama (more like vague "Fountain of Youth" or "Sleeping Beauty"-style legends and fables about secret rooms, chambers, catacombs, and treasures hidden deep in the heart of Apple HQ or buried in some remote corner of the Plantations or destroyed during the War).

Ah, the mysterious labyrinths of Cupertino, California...

QuoteHowever, like all history, it gets casually forgotten with each passing generation. The younger Mac-tans and OSX-tans have their own problems to worry about, or are rather fun-loving and forward-thinking to really appreciate I-sama as anything more than that "great-grandmother". Not to mention that the OS wars in the 90's wrecked havoc in the family -- and in their desperate struggle to survive, more than a lot of important things had to be left behind and forgotten.

Yeah, I always figured the OS X-tans would be much to fun loving and optimistic to think much about their family's early history and hardships...for all their lives, things have been pretty easy, and I bet they'd rather not think of their terrible past -___-

QuoteWho's to say the Mausoleum isn't still hidden among the ruins of the old Capital? `v'

Ahhh,... the plot deepends. ^___^

Incidentally, the mausoleum DOES exist in real life (kinda sorta). Aurora-hime, of all people, should know about it. ^.^

Oooh, oooh, is it at a computer museum or something? :P

QuoteThat's probably just as likely as 7-san finally speaking and leading a normal life. It can happen, but not until many years from now. It would have to be a very special, sentimental moment, best reserved for an epic tearjerker. ^___^


No really, that would be a very bittersweet moment.

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"
And she was also literally right under your nose,... to the point of being one of the main characters of the comic you're working on.  ^.^

The way I see it is this:  ][-chan knew her for the longest, and System 1-chan didn't get to know her at all.  Lisa-chan, therefore, knew her only for a very brief time (maybe only a matter of months or less) -- just long enough to develop the yearning for a mother figure, but not long enough to have really known her as much as her older sister.
Aww. How sad. Lisa-tan didn't get to know her for very long and System 1-tan didn't even get to know her at all (at least according to my crazy theories, she would have been around in the early 80's although under development and before release)

But Lisa-tan somehow witnessed Apple I-tan's death? And if so, was she wracked with so much sadness that she tried to hide it by acting like a primadonna and taking her frustruations out on her younger sister? (aside from being spoiled too much)


Well the Apple execs aren't as keen as their M$ counterparts to "delete" inconvenient truths about the past,... Certainly the older Mac-tans and other hardcore followers know about the venerable I-sama.
That's cool that some of the Mac-tans know of Apple I-sama! :D

There have even been leaked stories about the Mausoleum, although not explicitly tied to  I-sama (more like vague "Fountain of Youth" or "Sleeping Beauty"-style legends and fables about secret rooms, chambers, catacombs, and treasures hidden deep in the heart of Apple HQ or buried in some remote corner of the Plantations or destroyed during the War).
And kinda-sorta-vaguely know of her mausoleum!

However, like all history, it gets casually forgotten with each passing generation.  The younger Mac-tans and OSX-tans have their own problems to worry about, or are rather fun-loving and forward-thinking to really appreciate I-sama as anything more than that "great-grandmother".  Not to mention that the OS wars in the 90's wrecked havoc in the family -- and in their desperate struggle to survive, more than a lot of important things had to be left behind and forgotten.
I am so curious! What kind of hardships did the Mac-tans exactly go through during the OS wars? I know that A/UX-tan was evicted (as a cost-cutting measure) and the Mac-tans had to struggle to keep the company together then but did they really have to fight for their lives and live in poverty for a while?

But according to a conjecture, they didn't lose EVERYTHING (still an old art district in their favor) and Apple ][-tan's farm as well as the Binteeji Renmei were nearby ensuring their survival (did they temporarily join the Binteeji Renmei?)... But how were Apple ][-tan, Lisa-tan and GS/OS-tan affected? (Although in the Binteeji Renmei, did they still have to worry about financial issues like their Mac relatives?)

Who's to say the Mausoleum isn't still hidden among the ruins of the old Capital?  `v'

Ahhh,... the plot deepends.  ^___^

So, the Mac-tans did get displaced...

Incidentally, the mausoleum DOES exist in real life (kinda sorta).  Aurora-hime, of all people, should know about it.  ^.^
I'm stumped again x__x

That's probably just as likely as 7-san finally speaking and leading a normal life.
resisting urge... to make... cynical remark!

It can happen, but not until many years from now.  It would have to be a very special, sentimental moment, best reserved for an epic tearjerker.  ^___^

But really, it would be great to see System 7-tan live a happier and normal life again! (I just happen to be very cynical at times!)


page 1-5! A happy page, with Apple ][-tan and Mac System 1-tan playing together! :D


QuoteAww. How sad. Lisa-tan didn't get to know her for very long and System 1-tan didn't even get to know her at all (at least according to my crazy theories, she would have been around in the early 80's although under development and before release)

Poor System 1-san...

But you do raise the question of when an OS-tan actually comes into it in the planning stage, the development stage, or the release? I've always assumed it was some time between planning and development, with the release date being their "graduation" or whatever.

QuoteBut Lisa-tan somehow witnessed Apple I-tan's death? And if so, was she wracked with so much sadness that she tried to hide it by acting like a primadonna and taking her frustruations out on her younger sister? (aside from being spoiled too much)

It could explain why she was so cruel to those around her...she never wanted to make an emotional bond to anyone else, and risk getting "burnt" she chose to keep her family at a distance from her the only way she knew how, by being mean to them.

Suddenly, I just gained a lot of sympathy for Lisa-san :..(

QuoteThat's cool that some of the Mac-tans know of Apple I-sama!

C'mon, who doesn't know about Apple I-sama! She was built a suburban garage :P

QuoteI am so curious! What kind of hardships did the Mac-tans exactly go through during the OS wars? I know that A/UX-tan was evicted (as a cost-cutting measure) and the Mac-tans had to struggle to keep the company together then but did they really have to fight for their lives and live in poverty for a while?

Don't mind macabre, macabre me...but I always supposed that the Apple OS-tans would have had territory conquered left, right and center by the Windows-tans, and would have been the point of many a (failed) assassination plot (or even attempt)! Their once fine cities would have sunk into the depths of ruins, as did their culture succumb to destruction. And I guess for their troops and stuff...well...I don't think enemies would have had any qualms about doing away with them -___-

QuoteBut according to a conjecture, they didn't lose EVERYTHING (still an old art district in their favor) and Apple ][-tan's farm as well as the Binteeji Renmei were nearby ensuring their survival (did they temporarily join the Binteeji Renmei?)... But how were Apple ][-tan, Lisa-tan and GS/OS-tan affected? (Although in the Binteeji Renmei, did they still have to worry about financial issues like their Mac relatives?)

More conjecture on my part, but I always supposed the Binteeji Renmei would be quite unaffected by the difficulties of the outside world...I don't think the Mac-tans joined them, either, as for all intents and purposes they were still current OS-tans.

I suppose the art district could have survived the destruction (because Apple's big comeback was boosted by the artistic community's favoring of Macs to Windows machines). Ditto for ][-tan's farm...because that likely wouldn't have been a major target.


page 1-5! A happy page, with Apple ][-tan and Mac System 1-tan playing together!

Yay, I was starting to OD on Sap :P

Honestly, I sympathize with Apple 1-chan. Jump rope can be difficult. Seeing the sisters jumping rope together, playing Go Fish, and having a tea party...dressed up and with their teddy bears, no very sweet!

Aurora Borealis

QuoteShe must have been a good jumper, too, cause don't the Vintage-tans live in an isolated walled city or something?

(I think...that was a Haibane Renmei reference)
I'm not sure, but why not?

QuoteBut seriously...this sounds like a good story, too. Poor Altair-san, she had a pretty bad life...
So sad it is. I was thinking about making this story be the third episode of the OS-tan Flashbackstory Chronicles least she found some peace in the end, though. And yeah, I can see where being around those relatively advanced OS-tans would be intimidating for her!
*GASP* Those girls use crazy things called "command lines" to make text appear on a screen! I thought such thing didn't exist outside of science fiction! And even crazier, some of those other girls use something called a "craphical user interface" that allows navigating through graphics! Crazy talk, man! Crazy talk!!</sarcasm>
(Although that was probably what Altair-tan was thinking upon encountering her more advanced competitors)

QuoteAhh, you make me think of how neat it would be to do a comic about the Vintage-tans. I suppose it could be done more as a compilation of short stories about each -tan...
Oh yes, I'd like to see that!

QuoteM$ loves keeping stuff secret. Case closed :P
So true.

QuoteI've never worn real spike heels or anything, if I'm going to some sort of formal event I usually try to wear shorter high heels shoes or something. Or boots :P
Yeah, those are a better choice.

QuoteWow, never thought of who OS9-tan would be aligned with. I always assumed she'd be an independent or wanderer...but then again, I suppose the Unix War wasn't limited to only those close to Unix-sama and her immediate family.
She's proudly an independent, although it seems strange because she is not much of a fighter. But she joined the CIOST out of the desire of being a rebel!

QuoteAww, that's nice, System 1-chan gets to hang out with Apple ][-san. Taking her work outfit off in panel 9, System 1-chan looks especially heroic. But then Lisa-san ruins the moment. :P
Yeah, some happy stuff! (except for the part where Lisa-tan ruins the moment. Even in another room she is still bossy!)

QuoteThe notion that Apple I-sama died alone, as is officially recorded,.... is,... not......... e-n-t-i-r-e-l-y,....... accurate...... ¬.¬'

Hmmmm...was Lisa-san with her...?
I wonder... If Lisa-tan saw Apple I-tan leave and tried to catch up to her but too late...

QuoteYeah, I always figured the OS X-tans would be much to fun loving and optimistic to think much about their family's early history and hardships...for all their lives, things have been pretty easy, and I bet they'd rather not think of their terrible past -___-
Bah, bunch of spoiled children; never having to experience war and displacement like their Classic relatives had to! Half kidding! Half kidding!

