What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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why are you watching Winx Club.......at least you have Jackie Chan Adventures up there. that one i approve of. -w-

as for subs vs dubs, it's an age-old debate that no one wins. personally, i think that both should be checked out if one is willing. for example, with Panty and Stocking, there are different jokes for each version, meaning that you get twice the laughs. :3

i will say that staying true to the original is better, though. there are some cases where it's nice to have a dub (for example, my sister's fiancee gets distracted by subtitles, meaning he can't see what's going on if he has to read them), but for the most part keeping the original format is best, imo.
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As For a show like Panty and Stocking, i find the dub better, being that the show has references and roots in western culture (and the animation style looks like a friggin Cartoon Network show) and uses a LOT of vulgarity that the western dub may know how to use more appropriately (as in its sorta western from the start and no offense but some things just turn out better when using English, especially with the use of cussing in the show.).

Though some shows are better subbed. And some (like lucky star) are good both ways.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


um, i'm not sure why but your remarks offend me, possibly because you don't seem to know a lot of history behind the show.

P&S was a sort of Love Letter/Prank Call by Gainax to all the western animation schools. the show features traditional anime at times (and in fact a whole half-episode is done in a sort of miyazaki's spirited away realism), but for the most part the style is in a parody of various western shows (note Chuck's resemblance to Gir from Invader Zim). it's also worth noting that P&S isn't the first show to use western vulgarity, and in fact plenty of western words have leaked out to other countries, so hearing "WAT DA FAK" elsewhere might not be too surprising.
as for references and culture roots, it has plenty of japanese roots, too; the spirited away-style episode, for example, features a lot of common things in japanese culture, such as salarymen and post-work drinking, and stocking's style of dress is a mainly japanese fashion. the majority of gothic-lolitas in other countries are also interested in anime and/or japanese culture, cementing the fashion as truly japanese.

so while P&S might have a lot of western influences, that's no reason to say that the dub is superiour or makes more sense.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 19, 2013, 09:14:08 PM
um, i'm not sure why but your remarks offend me, possibly because you don't seem to know a lot of history behind the show.

P&S was a sort of Love Letter/Prank Call by Gainax to all the western animation schools. the show features traditional anime at times (and in fact a whole half-episode is done in a sort of miyazaki's spirited away realism), but for the most part the style is in a parody of various western shows (note Chuck's resemblance to Gir from Invader Zim). it's also worth noting that P&S isn't the first show to use western vulgarity, and in fact plenty of western words have leaked out to other countries, so hearing "WAT DA FAK" elsewhere might not be too surprising.
as for references and culture roots, it has plenty of japanese roots, too; the spirited away-style episode, for example, features a lot of common things in japanese culture, such as salarymen and post-work drinking, and stocking's style of dress is a mainly japanese fashion. the majority of gothic-lolitas in other countries are also interested in anime and/or japanese culture, cementing the fashion as truly japanese.

so while P&S might have a lot of western influences, that's no reason to say that the dub is superiour or makes more sense.

You have a valid point. I expressed my opinion, and you expressed yours, along with facts as well.

But take the transformation scene for instance

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQXMkn8g50k Japanese

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msWbNfEOFlk English

The dub seems to flow a lot better, as well as have better wording (in my opinion).
Also note the Japanese version uses "garb of these Holy virgins" which those who have seen PSG know flat out is a lie. They aint no virgins. :P The dub uses "garments of these Holy delicate maidens" which is a lot better (even though delicate is pushing it). Even the part they say repent is given that extra bit (of course through language). Also notice that the jp version says "cleansed of worldly impurities, return to heaven and earth"while the dub uses "..garments of these Holy delicate maidens strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger, shattering your * ? ? ? * and impurity and returning you from whence you came". The dub clearly flows more easily, as well as makes more sense (Return to heaven and earth? They are ON earth, at a place between heaven and hell. And heaven? I thought they were demon monsters or whatever. Why would they go to heaven?)

Overall the show, despite having one or two episodes rooted more in japanese culture, is heavily influenced by western culture. (From parodying movie titles and scenes to including a ghostbusters PKE meter and Proton Pack) Personally, i find that the dub pulls these references and jokes off more smoothly. (from what ive seen anyways. i never watched all the subbed episodes, do to lost interest explained above. I have watched all the dubbed episodes).

