What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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it's vaguely familiar....i've never seen it, but i know it's 90's and i know it's sci-fi. i always pictured it being similar in nature to GitS or MAYBE Lain.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 01, 2014, 10:58:56 AM
it's vaguely familiar....i've never seen it, but i know it's 90's and i know it's sci-fi. i always pictured it being similar in nature to GitS or MAYBE Lain.

The manga was authored by Masamune Shirow of GitS fame. That's another reason I watched it, tbh... even though it was really only reminiscent of GitS mechanical-design and character design-wise. And maybe (relatively) smaller badass girl with big hulking male love interest-wise.


ahhhhh, THAT'S why it sounded familiar. tbh GitS never interested me much, but maybe i should look into Appleseed. :0

watched Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun today. i have 1 episode and the OVA(s?) left. i really need to get off my ass and write a review.... ;v;
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If you didn't like the newer CGI version try looking into the older animated one. It's from like 1988 or so and is some pretty classic anime Sci-fi. If it feels like generic sci-fi its because its from an earlier age when everything hadn't been done.

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ooo, i really love the look of that. :000

Paradise Kiss ep 1-4.
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Thanks for the tip, Cap't~

K-On: The Movie.

Muh feels.........


If you guys haven't seen Nozaki-kun yet, you really should, it's adorable and funny.


holy shit that looks adorable.

just watched Kaiba ep. 1. that was one of the most compelling pieces of anime i've ever seen and i'm not really sure why.
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Bakugan: New Vestroia
Shingeki no Kyojin
Sword Art Online II: Phantom Bullet


still need to download SAO II. Kaiba ep 2. i'm REALLY glad that one facebook friend steered me away from showing this to kids, she was so right.
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lol, yeah, SAO is not for kids.
SAO2/GGO does heap on action-fanservice, but so far I'm enjoying the internal conflicts. It seemed contrived a bit at first, but it grew on me. (And Sinon is hot omgwww)

But if you're not looking for any fanservice, I again re-iterate my recommendation for Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun


what? no. i meant Kaiba. i showed SAO I to a group of students when it was first coming out. but i have a general rule: if it's been on [as] or the new Toonami, it's not being played in club.

saw Kaiba ep. 3 earlier, and if it counts, just saw the Steven Universe finale. HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL.
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Oh yeah, Kaiba is definitely not for everyone, but you can find hidden gems within those unusual concepts, I believe.

Currently finishing off leftover eps from the summer season, and slowly progressing with season 2 of Fate/Zero.


Got this from Amazon

I'm surprised how hard it is to find high-quality episodes of this online.


I've got like an entire Ah My Goddess OVA now, so, I guess I'll watch that at some point.