But I see how the Classic and OSX-tans all did their part with restoring their culture, territory and company! During the OS-wars, the Mac-tans of the time realized that trying to regain their lost territory would be much too difficult so they focused on putting all of their resources on defending their remaining territory and succeeded through heavy reinforcements, sheer willpower and aid from their supporters. And when Mac OS 8-tan was introduced, she was very successful and brought in some more revenue or at least reduced financial loss (but either way, Mac OS 8 was the fastest-selling software of 1997!) And through a risky but successful gamble, the Macs got NeXTSTEP-tan onto their side. Afterwards, they started rebuilding their territory. Mac OS 9 was another large step forward and is still popular to this day (not to mention that Mac OS 9-tan has lots of fanboys!). Around the time of her introduction, the Macs began rebuilding their formerly posh lifestyle. The Mac OSXs started another revolution and introduced many, many new features and also introduced NeXTSTEP-tan's advanced ways to the masses. So pretty much the Classic Mac-tans rebuilt their company and culture from the brink of failure and the OSX-tans are helping maintaining it.

QuotePoor System 1-san...

But you do raise the question of when an OS-tan actually comes into it in the planning stage, the development stage, or the release? I've always assumed it was some time between planning and development, with the release date being their "graduation" or whatever.
I agree, and that also explains the existance of such OS-tans as Mac System 4.4-tan, 7.7-tan and 8.7-tan who had name changes before release!

QuoteIt could explain why she was so cruel to those around her...she never wanted to make an emotional bond to anyone else, and risk getting "burnt" she chose to keep her family at a distance from her the only way she knew how, by being mean to them.
Well said! ;019

QuoteSuddenly, I just gained a lot of sympathy for Lisa-san :..(
Same here ;__;

QuoteDon't mind macabre, macabre me...but I always supposed that the Apple OS-tans would have had territory conquered left, right and center by the Windows-tans, and would have been the point of many a (failed) assassination plot (or even attempt)! Their once fine cities would have sunk into the depths of ruins, as did their culture succumb to destruction. And I guess for their troops and stuff...well...I don't think enemies would have had any qualms about doing away with them -___-
That was actually what I was kinda, sorta thinking too :(

QuoteMore conjecture on my part, but I always supposed the Binteeji Renmei would be quite unaffected by the difficulties of the outside world...
That sounds right.

QuoteI don't think the Mac-tans joined them, either, as for all intents and purposes they were still current OS-tans.

QuoteYay, I was starting to OD on Sap :P

Honestly, I sympathize with Apple 1-chan. Jump rope can be difficult. Seeing the sisters jumping rope together, playing Go Fish, and having a tea party...dressed up and with their teddy bears, no very sweet!
Don't you mean Macintosh System 1-tan?  ;012
*chuckle chuckle snicker*

Hey, look! Here's a rare sighting: An Aurora double feature! These are rare because when I finish a page, I feel compelled to post it up right away but sometimes waiting to finish multiple pages to post them all up at once is better.

page 1-6:

*sigh* All good things must come to an end at some point, right? What goes up must come down? Lisa-tan orders System 1-tan to do a few more chores.

page 1-7:


Okay, last stop for the evening!!!  ^v^

*types furiously*

Added after 1 hours 48 minutes:

QuoteShe must have been a good jumper, too, cause don't the Vintage-tans live in an isolated walled city or something?

Yeah right,... the Vintage-tans couldn't POSSIBLY afford to build something like that!  >v<

But the Vintage-tans are secretly protected by some Linux-tans, at UNIX-sama's personal request.  So in a way, they do have a very "different" kind of impenetrable wall.  ^^ least she found some peace in the end, though. And yeah, I can see where being around those relatively advanced OS-tans would be intimidating for her!

Fortunately in the Binteji-Renmei, there are also OS-tans that are way OLDER than she is, such as EXEC-sama and ITS-sama.  After a while, that might have served as a kind of counter-balance -- it usually does for most members.  ^^

QuoteAhh, you make me think of how neat it would be to do a comic about the Vintage-tans. I suppose it could be done more as a compilation of short stories about each -tan...

Aww man,... there's just no end of great story ideas, is there?  ^^

QuoteM$ loves keeping stuff secret. Case closed :P

Not to sound anticlimactic, but that's exactly it. Xenix-sama was simply told NOT to talk about Altair-san, especially given her less-than-perfect performance record.  Even the poor DOS twinss were kept in the dark.  ^^'

QuoteYes, please tell! Although, I have a few ideas myself...

Oh, I'm surrounded by impatients!  >v<

Stand by,... I'll be sure to make stuff up momentarily.  ^.^

QuoteI've never worn real spike heels or anything, if I'm going to some sort of formal event I usually try to wear shorter high heels shoes or something. Or boots :P

Boots are fine.  ^__^


Or that is... We are talking non-Combat boots, right?  ^___^'

QuoteWow, never thought of who OS9-tan would be aligned with. I always assumed she'd be an independent or wanderer...but then again, I suppose the Unix War wasn't limited to only those close to Unix-sama and her immediate family.

But yeah, OS9-tan...she twas and continues to be an outright blasphemer XD

I would say not since she's still,... you know.... alive.  ^^'
She dislikes them too much to get herself killed for them.  -v-'

However, she is a reporter, right?  
So most likely she might have at least covered some of the events.

QuoteHmmmm...was Lisa-san with her...?

Correct.  hold on for a sec, I'll explain later.  ^^

Quoteeah, I always figured the OS X-tans would be much to fun loving and optimistic to think much about their family's early history and hardships...for all their lives, things have been pretty easy, and I bet they'd rather not think of their terrible past -___-

Well just consider that that's a fairly normal sentiment among youth's today.  Especially considering tomorrow's date for you, how many people are actually using it to for "memorial" purposes as opposed to just opportune time to shop and barbeque?  ^^'

QuoteOooh, oooh, is it at a computer museum or something? :P

Noooooooooooope.  ^.^
Lesse if Aurora-hime gets it.  ^^

QuoteAww. How sad. Lisa-tan didn't get to know her for very long and System 1-tan didn't even get to know her at all (at least according to my crazy theories, she would have been around in the early 80's although under development and before release)

But Lisa-tan somehow witnessed Apple I-tan's death? And if so, was she wracked with so much sadness that she tried to hide it by acting like a primadonna and taking her frustruations out on her younger sister? (aside from being spoiled too much)

Well not quite verbatim, but correct.  ^^

See,... the great thing about you two girls is that you're both creative enough to figure these things out on your own.  ^.^

Here's a brief Hidden History of Lisa-chan to help explain my warped and twisted way of making this more soap-operaish.... ^^;

    - Apple I-sama is still alive when Lisa-chan is born, but already her health is in decline.

    - So while she does spend some choice moments with her new daughter, she also has to make many preparations to show ][-chan everything that she knows·  Consequently, in order to ensure a future for everyone, including her successors, she had no choice but to spend most of her time with ][-chan.

    - This makes the young Lisa-chan feel lonely and unwanted, but being the darling child of "Father" (who does indeed try to spoil her from the start) she at least doesn't suffer from a complete lack of love.

    - Nevertheless, like any child, she still covets what she doesn't have, and consequently does many things to impress her mother, including working in the field
[or at least trying to at her age] pretending to be ][-chan.

- After a while, it occurs to her that "Mother" loves wooden beadwork -- and despite many setbacks and cuts, she works hard in secret to make one herself, in the hopes that maybe that will win mother's attention.

- Since it's in secret, she has to go out at night (when Apple security was at its poorest) in order to search the forests for the right kind of apple tree wood.  She does this for many weeks, finding ways to not get caught.

- One night, though, as she's busy wondering a more distant area in search for finer pieces, she stumbles upon I-sama lying by a tree.  Inadvertently, she came across her mother in her last throes.

- With the little strength that she has left, she talks to her daughter for a while, regretting that she couldn't spend much time with her.

- Though confused at first, the young Lisa-chan eventually realizes what's happening, and begins to cry and panic, offering tearful pleas and the unfinished necklace to beg her not to go.  This of course saddens I-sama deeply, who apologizes to her daughter before passing away quietly, unable to muster the strength to grasp the necklace.

- Presumably this is very traumatic to Lisa-chan, not only because of the act of losing a mother, but also because the feeling of unwantedness was emphasized further, both by this perceived "abandonment" and by the rejection of the necklace she had poured her heart into.

- In fact, when the Apple Execs find the two, Lisa-chan is in a a near-catatonic state, dismantling the necklace and all around appearing cold and distant to what happened.  Having sunk to a depth of grief and sadness too unbearable for her young mind, she probably repressed it with bitterness, anger and apathy, as if to punish the world for turning its back on her.

- Even while Father and Uncle take her to the Mauseleom, she still refuses to feel sadness or shed a tear, but instead listened to the instructions with cold and calculating attention, not to honor anyone but rather to finally possess something that other people would covet.

- With this vengeful mindset, her spoiled behavior worsened exponentially and paranoia/jealousy developed in turn, especially with System 1-tan and the subsequent sisters who had the "luxury" of starting with a clean-slate.

- Only after the terrible event in 1989 did Lisa-chan's repressed feelings finally return to consume her once more -- in a way, her catatonic state now is not a new occurrence, but rather a continuation of the grief and loneliness she bottled up since 1978.

- Unknownst to her, though, the fact that ][-chan is taking care of her is not just sisterly-love and pity, but also the fulfillment of I-sama's parting wish.  

So now here's the Catch 22 situation....  
Lisa-chan's salvation lies with Apple I-sama, but you can't get to I-sama without Lisa-chan's help.  And it's not a conscious decision on her part to keep the secret to herself at this point -- it's purely a mental issue that has to be dealt with delicately.  @___@

So that's the dilemma, accompanied by massive amounts of sap.  Hopefully that helps explain her character.  

QuoteThat's cool that some of the Mac-tans know of Apple I-sama!

][-chan in particular did much to elevate I-sama to legendary status, what with her vivid storytelling.  This wasn't much the case during the era of your comic, but especially after retirement ][-chan loves to sit around a fire or hearth, and tell stories for hours on end.  ^^

QuoteI am so curious! What kind of hardships did the Mac-tans exactly go through during the OS wars? I know that A/UX-tan was evicted (as a cost-cutting measure) and the Mac-tans had to struggle to keep the company together then but did they really have to fight for their lives and live in poverty for a while?

But according to a conjecture, they didn't lose EVERYTHING (still an old art district in their favor) and Apple ][-tan's farm as well as the Binteeji Renmei were nearby ensuring their survival (did they temporarily join the Binteeji Renmei?)... But how were Apple ][-tan, Lisa-tan and GS/OS-tan affected? (Although in the Binteeji Renmei, did they still have to worry about financial issues like their Mac relatives?)

