What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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at the movies or the episode?

cause i have 3 ghibli movies to my name and a 4th out on my sister's netflix. as for naruto, i'm a couple episodes behind so i need to catch up online. >>;
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ahh, alright.

oh yeah, technically i have 4 ghibli movies in my possession. but there's no need to crush their little souls with Grave of the Fireflies. ;^;
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Finished Chu2 a couple days ago. Gonna finish up Toradora since I've been meaning to finish that. And have been re-watching Steins;Gate with my sister (who's seeing it for the first time).


don't spoil Chu2. i wanted to see that one. >>;
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Just watched Ranma 1/2 Episode 78.

And victory is mine! I found the game I was looking for:


Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 25, 2013, 03:26:29 PM
Just watched Ranma 1/2 Episode 78.

And victory is mine! I found the game I was looking for:

is it good at least...? to look out 5 the iso...


It's a good game man. And honestly I don't know why people bother with downloading the ISOs for PS2 games when you can buy them at a steal. Also the game is Japan and Europe only.

Japan boxart:

EDIT: I also ordered 2 DVDs of Amazon, Ranma 1/2 the movie and Always My Santa.


is always my santa anime? cause if so i want to see it to see what it's all about. :\

watched Midori Days ep 3.
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It's the name of 2 OVAs of the manga Itsudatte My Santa!. I've never heard of it or read the manga before, and I wanted to become an *coughotakucough* real anime fan and it looked interesting so... yeah.

EDIT: Downloading Otaku No Video OVAs 1 and 2
EDIT: Downloaded Otaku No Video OVAs 1 and 2. Watching...
EDIT: Watched Otaku No Video OVA 1. Will watch OVA 2 later...
EDIT: Watched Otaku No Video OVA 2.

Short review: I though it was a badass film, despite what I'd heard people say about it. I love outrageous anime...


how did i know it was a ken akamatsu one..... >>;

also, i'm not going to say there's a right or wrong way on the path to otakudom, but you can approach it two ways from what i've seen:

1. watch everything new, especially anime filled with moe girls, panty shots, and similar story themes. >>;
2. watch the classics. and by classics i don't mean playing the hipster card the way i do by seeking out UBER-OBSCURE series from 20-30 years ago. find the good oldies and watch those. (evangelion, a few seasons of urusei yatsura [there's just no way you'll be able to conquer the whole thing right away], cowboy bebop or trigun, a season or two of sailor moon, maybe cyborg 009, etc etc. find the ones that everyone talks about as "remember that one?" )

watched naruto ep 7 and 8, so i'm caught up for 9 tonight. also watched panty and stocking ep 11 and 12, only one left (then i'm doing the review, will post a link -w- ).

EDIT: watched naruto ep 9, P&S ep 13 (about to watch the OVA). will start the review later.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 26, 2013, 09:21:32 PM
watched naruto ep 7 and 8, so i'm caught up for 9 tonight. also watched panty and stocking ep 11 and 12, only one left (then i'm doing the review, will post a link -w- ).

EDIT: watched naruto ep 9, P&S ep 13 (about to watch the OVA). will start the review later.

OS, or shippuden?


the first series, i never made it to shippuden officially. (thanks to the magic of the internet i know more than i should >>; )

watched Sukitte ii na Yo. episode 13. will write a review for that, Panty and Stocking, and Kamisama no Memochou and have the links up by the end of the night.

EDIT: all three are up now!!

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