Well they did kinda lose market dominance in the mid-90's, so you can translate that to lost cities and territories.  @@

And cost-cutting would be more akin to rationing, or melting/dismantling national treasures in order to build defensive stuff.  

In the OS-tan Theories thread, I wrote a whole article about the OS Wars and the personification of the Windows vs Apple battles, showing that the old art districts were essentially their last stand.

The Binteji Renmei, though, didn't exist at the time, nor was ][-chan directly involved in the war (although she did send apples to help relief efforts).  ][-chan and co. led a reasonably-quiet life during the war, although GS/OS-san did have to ward away (at Fire Arrow-point) stray M$ goons and soldiers from time to time.  ^^'

FYI, the Vintage-tans are always worrying about money.  Certainly if a comic series was made of them, half-the-stories would be of them finding ways of earning more money for bread, spare parts that are no longer made, and buying hacked equipment that can still connect them to the modern world a bit.  Since this is unsuccessful most of the time, they either have to make due with whatever's around, or just NOT make due at all... ^.^'


page 1-5! A happy page, with Apple ][-tan and Mac System 1-tan playing together!

Oh boy,... all that typing left me reeling.  >v<

In any event, I came for the awesome comic panels, so by GAWD I'm gonna at least compliment them!  >.<

This one does a fantastic job of highlighting the beauty of sisterly love!  The playtime is so rich and pleasant, it definitely makes one nostalgic of simpler times!  ^____^

The jump rope scene is my favorite, although the tea time one is very creative.  ^___^

QuoteBut you do raise the question of when an OS-tan actually comes into it in the planning stage, the development stage, or the release? I've always assumed it was some time between planning and development, with the release date being their "graduation" or whatever.

OMG, doesn't that have some politically-charged parallels in real life.... ^^;

Considering I already have Lisa active since 78 (and UNIX-sama in the late 60's), I too would have to agree that an OS-tan can be literally childlike prior to th release date.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to say that 3.1-sama knew Xenix-sama, even if at least in a small glance.  ^^'

QuoteIt could explain why she was so cruel to those around her...she never wanted to make an emotional bond to anyone else, and risk getting "burnt" she chose to keep her family at a distance from her the only way she knew how, by being mean to them.

Suddenly, I just gained a lot of sympathy for Lisa-san :..(

Precisely.  ^__^
Poor Lisa-chan really is like a chemical cess-pool of negative emotions, and it's been non-stop since then.  -___-'

I was thinking maybe something like this could offer some salvation....  ^^

...or make things worse.  ^^'

QuoteDon't mind macabre, macabre me...but I always supposed that the Apple OS-tans would have had territory conquered left, right and center by the Windows-tans, and would have been the point of many a (failed) assassination plot (or even attempt)! Their once fine cities would have sunk into the depths of ruins, as did their culture succumb to destruction. And I guess for their troops and stuff...well...I don't think enemies would have had any qualms about doing away with them -___-

If you consider the scorched-earth mindset of many a Win gamer so used to "fragging" things,... ESPECIALLY things that can't defend themselves,... I wouldn't disagree.  

I know the spouse of a friend of mine with such a mindset who literally WILL NOT PLAY VIDEOGAMES WITH YOU unless he can beat the snot out of you. That means Halo 3 only -- absolutely hates Wii Sports because it levels the playing field, and losing results in tantrums fit for someone a 10th his age. ^^;

And you don't have to worry about taking up the macabre title, as I did write all that stuff too.  ^^;

QuoteBut I see how the Classic and OSX-tans all did their part with restoring their culture, territory and company! During the OS-wars, the Mac-tans of the time realized that trying to regain their lost territory would be much too difficult so they focused on putting all of their resources on defending their remaining territory and succeeded through heavy reinforcements, sheer willpower and aid from their supporters. And when Mac OS 8-tan was introduced, she was very successful and brought in some more revenue or at least reduced financial loss (but either way, Mac OS 8 was the fastest-selling software of 1997!) And through a risky but successful gamble, the Macs got NeXTSTEP-tan onto their side. Afterwards, they started rebuilding their territory. Mac OS 9 was another large step forward and is still popular to this day (not to mention that Mac OS 9-tan has lots of fanboys!). Around the time of her introduction, the Macs began rebuilding their formerly posh lifestyle. The Mac OSXs started another revolution and introduced many, many new features and also introduced NeXTSTEP-tan's advanced ways to the masses. So pretty much the Classic Mac-tans rebuilt their company and culture from the brink of failure and the OSX-tans are helping maintaining it.

Another end result is that, unlike the Windows-tans, yes you do have very Posh girls, but also very practical-minded too.  They won't panic if taken out of their element, or subjected to harsh environments, nor do they wince at the idea of hurling live explosives around as easily as pillows.  ^.^

But yes, that's a fantastic summary right there.  ^^

QuoteHey, look! Here's a rare sighting: An Aurora double feature! These are rare because when I finish a page, I feel compelled to post it up right away but sometimes waiting to finish multiple pages to post them all up at once is better.

*sigh* All good things must come to an end at some point, right? What goes up must come down? Lisa-tan orders System 1-tan to do a few more chores.

Well,... for a walking cess-pool of negative emotions, she does still look very hot.  ^.^


No but seriously, these are fabulous takes on Lisa-san,... didn't realize she would look so well with her hair down!  ^v^

Poor System 1-chan has to switch to her rags on demand.  ^____^'

Quotepage 1-7:

More hot Lisa-chan.  ^3^

Funny how she seems to have mellowed out these past 2 pages,... wonder if my ball-drop had anything to do with it?  ^^'

OMG!  ][-chan plops on her bed EXACTLY as I plop over the keyboard when I perform long visitations like this.  ^^'
But seriously, fantastic job in capturing the spirit of ][-chan's life during the 80's.  Although it was painful for her, it helped launch the rest of her sisters into greatness.

BTW, who's in that picture in Panel 5?  ^^

Added after 28 seconds:


OKAY, MY TURN!!!!!!  ^V^

*PLOPS on keyboard*


Quote*types furiously*

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-Chan
QuoteShe must have been a good jumper, too, cause don't the Vintage-tans live in an isolated walled city or something?

Yeah right,... the Vintage-tans couldn't POSSIBLY afford to build something like that!  >v<
Nearly forgot that the Vintage-tans are by no means rich ^^;

QuoteBut the Vintage-tans are secretly protected by some Linux-tans, at UNIX-sama's personal request.  So in a way, they do have a very "different" kind of impenetrable wall.  ^^
That's interesting! Not only does Unix fund the Binteeji Renmei, she has requested some Linux-tans to protect them too! I see... She wants the Binteeji Renmei to still remain safe by the time she retires!

QuoteFortunately in the Binteji-Renmei, there are also OS-tans that are way OLDER than she is, such as EXEC-sama and ITS-sama.  After a while, that might have served as a kind of counter-balance -- it usually does for most members.  ^^
I didn't consider that! (although for the oldest vintage-tans, entry would have been even more intimidating?)

QuoteHowever, she is a reporter, right? 
So most likely she might have at least covered some of the events.
Yeah, I agree.

QuoteHmmmm...was Lisa-san with her...?

Correct.  hold on for a sec, I'll explain later.  ^^
I will sooooo be looking forward to this! :D

QuoteWell just consider that that's a fairly normal sentiment among youth's today.  Especially considering tomorrow's date for you, how many people are actually using it to for "memorial" purposes as opposed to just opportune time to shop and barbeque?  ^^'
I've noticed that too... Now I feel tempted to draw a really sappy memorial day picture!

QuoteNoooooooooooope.  ^.^
Lesse if Aurora-hime gets it.  ^^
Once again I am completely stumped x__X

QuoteWell not quite verbatim, but correct.  ^^

See,... the great thing about you two girls is that you're both creative enough to figure these things out on your own.  ^.^

Here's a brief Hidden History of Lisa-chan to help explain my warped and twisted way of making this more soap-operaish.... ^^;
Bring on the sap!

    - Apple I-sama is still alive when Lisa-chan is born, but already her health is in decline.

    - So while she does spend some choice moments with her new daughter, she also has to make many preparations to show ][-chan everything that she knows·  Consequently, in order to ensure a future for everyone, including her successors, she had no choice but to spend most of her time with ][-chan.

    - This makes the young Lisa-chan feel lonely and unwanted, but being the darling child of "Father" (who does indeed try to spoil her from the start) she at least doesn't suffer from a complete lack of love.

    - Nevertheless, like any child, she still covets what she doesn't have, and consequently does many things to impress her mother, including working in the field
[or at least trying to at her age] pretending to be ][-chan.

- After a while, it occurs to her that "Mother" loves wooden beadwork -- and despite many setbacks and cuts, she works hard in secret to make one herself, in the hopes that maybe that will win mother's attention.

- Since it's in secret, she has to go out at night (when Apple security was at its poorest) in order to search the forests for the right kind of apple tree wood.  She does this for many weeks, finding ways to not get caught.

- One night, though, as she's busy wondering a more distant area in search for finer pieces, she stumbles upon I-sama lying by a tree.  Inadvertently, she came across her mother in her last throes.

- With the little strength that she has left, she talks to her daughter for a while, regretting that she couldn't spend much time with her.

- Though confused at first, the young Lisa-chan eventually realizes what's happening, and begins to cry and panic, offering tearful pleas and the unfinished necklace to beg her not to go.  This of course saddens I-sama deeply, who apologizes to her daughter before passing away quietly, unable to muster the strength to grasp the necklace.

- Presumably this is very traumatic to Lisa-chan, not only because of the act of losing a mother, but also because the feeling of unwantedness was emphasized further, both by this perceived "abandonment" and by the rejection of the necklace she had poured her heart into.

- In fact, when the Apple Execs find the two, Lisa-chan is in a a near-catatonic state, dismantling the necklace and all around appearing cold and distant to what happened.  Having sunk to a depth of grief and sadness too unbearable for her young mind, she probably repressed it with bitterness, anger and apathy, as if to punish the world for turning its back on her.

- Even while Father and Uncle take her to the Mauseleom, she still refuses to feel sadness or shed a tear, but instead listened to the instructions with cold and calculating attention, not to honor anyone but rather to finally possess something that other people would covet.

- With this vengeful mindset, her spoiled behavior worsened exponentially and paranoia/jealousy developed in turn, especially with System 1-tan and the subsequent sisters who had the "luxury" of starting with a clean-slate.

- Only after the terrible event in 1989 did Lisa-chan's repressed feelings finally return to consume her once more -- in a way, her catatonic state now is not a new occurrence, but rather a continuation of the grief and loneliness she bottled up since 1978.

- Unknownst to her, though, the fact that ][-chan is taking care of her is not just sisterly-love and pity, but also the fulfillment of I-sama's parting wish. 

So now here's the Catch 22 situation.... 
Lisa-chan's salvation lies with Apple I-sama, but you can't get to I-sama without Lisa-chan's help.  And it's not a conscious decision on her part to keep the secret to herself at this point -- it's purely a mental issue that has to be dealt with delicately.  @___@

So that's the dilemma, accompanied by massive amounts of sap.  Hopefully that helps explain her character. 

*sniffle* Through monumental amounts of sap, I now completely understand Lisa-tan, why she became spoiled (that Apple I-tan was not able to spend a lot of time with her, execs made up for it by spoiling her), exactly why she turned mean (I originally thought it was just jealousy towards the Mac-tans who were much more successful and started their own family), what exactly the traumatic event Lisa-tan experienced in 1989 was (originally unspecified), why only she knows of Apple I-tan's mausoleum (not just because she now can't tell anyone about it, but also that she finally has something her relatives can covet) and how she saw Apple I-tan in her final moments ;__;

I was especially saddened by the part where Lisa-tan offered Apple I-tan a necklace she spent weeks making for her but she was too weak to pick it up... I almost cried reading that! It was THAT sappy!

Quote][-chan in particular did much to elevate I-sama to legendary status, what with her vivid storytelling.  This wasn't much the case during the era of your comic, but especially after retirement ][-chan loves to sit around a fire or hearth, and tell stories for hours on end.  ^^
I have relatives like that! :D

QuoteWell they did kinda lose market dominance in the mid-90's, so you can translate that to lost cities and territories.  @@
I concur.

QuoteAnd cost-cutting would be more akin to rationing, or melting/dismantling national treasures in order to build defensive stuff. 
Oh... good. Although times were very tough for them, they still managed to have enough food and other resources... but sadly not without sacrifices.

QuoteIn the OS-tan Theories thread, I wrote a whole article about the OS Wars and the personification of the Windows vs Apple battles, showing that the old art districts were essentially their last stand.

QuoteThe Binteji Renmei, though, didn't exist at the time, nor was ][-chan directly involved in the war (although she did send apples to help relief efforts).  ][-chan and co. led a reasonably-quiet life during the war, although GS/OS-san did have to ward away (at Fire Arrow-point) stray M$ goons and soldiers from time to time.  ^^'
Cool! Everyone contributes! (well, except for Lisa-tan because she was completely unable to)

QuoteFYI, the Vintage-tans are always worrying about money.  Certainly if a comic series was made of them, half-the-stories would be of them finding ways of earning more money for bread, spare parts that are no longer made, and buying hacked equipment that can still connect them to the modern world a bit.  Since this is unsuccessful most of the time, they either have to make due with whatever's around, or just NOT make due at all... ^.^'
Wow... I knew they had financial difficulties but I didn't think it was to that extent!


page 1-5! A happy page, with Apple ][-tan and Mac System 1-tan playing together!

Oh boy,... all that typing left me reeling.  >v<

In any event, I came for the awesome comic panels, so by GAWD I'm gonna at least compliment them!  >.<

This one does a fantastic job of highlighting the beauty of sisterly love!  The playtime is so rich and pleasant, it definitely makes one nostalgic of simpler times!  ^____^
Thanks! I was going for a very cute, nostalgic vibe!

Ha ha...those were back in the crazy ol'days when kids actually played together doing classic activities that are not videogames or online RPGs!

QuoteThe jump rope scene is my favorite, although the tea time one is very creative.  ^___^
The jump rope scene shows that System 1-tan is much faster although considerably less stable ^^;

The tea time scene allows our two hard-working girls to relax and be able to dress up! :D

QuoteConsidering I already have Lisa active since 78 (and UNIX-sama in the late 60's), I too would have to agree that an OS-tan can be literally childlike prior to th release date.  Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to say that 3.1-sama knew Xenix-sama, even if at least in a small glance.  ^^'
Lisa has been around since 1978?! Darn... 30 years full of sadness, bitterness and trauma! ;__;

QuoteI was thinking maybe something like this could offer some salvation....  ^^

...or make things worse.  ^^'
I know of the Replica 1! Months ago, I considered making a Replica 1-tan (Apple I-tan's legalized clone!) and even had the perfect anime inspiration for her...

But I decided not to a finalized Replica 1-tan though, to add more drama to the Apple family backstory.

QuoteI know the spouse of a friend of mine with such a mindset who literally WILL NOT PLAY VIDEOGAMES WITH YOU unless he can beat the snot out of you. That means Halo 3 only -- absolutely hates Wii Sports because it levels the playing field, and losing results in tantrums fit for someone a 10th his age. ^^;
Those kind of gamers are the worst!  ;030 

QuoteAnother end result is that, unlike the Windows-tans, yes you do have very Posh girls, but also very practical-minded too.  They won't panic if taken out of their element, or subjected to harsh environments, nor do they wince at the idea of hurling live explosives around as easily as pillows.  ^.^

But yes, that's a fantastic summary right there.  ^^
Could it be that the Mac-tan's hardships actually made them better people in the end? While posh, they know that they must work for what they want and know they must be resourceful under times of difficulty.

QuoteWell,... for a walking cess-pool of negative emotions, she does still look very hot.  ^.^


No but seriously, these are fabulous takes on Lisa-san,... didn't realize she would look so well with her hair down!  ^v^
Halfbaked attempt at fanservice successful! ;010

QuoteMore hot Lisa-chan.  ^3^

Funny how she seems to have mellowed out these past 2 pages,... wonder if my ball-drop had anything to do with it?  ^^'
I didn't want her to seem 100% biatchy. Her mega sad backstory was also part of the reason too ;__;

QuoteOMG!  ][-chan plops on her bed EXACTLY as I plop over the keyboard when I perform long visitations like this.  ^^'
I bet you are going to plop over any minute now... That was one mighty long visitation!

QuoteBut seriously, fantastic job in capturing the spirit of ][-chan's life during the 80's.  Although it was painful for her, it helped launch the rest of her sisters into greatness.
The pain was well worth it and she got to happily retire!

QuoteBTW, who's in that picture in Panel 5?  ^^
That was supposed to be a portrait of Apple ][-tan, Lisa-tan and System 1-tan.

QuoteOKAY, MY TURN!!!!!!  ^V^

*PLOPS on keyboard*
Good night! You are most deserving of taking a nice long rest! *tucks C-Chan in bed with pillows of tomatoes and blankets of lettuce* ^_^


And to temporarily distract you all from some monumental sappyness, here are a couple ridiculous virus-tans! :D


Yes, I actually did get to drawing her!

WDEF-tan is a low-ranking virus-tan described as annoying, clumsy and extremely persistent. She is rivals with Macintosh System 6-tan and strives to annoy her when possible but with very little success in this very one-sided rivalry. WDEF-tan's potential of being destructive is low, she is usually just a nuisance. She is clumsy because WDEF is unintentionally destructive- effects are typically beeping, crashes and font corruptions. Her catchphrase is "I'M GONNA ANNOY YOU!!"

Despite being unsuccessful and of low rank, her persistence is inspirational to many virus-tans of all ranks! She and ANTI-tan are comrades and she is also friends with Acme-tan (another very unsuccessful virus-tan)

She is portrayed as a raver-type girl because... I dunno. Probably because the raver fashion is so loud and crazy! ^^;


I'm putting this one in link form just in case what she is exclaiming is a huge LOTR spoiler...

4K-tan is a ninja (4K is one of the first viruses to use 'stealth' tactics) and a "Lord of the Rings" fangirl, her appearance is based off of Frodo but with dark colors, glasses and bandages (which imitate how ninjas often wrap their legs in bandages). 4K-tan also likes roleplaying and is good friends with Slashdot-tan and BBSpot-tan.

Cameo appearance includes a creeped-out MS DOS-tan.


And concepts for one more virus-tan: nVIR-tan

nVIR-tan is a highly unpredictable Mac (System 4.1 or higher) virus-tan who represents all nVIR variants (because there are so many variants it would be hard to personify them all. Since each variant has somewhat different symptoms from each other, that reflects her unpredictable personality). Symptoms include application crashes, printing errors, slow system response time, random system crashes. She is incredibly sneaky and a master of disguise as nVIR can find its way into system backups and is not detected until it is too late and symptoms appear.

 Her most powerful (but still highly unpredictable and time-consuming) attack is called "the final countdown" and uses a counter she carries that starts at 1000 and ticks down to 0 and reflects the resource counter of nVIR that starts at 1000 upon infecting a system and decrements down to 0.

And here's something that may be unusual: the nVIR source code has been widely available with many variants made possibly meaning... It's an open-sourced virus?!

I haven't completely thought of a design for nVIR-tan yet but she'd most likely be dressed like a secret agent in her normal form.


QuoteI'm not sure, but why not?
Yay, one vote!

QuoteSo sad it is. I was thinking about making this story be the third episode of the OS-tan Flashbackstory Chronicles

Oooh, this could be an interesting story...

Quote*GASP* Those girls use crazy things called "command lines" to make text appear on a screen! I thought such thing didn't exist outside of science fiction! And even crazier, some of those other girls use something called a "craphical user interface" that allows navigating through graphics! Crazy talk, man! Crazy talk!!</sarcasm>
(Although that was probably what Altair-tan was thinking upon encountering her more advanced competitors)

Hawhaw, I thought you were doing an impression of Altair-tan...

QuoteOh yes, I'd like to see that!

I'm thinking this is how my Linux-sama comic may end up...not so much one whole story, as much as different little episodes from points in her early life (and those whom she encounters)

QuoteShe's proudly an independent, although it seems strange because she is not much of a fighter. But she joined the CIOST out of the desire of being a rebel!

And for protection, too (life had to be a bit dangerous after all that Unix dissing. XD)

QuoteBah, bunch of spoiled children; never having to experience war and displacement like their Classic relatives had to! Half kidding! Half kidding!

But I see how the Classic and OSX-tans all did their part with restoring their culture, territory and company! During the OS-wars, the Mac-tans of the time realized that trying to regain their lost territory would be much too difficult so they focused on putting all of their resources on defending their remaining territory and succeeded through heavy reinforcements, sheer willpower and aid from their supporters. And when Mac OS 8-tan was introduced, she was very successful and brought in some more revenue or at least reduced financial loss (but either way, Mac OS 8 was the fastest-selling software of 1997!) And through a risky but successful gamble, the Macs got NeXTSTEP-tan onto their side. Afterwards, they started rebuilding their territory. Mac OS 9 was another large step forward and is still popular to this day (not to mention that Mac OS 9-tan has lots of fanboys!). Around the time of her introduction, the Macs began rebuilding their formerly posh lifestyle. The Mac OSXs started another revolution and introduced many, many new features and also introduced NeXTSTEP-tan's advanced ways to the masses. So pretty much the Classic Mac-tans rebuilt their company and culture from the brink of failure and the OSX-tans are helping maintaining it.

Well put! The revival of their culture wasn't the accomplishment of one individual, but a group effort by many!

QuoteDon't you mean Macintosh System 1-tan?
*chuckle chuckle snicker*

Yes! I forgot to screw my head on correctly. Sorry ^///^

Quotepage 1-6:

Wait, wut?! Lisa-san in her undies?! O__O

Wow, she really is spoiled, most servants don't have to dress their master or mistress.

Quotepage 1-7:

Aww, poor System 1-tan...even when she had free time she couldn't be with ][-tan. Lisa-tan and ][-tan are especially well drawn here! Nice job as always! And the ][-tan/sleep mode reference is a cute touch ^_^

QuoteYeah right,... the Vintage-tans couldn't POSSIBLY afford to build something like that! >v<

But the Vintage-tans are secretly protected by some Linux-tans, at UNIX-sama's personal request. So in a way, they do have a very "different" kind of impenetrable wall. ^^

At least tell me they live in an isolated old city along with a meager group of townspeople (aka, vintage computer enthusiasts) :P

I wonder who these Linux-tans are...might they be the likes of Yggdrasil-tan and EvilEntity-tan and all those distros which have all but disappeared?

QuoteFortunately in the Binteji-Renmei, there are also OS-tans that are way OLDER than she is, such as EXEC-sama and ITS-sama. After a while, that might have served as a kind of counter-balance -- it usually does for most members. ^^

True, but even if they are older...they're probably more capable than her power-wise.

QuoteOh, I'm surrounded by impatients! >v<

Stand by,... I'll be sure to make stuff up momentarily. ^.^
I have some ideas as to how Multics-sama got so skewed's called the FIRST 6 YEARS OF LIFE! O__o

QuoteBoots are fine. ^__^


Or that is... We are talking non-Combat boots, right? ^___^'

Course. More like...ankle-height leather boots and stuff ^_^

QuoteI would say not since she's still,... you know.... alive. ^^'
She dislikes them too much to get herself killed for them. -v-'

However, she is a reporter, right?
So most likely she might have at least covered some of the events.

Whoa...freaky...I had an idea for my comic where...well, kinda hard to explain, but it would involve a rather frantic TV newscast from one of the first flashpoints of the OS least now if something comes of that idea, I know who the reported will be @__@

QuoteWell just consider that that's a fairly normal sentiment among youth's today. Especially considering tomorrow's date for you, how many people are actually using it to for "memorial" purposes as opposed to just opportune time to shop and barbeque? ^^'
I'm using it in memorial...but also to give me some time to finish up some math and physics homework.

QuoteWell not quite verbatim, but correct. ^^

See,... the great thing about you two girls is that you're both creative enough to figure these things out on your own. ^.^

Here's a brief Hidden History of Lisa-chan to help explain my warped and twisted way of making this more soap-operaish.... ^^;

     - Apple I-sama is still alive when Lisa-chan is born, but already her health is in decline.

     - So while she does spend some choice moments with her new daughter, she also has to make many preparations to show ][-chan everything that she knows· Consequently, in order to ensure a future for everyone, including her successors, she had no choice but to spend most of her time with ][-chan.

     - This makes the young Lisa-chan feel lonely and unwanted, but being the darling child of "Father" (who does indeed try to spoil her from the start) she at least doesn't suffer from a complete lack of love.

     - Nevertheless, like any child, she still covets what she doesn't have, and consequently does many things to impress her mother, including working in the field [or at least trying to at her age] pretending to be ][-chan.

     - After a while, it occurs to her that "Mother" loves wooden beadwork -- and despite many setbacks and cuts, she works hard in secret to make one herself, in the hopes that maybe that will win mother's attention.

     - Since it's in secret, she has to go out at night (when Apple security was at its poorest) in order to search the forests for the right kind of apple tree wood. She does this for many weeks, finding ways to not get caught.

     - One night, though, as she's busy wondering a more distant area in search for finer pieces, she stumbles upon I-sama lying by a tree. Inadvertently, she came across her mother in her last throes.

     - With the little strength that she has left, she talks to her daughter for a while, regretting that she couldn't spend much time with her.

     - Though confused at first, the young Lisa-chan eventually realizes what's happening, and begins to cry and panic, offering tearful pleas and the unfinished necklace to beg her not to go. This of course saddens I-sama deeply, who apologizes to her daughter before passing away quietly, unable to muster the strength to grasp the necklace.

     - Presumably this is very traumatic to Lisa-chan, not only because of the act of losing a mother, but also because the feeling of unwantedness was emphasized further, both by this perceived "abandonment" and by the rejection of the necklace she had poured her heart into.

     - In fact, when the Apple Execs find the two, Lisa-chan is in a a near-catatonic state, dismantling the necklace and all around appearing cold and distant to what happened. Having sunk to a depth of grief and sadness too unbearable for her young mind, she probably repressed it with bitterness, anger and apathy, as if to punish the world for turning its back on her.

     - Even while Father and Uncle take her to the Mauseleom, she still refuses to feel sadness or shed a tear, but instead listened to the instructions with cold and calculating attention, not to honor anyone but rather to finally possess something that other people would covet.

     - With this vengeful mindset, her spoiled behavior worsened exponentially and paranoia/jealousy developed in turn, especially with System 1-tan and the subsequent sisters who had the "luxury" of starting with a clean-slate.

     - Only after the terrible event in 1989 did Lisa-chan's repressed feelings finally return to consume her once more -- in a way, her catatonic state now is not a new occurrence, but rather a continuation of the grief and loneliness she bottled up since 1978.

     - Unknownst to her, though, the fact that ][-chan is taking care of her is not just sisterly-love and pity, but also the fulfillment of I-sama's parting wish.

Oh gawd. Yeah...that would screw somebody up, wouldn't it....O___O;

QuoteSo now here's the Catch 22 situation....
Lisa-chan's salvation lies with Apple I-sama, but you can't get to I-sama without Lisa-chan's help. And it's not a conscious decision on her part to keep the secret to herself at this point -- it's purely a mental issue that has to be dealt with delicately. @___@

So that's the dilemma, accompanied by massive amounts of sap. Hopefully that helps explain her character.

Yeah, that does explain a lot. Somehow I think, after joining the vintage-tans and meeting GEM-san, who was also "hurt" by the Macs, she would start to break out of her shell of apathy a bit...and I daresay begin to learn how to care about someone again...

Quote][-chan in particular did much to elevate I-sama to legendary status, what with her vivid storytelling. This wasn't much the case during the era of your comic, but especially after retirement ][-chan loves to sit around a fire or hearth, and tell stories for hours on end. ^^

Heehee...being OT, I also supposed OpenBSD-tan would be a great storyteller :P

QuoteWell they did kinda lose market dominance in the mid-90's, so you can translate that to lost cities and territories. @@

And cost-cutting would be more akin to rationing, or melting/dismantling national treasures in order to build defensive stuff.

And also weren't the consumers quite enamored with Windows at this time? So I suppose they would have become rather second-class to many -__-

QuoteIn the OS-tan Theories thread, I wrote a whole article about the OS Wars and the personification of the Windows vs Apple battles, showing that the old art districts were essentially their last stand.

Oh yeah. AKA the greatest Sap-tastrophy since the Boston Molasses Tsunami of 1918.

QuoteThe Binteji Renmei, though, didn't exist at the time, nor was ][-chan directly involved in the war (although she did send apples to help relief efforts). ][-chan and co. led a reasonably-quiet life during the war, although GS/OS-san did have to ward away (at Fire Arrow-point) stray M$ goons and soldiers from time to time. ^^'


QuoteFYI, the Vintage-tans are always worrying about money. Certainly if a comic series was made of them, half-the-stories would be of them finding ways of earning more money for bread, spare parts that are no longer made, and buying hacked equipment that can still connect them to the modern world a bit. Since this is unsuccessful most of the time, they either have to make due with whatever's around, or just NOT make due at all... ^.^'

So it's like a charity drive every day for them....

QuotePrecisely. ^__^
Poor Lisa-chan really is like a chemical cess-pool of negative emotions, and it's been non-stop since then. -___-'

I was thinking maybe something like this could offer some salvation.... ^^

...or make things worse. ^^'

Oh yeah, I saw that site. O__O

QuoteIf you consider the scorched-earth mindset of many a Win gamer so used to "fragging" things,... ESPECIALLY things that can't defend themselves,... I wouldn't disagree.

I know the spouse of a friend of mine with such a mindset who literally WILL NOT PLAY VIDEOGAMES WITH YOU unless he can beat the snot out of you. That means Halo 3 only -- absolutely hates Wii Sports because it levels the playing field, and losing results in tantrums fit for someone a 10th his age. ^^;

Wau...I thought I knew some crazy gamers. But this takes the cake XD

QuoteI know of the Replica 1! Months ago, I considered making a Replica 1-tan (Apple I-tan's legalized clone!) and even had the perfect anime inspiration for her...

But I decided not to a finalized Replica 1-tan though, to add more drama to the Apple family backstory.

Hmmm...sounds about right (if you wanna go for maximum sap).

QuoteCould it be that the Mac-tan's hardships actually made them better people in the end? While posh, they know that they must work for what they want and know they must be resourceful under times of difficulty.

For sure!

QuoteHalfbaked attempt at fanservice successful!

Oooh, fanservice. This I gotta try...hehehe....

And great job with the Viru-tans! My favorite would have to be 4K-tan XD

As for nVIR being the first open source virus...let me let you in on a secret...


Unix was the first open source Virus! Don't tell nobody, though! :P

*runs like hell*

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Bella"
I'm thinking this is how my Linux-sama comic may end up...not so much one whole story, as much as different little episodes from points in her early life (and those whom she encounters)
That's a really cool approach you're taking- it will not only center on Linux-sama but also showcase many other characters too! ;010

And for protection, too (life had to be a bit dangerous after all that Unix dissing. XD)
Yeah! That could be how OS-9-tan joined the CIOST! That has some comic potential...


Yes! I forgot to screw my head on correctly. Sorry ^///^
Besides, it wasn't the craziest mistake you made! I still remember when I posted up p.35 of ZS and didn't recognize Mac System 2-tan...

Aww, poor System 1-tan...even when she had free time she couldn't be with ][-tan. Lisa-tan and ][-tan are especially well drawn here! Nice job as always! And the ][-tan/sleep mode reference is a cute touch ^_^
Thanks! Sometimes that does happen. After all, Apple ][-tan is trying to build a better future for them even if it comes at the cost of all free time :(

QuoteAt least tell me they live in an isolated old city along with a meager group of townspeople (aka, vintage computer enthusiasts) :P

I wonder who these Linux-tans are...might they be the likes of Yggdrasil-tan and EvilEntity-tan and all those distros which have all but disappeared?
Fantastic ideas! I never considered EvilEntity-tan's whereabouts (and Yggdrasil-tan's are a complete mystery!) but now maybe they can have some use in modern day (although still in secrecy)!

Whoa...freaky...I had an idea for my comic where...well, kinda hard to explain, but it would involve a rather frantic TV newscast from one of the first flashpoints of the OS least now if something comes of that idea, I know who the reported will be @__@
But if OS-9-tan is the reporter, will people tune in to see her? :D

Oh gawd. Yeah...that would screw somebody up, wouldn't it....O___O;
It would be even scarier if it didn't! 0__0

Yeah, that does explain a lot. Somehow I think, after joining the vintage-tans and meeting GEM-san, who was also "hurt" by the Macs, she would start to break out of her shell of apathy a bit...and I daresay begin to learn how to care about someone again...
That also would be great! In my group picture depicting GEM-tan attempting to retake her first steps, Lisa-tan was there with her and maybe... GEM-tan can help her overcome her problems too!

(by the way, GEM-tan did overcome her problems, has regained the ability to walk and can be cheerful again)

Hmmm...sounds about right (if you wanna go for maximum sap).
Although cheesy comedy is my forte, I am also a sucker for sappyness!

Oooh, fanservice. This I gotta try...hehehe....

Are you really gonna try that? ;006

As for nVIR being the first open source virus...let me let you in on a secret...


Unix was the first open source Virus! Don't tell nobody, though! :P

*runs like hell*
I really did laugh! Hahahahaha! Good one!

page 1-8:

An old-fashioned Toshiaki comes to visit! (And Lisa-tan starts acting up again...)
Man, that's harsh... Having no confidence in System 1-tan :(


QuoteThat's interesting! Not only does Unix fund the Binteeji Renmei, she has requested some Linux-tans to protect them too! I see... She wants the Binteeji Renmei to still remain safe by the time she retires!

I won't say there's NOT a little bit of self-interest in UNIX-sama's charity.  Â¬v¬'

QuoteI didn't consider that! (although for the oldest vintage-tans, entry would have been even more intimidating?) [/qute]

Someone like EXEC-sama would be to proud to be intimidated by young pups -- but I think she would be frustrated by her own obsolescence.  The two sound the same but are still very different -- unlike an intimidated person, EXEC-sama would keep trying everyday to do simple tasks, never giving up despite clearly not doing them well.

Quote*sniffle* Through monumental amounts of sap, I now completely understand Lisa-tan, why she became spoiled (that Apple I-tan was not able to spend a lot of time with her, execs made up for it by spoiling her), exactly why she turned mean (I originally thought it was just jealousy towards the Mac-tans who were much more successful and started their own family), what exactly the traumatic event Lisa-tan experienced in 1989 was (originally unspecified), why only she knows of Apple I-tan's mausoleum (not just because she now can't tell anyone about it, but also that she finally has something her relatives can covet) and how she saw Apple I-tan in her final moments ;__;

Oh, the traumatic even of 1989 was actually the disposal of several thousand Lisa units in a landfill -- the company couldn't sell them, so they just got rid of them like that.  Not only was it a huge betrayal to her and a sign that any chance of supremacy had all but been extinguished, but so much sadness and grief triggered,... yet more repressed sadness and grief to arise from the depths of her subconscious.  I think it was simply too much for her mind to bear.

It was also then that ][-chan realized the extent of her failure to take care of her little sister -- and with the Mac-tans fairly well-off and independent, she dedicated the rest of her life to caring for Lisa-chan.

Sadly, ][-chan doesn't know about the extent of Lisa-chan's involvement with I-sama, so in essence she's swatting at flies as far as curing her ailment is concerned.  The day the secret is revealed would likely involve even more sap from her end.

QuoteI was especially saddened by the part where Lisa-tan offered Apple I-tan a necklace she spent weeks making for her but she was too weak to pick it up... I almost cried reading that! It was THAT sappy!

I'd actually figured the execs entombed I-sama along with the necklace.  That would give credence to the aforementioned "Legends" about "treasure" hidden in secret locations of the old capital.  After all, treasure is not always gold and riches, but something that means the world to someone.  ^^

QuoteWow... I knew they had financial difficulties but I didn't think it was to that extent!

Of course.  ^.^
Nearly all of them belong to companies that no longer exist -- and supported by simple hobbyists who can only guess at what their closed source involves, they can only get so much to maintain upkeep before they're forced into a nother bake sale.  ^___^;

QuoteHa ha...those were back in the crazy ol'days when kids actually played together doing classic activities that are not videogames or online RPGs!

And exception made to the Wii Fit -- I absolutely LOVED that thing when I tried it out this morning!  @v@

QuoteThe jump rope scene shows that System 1-tan is much faster although considerably less stable ^^;

The tea time scene allows our two hard-working girls to relax and be able to dress up!  

Yeah, I noticed that System 1-chan's attempts at showing off didn't quite go her way, compared to the slow but steady and experienced hand of ][-chan.  ^.^

QuoteLisa has been around since 1978?! Darn... 30 years full of sadness, bitterness and trauma! ;__;

The project started then at least.  ^^

QuoteBut I decided not to a finalized Replica 1-tan though, to add more drama to the Apple family backstory.

I'm guessing it could add drama in much the same way as a revived MULTICS-sama would.  It could especially be a catalyst to Lisa-chan, although undoubtedly it would upset ][-chan who might view her as sacrilege (since I image Replica 1-san would look more mechanical than human).

QuoteCould it be that the Mac-tan's hardships actually made them better people in the end? While posh, they know that they must work for what they want and know they must be resourceful under times of difficulty.

Hey,... in times of trouble, your average OSX-tan can still offer you a command line terminal.  ^.^

QuoteGood night! You are most deserving of taking a nice long rest! *tucks C-Chan in bed with pillows of tomatoes and blankets of lettuce*  

I'll bite you if you add Mayo and buns to that.  `v'


OMG!!!  Aurora-hime's done a Gus-san!  @v@

No but seriously, they're cute and ludicriousy cute.  ^___^
Don't know how you come up with these ideas, but Random Aurora-Hime Charactersâ,,¢ are always dynamite in my book!  ^.^

QuoteI haven't completely thought of a design for nVIR-tan yet but she'd most likely be dressed like a secret agent in her normal form.

I would say more like a Saboteur based on that description -- and a very competent one, not like your run-of-the-mill bond villain.  ^.^

That final countdown could easily be a C4 pack.  `v'

QuoteAnd for protection, too (life had to be a bit dangerous after all that Unix dissing. XD)

That's not an incredulous reason, by all means.  ^___^'

QuoteWait, wut?! Lisa-san in her undies?! O__O

Baah!  Those are old fashioned, Victorian-era undies, practically dresses in themselves and hardly worth of an ounce of drool from my closet-pervert mouth.  ^__^

QuoteAww, poor System 1-tan...even when she had free time she couldn't be with ][-tan. Lisa-tan and ][-tan are especially well drawn here! Nice job as always! And the ][-tan/sleep mode reference is a cute touch  

Oh right, I forgot to ask,... can the Apple ][ sleep?  'v'

QuoteAt least tell me they live in an isolated old city along with a meager group of townspeople (aka, vintage computer enthusiasts) :P

I wonder who these Linux-tans are...might they be the likes of Yggdrasil-tan and EvilEntity-tan and all those distros which have all but disappeared?

Well I don't think they live IN a city per se, but they live close to towns with such people.  ^^
And yes, I think the older Linux-tans (who prefer to stay out of the limelight) would be a perfect fit for the job, and no doubt they live in these towns, silently watching vigil over them.  Given her meager living requirements and noble spirit, I wouldn't be surprised if Linux-sama herself volunteers in guarding this "Oasis of Antiquity".

QuoteWhoa...freaky...I had an idea for my comic where...well, kinda hard to explain, but it would involve a rather frantic TV newscast from one of the first flashpoints of the OS least now if something comes of that idea, I know who the reported will be @__@

Fufufu....  Indeed, it's a small world.  ^__^

I also plan that BBC Micro-tan is a reporter herself,... although given she's much older (and younger in appearance) probably doesn't air in anything greater than local community channels.  Cause yes,... the Binteji Renmei is falling apart with needed repairs, and some tummies go empty each night,... but by GAWD, they have their own homebrewed TV channel.  


...Well okay, they try.  ^.^;

QuoteYeah, that does explain a lot. Somehow I think, after joining the vintage-tans and meeting GEM-san, who was also "hurt" by the Macs, she would start to break out of her shell of apathy a bit...and I daresay begin to learn how to care about someone again...

Correct!  Bella-hime's ingenious insight knows no bounds!  ^__~
It also explains why she has a particular fondness for Windows 1.0-san,... she may not be fully aware of it in the state that she's in, but she unconsciously gravitates towards kindly and unconditionally loving mother figures.  

I can imagine that Lisa-chan, in a moment of tenderness, might even divulge the secret riddle of the mauseleom to her at some point -- although given 1.0-san's own incapacity, that doesn't do anyone else much good.  -.-'

QuoteAnd also weren't the consumers quite enamored with Windows at this time? So I suppose they would have become rather second-class to many -__-

Correct.  Everyone loves a winner, so with the Apple Family retreating literally with their tail tucked beneath, more than a number of people got swept in the euphoria of bashing the users and rewriting history accordingly.  --;

QuoteFantastic ideas! I never considered EvilEntity-tan's whereabouts (and Yggdrasil-tan's are a complete mystery!) but now maybe they can have some use in modern day (although still in secrecy)!

It also makes more practical sense.  There are still battles ranging on everywhere that need their fastest and strongest.  Being well past their prime, a quiet post guarding the Binteji Renmei and corresponding provinces make for a great "retirement" for these Honorary Linux-tans.  :)

QuoteBut if OS-9-tan is the reporter, will people tune in to see her?  

Certainly not after the 80's they ain't.  ^^;
Maybe that's the point,... after all, the Unix Wars weren't that well known on the consumer level.

QuoteAn old-fashioned Toshiaki comes to visit! (And Lisa-tan starts acting up again...)
Man, that's harsh... Having no confidence in System 1-tan


The old fashioned Toshiaki is a brilliant touch -- harkens back to the days when suitors were suitors, and not lazy-eyed kids in rags.  To compare 1983 Toshiaki to the present day one just drives the point like a bridge nail.  ^v^'

And the over-eager, cute, and lovey-dovey Lisa-sama is priceless to see, especially when she unabashedly belittles her servant (and oh yeah,... little sister) along with.

System 1-chan's response bubble is also hilarious.  ^.^

BTW, If Toshiaki plans a date with Lisa-chan, he's gonna be in for a surprise when he gets [JUST] the dinner bill....  ^____^;

Added after 38 seconds:

BTW, I have to disappear for a while, but I'll be back.  ^__^


Oooh, a new page! Seeing the old fashioned Toshiaki is quite amusing...I do concur, he is a great deal more fashionable and mannered than our modern Toshiaki. Dreamy Lisa-san in panel 3 is great too; as is that look of gloating on her face in panel 4. In panel 5, however, we truly learn that Lisa-san has no ability to predict future events.

I see Toshiaki really falling for System 1-tan...

QuoteYeah! That could be how OS-9-tan joined the CIOST! That has some comic potential...

Oh yeah, hoards of pissed Unix-tans are hi-larious XD

QuoteBesides, it wasn't the craziest mistake you made! I still remember when I posted up p.35 of ZS and didn't recognize Mac System 2-tan...

I still remember waaaay back when I forgot OS X 10.2's big cat name...what'd I call it? Cougar or something? >//////<

QuoteFantastic ideas! I never considered EvilEntity-tan's whereabouts (and Yggdrasil-tan's are a complete mystery!) but now maybe they can have some use in modern day (although still in secrecy)!

Thanks! It's a good way to explain where some of those distro-tans went to ^_^

QuoteBut if OS-9-tan is the reporter, will people tune in to see her?

Good question....

QuoteThat also would be great! In my group picture depicting GEM-tan attempting to retake her first steps, Lisa-tan was there with her and maybe... GEM-tan can help her overcome her problems too!

(by the way, GEM-tan did overcome her problems, has regained the ability to walk and can be cheerful again)

I really didn't know GEM-chan was so messed up; but it's good that she's recovering, and helping Lisa-san to do the same.

QuoteAlthough cheesy comedy is my forte, I am also a sucker for sappyness!

Ah, dark comedy is my forte. So is dry comedy. I'm kinda like the Sahara desert on a moonless night XD

QuoteAre you really gonna try that?

For sure :P

QuoteI really did laugh! Hahahahaha! Good one!

Don't thank me, thank the Unix Hater's Handbook. They compare Unix to the Andromeda Strain XD

QuoteI won't say there's NOT a little bit of self-interest in UNIX-sama's charity. ¬v¬'

AHA! So the Goddess be not all sunshine and human emotions! She doth have a self-interested side!

QuoteSomeone like EXEC-sama would be to proud to be intimidated by young pups -- but I think she would be frustrated by her own obsolescence. The two sound the same but are still very different -- unlike an intimidated person, EXEC-sama would keep trying everyday to do simple tasks, never giving up despite clearly not doing them well.

Lately I've been wondering about EXEC-sama. And TOPS-sama, too...

QuoteOh, the traumatic even of 1989 was actually the disposal of several thousand Lisa units in a landfill -- the company couldn't sell them, so they just got rid of them like that. Not only was it a huge betrayal to her and a sign that any chance of supremacy had all but been extinguished, but so much sadness and grief triggered,... yet more repressed sadness and grief to arise from the depths of her subconscious. I think it was simply too much for her mind to bear.

I was going to ask what happened in 1989! I suppose...if hardware is analogous to territory...that disposal of the Lisa units would be like...her company taking a lot of her land and property and getting rid of it...

I never knew this happened, though. Reminds me of what GM did to the EV1 electric cars... -___-

QuoteIt was also then that ][-chan realized the extent of her failure to take care of her little sister -- and with the Mac-tans fairly well-off and independent, she dedicated the rest of her life to caring for Lisa-chan.

Sadly, ][-chan doesn't know about the extent of Lisa-chan's involvement with I-sama, so in essence she's swatting at flies as far as curing her ailment is concerned. The day the secret is revealed would likely involve even more sap from her end. least ][-tan and Lisa-san are trying to patch things up...

QuoteI'd actually figured the execs entombed I-sama along with the necklace. That would give credence to the aforementioned "Legends" about "treasure" hidden in secret locations of the old capital. After all, treasure is not always gold and riches, but something that means the world to someone. ^^

I see....

QuoteOf course. ^.^
Nearly all of them belong to companies that no longer exist -- and supported by simple hobbyists who can only guess at what their closed source involves, they can only get so much to m
aintain upkeep before they're forced into a nother bake sale. ^___^;

Ack, they should open source a lot of those old systems. It's not like they're to great of a threat to our modern OSs...

...or are they...? ;)

QuoteI'm guessing it could add drama in much the same way as a revived MULTICS-sama would. It could especially be a catalyst to Lisa-chan, although undoubtedly it would upset ][-chan who might view her as sacrilege (since I image Replica 1-san would look more mechanical than human).

Oh man...yeah, that would be freaky for ][-chan and Lisa-san...seeing a cyborg (or would it be android) replica of her own mother O__O

QuoteI would say more like a Saboteur based on that description -- and a very competent one, not like your run-of-the-mill bond villain. ^.^

That final countdown could easily be a C4 pack. `v'

Oooh, good idea, too!

QuoteWell I don't think they live IN a city per se, but they live close to towns with such people. ^^

That's what I kinda meant...I always supposed they lived on more of a farm, but near a small town(s).

QuoteAnd yes, I think the older Linux-tans (who prefer to stay out of the limelight) would be a perfect fit for the job, and no doubt they live in these towns, silently watching vigil over them. Given her meager living requirements and noble spirit, I wouldn't be surprised if Linux-sama herself volunteers in guarding this "Oasis of Antiquity".

Hey, that's a thought... ;010

QuoteFufufu.... Indeed, it's a small world. ^__^

I also plan that BBC Micro-tan is a reporter herself,... although given she's much older (and younger in appearance) probably doesn't air in anything greater than local community channels. Cause yes,... the Binteji Renmei is falling apart with needed repairs, and some tummies go empty each night,... but by GAWD, they have their own homebrewed TV channel.


...Well okay, they try. ^.^;

Hah, that would make for one great public access network.

QuoteCorrect! Bella-hime's ingenious insight knows no bounds! ^__~
It also explains why she has a particular fondness for Windows 1.0-san,... she may not be fully aware of it in the state that she's in, but she unconsciously gravitates towards kindly and unconditionally loving mother figures.

I can imagine that Lisa-chan, in a moment of tenderness, might even divulge the secret riddle of the mauseleom to her at some point -- although given 1.0-san's own incapacity, that doesn't do anyone else much good. -.-'

I guess 1.0-san would probably forget any shocking revelation of Lisa-san's like...five minutes after she told her O__o

QuoteCorrect. Everyone loves a winner, so with the Apple Family retreating literally with their tail tucked beneath, more than a number of people got swept in the euphoria of bashing the users and rewriting history accordingly. --;

My oh my, how the tables have turned, though...


QuoteIt also makes more practical sense. There are still battles ranging on everywhere that need their fastest and strongest. Being well past their prime, a quiet post guarding the Binteji Renmei and corresponding provinces make for a great "retirement" for these Honorary Linux-tans.

Besides which...I mean...does anyone even use Yggdrasil or any of those early distros anymore (besides Slackware and Debian, they're pretty old as well)? On the scale of Linuxes, they're as good as "Vintage".

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Oh, the traumatic even of 1989 was actually the disposal of several thousand Lisa units in a landfill -- the company couldn't sell them, so they just got rid of them like that.  Not only was it a huge betrayal to her and a sign that any chance of supremacy had all but been extinguished, but so much sadness and grief triggered,... yet more repressed sadness and grief to arise from the depths of her subconscious.  I think it was simply too much for her mind to bear.
That's right! I've read all about the Lisa and its fate. Sucks that so many were trashed before they had a chance. Why couldn't they just sell them for much less?  ;014

EDIT: Nevermind. I remember that Apple tried to sell the Lisa for less (marketed it as the Macintosh XL in 1985 and could emulate the Mac OS) but was very unsuccessful, sold remaining Lisas/Macintosh XLs to Sun Remarketing to market them for less cost and more effectively but still failed- so Apple bought back the unsold Lisas and trashed them :(

It was also then that ][-chan realized the extent of her failure to take care of her little sister -- and with the Mac-tans fairly well-off and independent, she dedicated the rest of her life to caring for Lisa-chan.
Aw geez... Apple ][-tan has to deal with that burden for the rest of her life! But on a much less cynical note, I understand it is for both of their own good as Lisa-tan might not be able to live with Apple ][-tan's care and well... The outcome of abandoning someone completely at your mercy is NOT something you want on your conscience, haunting you with tremendoes guilt for the rest of your life. So I admire Apple ][-tan's dedication, loyalty and that she hasn't given up! ;019

Sadly, ][-chan doesn't know about the extent of Lisa-chan's involvement with I-sama, so in essence she's swatting at flies as far as curing her ailment is concerned.  The day the secret is revealed would likely involve even more sap from her end.
Aw yeah, more sap!

I'd actually figured the execs entombed I-sama along with the necklace.  That would give credence to the aforementioned "Legends" about "treasure" hidden in secret locations of the old capital.  After all, treasure is not always gold and riches, but something that means the world to someone.  ^^
Well said!

QuoteOf course.  ^.^
Nearly all of them belong to companies that no longer exist -- and supported by simple hobbyists who can only guess at what their closed source involves, they can only get so much to maintain upkeep before they're forced into a nother bake sale.  ^___^;
Now I understand!

And exception made to the Wii Fit -- I absolutely LOVED that thing when I tried it out this morning!  @v@
I've never seen the Wii Fit yet, but I have heard lots about it.

QuoteYeah, I noticed that System 1-chan's attempts at showing off didn't quite go her way, compared to the slow but steady and experienced hand of ][-chan.  ^.^
Slow and steady wins the race?...  ;012

I'm guessing it could add drama in much the same way as a revived MULTICS-sama would.  It could especially be a catalyst to Lisa-chan, although undoubtedly it would upset ][-chan who might view her as sacrilege (since I image Replica 1-san would look more mechanical than human).
Now I feel tempted to draw Replica 1-tan... YEAH! MOAR ROBOTS!!
(plus the conflict of her existing is very dramatic and increases the drama and tragedy of Lisa-tan's life even further!)

I'll bite you if you add Mayo and buns to that.  `v'
I've never been bitten by a pig before. Let's not find out how painful that would be.

No but seriously, they're cute and ludicriousy cute.  ^___^
Don't know how you come up with these ideas, but Random Aurora-Hime Charactersâ,,¢ are always dynamite in my book!  ^.^
I like how they turned out too- such crazy characters!

something thing I forgot to mention: 4K-tan is also a very low-ranking virus-tan (IIRC, 4K doesn't inflict any damage), moreso than WDEF-tan!

There are quite a few virus-tan generals, but few low-rank virus-tans.

I was also thinking about revising Festering Hate-tan's appearance to make her appear even more diabolical ;006 ( I realized the skater theme although cool, kinda detracts from her diabolicalness. How about a 'metalhead'-type character? TURN UP THE DEATH METAL!! LOUDER! FASTER!! HYAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! YEAAAYEAAAAAAHHHHHH!! *headbangs*



I would say more like a Saboteur based on that description -- and a very competent one, not like your run-of-the-mill bond villain.  ^.^

That final countdown could easily be a C4 pack.  `v'
Neat! (can you show me some reference pictures, btw?)

Oh right, I forgot to ask,... can the Apple ][ sleep?  'v'
I'm not sure. But surely Apple ][-tan deserves a break for all her hard work?

Well I don't think they live IN a city per se, but they live close to towns with such people.  ^^
And yes, I think the older Linux-tans (who prefer to stay out of the limelight) would be a perfect fit for the job, and no doubt they live in these towns, silently watching vigil over them.  Given her meager living requirements and noble spirit, I wouldn't be surprised if Linux-sama herself volunteers in guarding this "Oasis of Antiquity".
Okay then! I approve!

QuoteFufufu....  Indeed, it's a small world.  ^__^

I also plan that BBC Micro-tan is a reporter herself,... although given she's much older (and younger in appearance) probably doesn't air in anything greater than local community channels.
So BBC Micro-tan is a reporter... What other concepts did you have in mind for her? (appearance, personality)

QuoteCause yes,... the Binteji Renmei is falling apart with needed repairs, and some tummies go empty each night,... but by GAWD, they have their own homebrewed TV channel.  


...Well okay, they try.  ^.^;
Wha... Some of them go to bed hungry? Daaaaaarn!

Correct!  Bella-hime's ingenious insight knows no bounds!  ^__~
It also explains why she has a particular fondness for Windows 1.0-san,... she may not be fully aware of it in the state that she's in, but she unconsciously gravitates towards kindly and unconditionally loving mother figures.  
Aha! Windows 1.0-tan's kind, loving and motherly personality reminds Lisa-tan of Apple I-tan!

I can imagine that Lisa-chan, in a moment of tenderness, might even divulge the secret riddle of the mauseleom to her at some point -- although given 1.0-san's own incapacity, that doesn't do anyone else much good.  -.-'
She's like the mother figure Lisa-tan did not have for very long!

Correct.  Everyone loves a winner, so with the Apple Family retreating literally with their tail tucked beneath, more than a number of people got swept in the euphoria of bashing the users and rewriting history accordingly.  --;
History is written by the victor...

It also makes more practical sense.  There are still battles ranging on everywhere that need their fastest and strongest.  Being well past their prime, a quiet post guarding the Binteji Renmei and corresponding provinces make for a great "retirement" for these Honorary Linux-tans.  :)
Excellent! So Evil Entity-tan and Yggdrasil-tan did not really disappear!

Certainly not after the 80's they ain't.  ^^;
Maybe that's the point,... after all, the Unix Wars weren't that well known on the consumer level.
Back then despite the conflicts between Unix and what really is Unix, I assume that most people did not really care, just wanted a system that works?



The old fashioned Toshiaki is a brilliant touch -- harkens back to the days when suitors were suitors, and not lazy-eyed kids in rags.  To compare 1983 Toshiaki to the present day one just drives the point like a bridge nail.  ^v^'

And the over-eager, cute, and lovey-dovey Lisa-sama is priceless to see, especially when she unabashedly belittles her servant (and oh yeah,... little sister) along with.

System 1-chan's response bubble is also hilarious.  ^.^

BTW, If Toshiaki plans a date with Lisa-chan, he's gonna be in for a surprise when he gets [JUST] the dinner bill....  ^____^;
How is all that for a change of pace? ;012

This scene is supposed to be reminiscent of a scene from "Cinderella" when a messenger comes to the door to greet the stepmom and stepsisters while Cinderella is doing chores, of course with some twists!

Hahahaha! And I like that last suggestion! Thank you! You've just given me another thing to add into the story! Later on, Toshiaki will mention how although he admires Lisa-tan, she is much too demanding and then shows a flashback of Toshiaki and Lisa-tan on a date at a 5-star restaraunt and when Toshiaki gets the dinner bill; he is so stunned he screams, sweats all over and falls down and needs a medic ;012

Quote from: "Bella"Oooh, a new page! Seeing the old fashioned Toshiaki is quite amusing...I do concur, he is a great deal more fashionable and mannered than our modern Toshiaki. Dreamy Lisa-san in panel 3 is great too; as is that look of gloating on her face in panel 4. In panel 5, however, we truly learn that Lisa-san has no ability to predict future events.
I prefer the old-fashioned Toshiaki. How about you?

And how Lisa-tan has no ability to predict future events... That is so true! Never underestimate your adversaries, even if they seem inferior to you! You may never know!

I see Toshiaki really falling for System 1-tan...
Oh yeah... This could either take a turn for the better or worse.

Oh yeah, hoards of pissed Unix-tans are hi-larious XD
And VERY dangerous!

I still remember waaaay back when I forgot OS X 10.2's big cat name...what'd I call it? Cougar or something? >//////<
Yeah, I think. Hehehehe...

QuoteBut if OS-9-tan is the reporter, will people tune in to see her?

Good question....
I hope so or she may resort to doing something crazy as she rarely thinks twice about doing something... She really could learn a thing or two from her rival, QNX-tan who is also very obscure but instead of focusing on those who don't know her and trying to get their attention (what OS-9-tan does), she focuses on those she does know and is happy with that, disregarding her obscurity. It's quality over quantity!

Of course, OS-9 does have a lot of hobbyists but she is trying to get more friends since although OS-9-tan is best friends with CoCo-tan, their friendship is deemed forbidden by their clashing userbases. OS-9-tan is also friends with Amiga-tan (there is a version of OS-9 ported to the Amiga) but Amiga-tan is much too busy and has a dangerous fangirl!

I really didn't know GEM-chan was so messed up; but it's good that she's recovering, and helping Lisa-san to do the same.
Yeah, in my old rendition, GEM-tan was confined to a wheelchair and was perpetually melancholy. Since life has improved her a lot, do you think she is finally able to forgive the Mac-tans?

For sure :P
Bwahahahaha! Go for it!

Don't thank me, thank the Unix Hater's Handbook. They compare Unix to the Andromeda Strain XD

I want to read that book someday! I have mixed feelings about Unix but the Unix Hater's Handbook sounds like an amusing read!

I wonder if I can get one thrown at me ;012

AHA! So the Goddess be not all sunshine and human emotions! She doth have a self-interested side!
I will refrain from making a snarky remark... I will refrain from making a snarky remark if I know what's good for me... least ][-tan and Lisa-san are trying to patch things up...
There is that too.

Ack, they should open source a lot of those old systems. It's not like they're to great of a threat to our modern OSs...

...or are they...? ;)
I've heard about the possibility of open-sourced vintage OSes having a lot of potential!

QuoteOh man...yeah, that would be freaky for ][-chan and Lisa-san...seeing a cyborg (or would it be android) replica of her own mother O__O
I'd say android, more specifically a robot doll like Chachamaru Karakuri from "Negima" :D

QuoteHah, that would make for one great public access network.
I agree! Those vintage-tans are so charming and with rich stories to tell!

I guess 1.0-san would probably forget any shocking revelation of Lisa-san's like...five minutes after she told her O__o
Better than telling no one. Slightly.

My oh my, how the tables have turned, though...

I second that XD

Besides which...I mean...does anyone even use Yggdrasil or any of those early distros anymore (besides Slackware and Debian, they're pretty old as well)? On the scale of Linuxes, they're as good as "Vintage".
I'm not sure. Probably not since Yggdrasil became defunct all the way back in 1995.


OOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOH.....  that's a lot to reply too.... @___@

*passes out*

Let me sit this one out for a while, at least until I get the other pending threads replied to.  ^^;

*trots off timidly*

Aurora Borealis

I understand! These posts in this thread are getting increasingly lengthier! (of course, it is great that these lengthy posts offer so much insight about the backstories of OS-tans and other great things, but replying to them gets to be more difficult!) x__X