I personally find shows like PSG (aka a parody soup of western culture) overall flows better with dubs. Yes i may miss a few jokes or two with dubs through being lost in translation, but with a show like PSG, it overall flows better and is easily understood with dubs.

(Please note: this post is opinionated. If you dislike opinion, do not read. In fact, maybe this should be at the top of the post.)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


actually it's never really clarified where daten city is. i always thought of it as a funky purgatory. as for the transformation sequence, i hate the english version of that. maybe it's just cause i heard the japanese first, but it sounds clunky to me. and ending it with "repent, motherfucker!" is kind of stupid, imo. it makes it sound like they're playing tetris and they just piled junk on junk.

dude, you didn't even WATCH the full subbed and you're ragging on it? you sure as hell don't have the right now, how do you know they didn't make more japanese references if you didn't watch? and even if daten city ISN'T in japan, that doesn't make the sub superiour. just because Code Geass involves plenty of british people doesn't make the dub superiour to the sub. IT'S A JAPANESE SHOW. THE JAPANESE MADE IT, END OF STORY. you gonna start complaining if they make a show in the style of Modigliani and don't do the voiceover in italian??

personal opinion or not, your remarks tend to be a little biting. feel free to debate, but things wouldn't get so heated if we could all just tone it down and keep somethings to ourselves.

i was gonna watch naruto tonight, but i missed last week's episode and i need to get up early tomorrow. i feel like i'm failing Naruto and his friends. ;^;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 19, 2013, 10:54:55 PM
actually it's never really clarified where daten city is. i always thought of it as a funky purgatory. as for the transformation sequence, i hate the english version of that. maybe it's just cause i heard the japanese first, but it sounds clunky to me. and ending it with "repent, motherfucker!" is kind of stupid, imo. it makes it sound like they're playing tetris and they just piled junk on junk.

dude, you didn't even WATCH the full subbed and you're ragging on it? you sure as hell don't have the right now, how do you know they didn't make more japanese references if you didn't watch? and even if daten city ISN'T in japan, that doesn't make the sub superiour. just because Code Geass involves plenty of british people doesn't make the dub superiour to the sub. IT'S A JAPANESE SHOW. THE JAPANESE MADE IT, END OF STORY. you gonna start complaining if they make a show in the style of Modigliani and don't do the voiceover in italian??

personal opinion or not, your remarks tend to be a little biting. feel free to debate, but things wouldn't get so heated if we could all just tone it down and keep somethings to ourselves.

i was gonna watch naruto tonight, but i missed last week's episode and i need to get up early tomorrow. i feel like i'm failing Naruto and his friends. ;^;

I forgot not to express my opinion on the internet since its forbidden... sorry. -w- (and i said i watched a few subbed episodes, just never the entire subbed series.)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


no need to get snarky. this is why people get mad, because of backhanded comments like that. (don't be a troll.) I'm right when I say that you can't pass proper judgment on something without all of the information. you wouldn't review the godfather after watching only the first third, right? That means watching ALL the subtitled episodes, okay?

if you're just going to instigate comments by posting mean/ rude stuff like that, I'm going to leave. but don't be surprised if you don't curry favour by being so snarky. there's sharing Your opinion, which is all well and good, but getting authoritative about it by saying stuff like "x is better!!" isn't a good way to go about it.

skipped Naruto. I'll watch both episodes tomorrow.
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I could never watch a dubbed anime without cringing, to be honest. Just like many English sayings sound totally awkward in Swedish, the same is true between Japanese and English, and to a much greater extent. I always watch subs - dubs make my ears bleed.


@pizza: does that have anything to do witb Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

EDIT: the library anime club starts this thursday. i've been asked to bring in the DVDs of Kodocha! and Chobits, and i'm gonna bring in Cyborg 009 too.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 20, 2013, 11:26:43 AM
@pizza: does that have anything to do witb Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

EDIT: the library anime club starts this thursday. i've been asked to bring in the DVDs of Kodocha! and Chobits, and i'm gonna bring in Cyborg 009 too.

nope. not ever. what's Jojo's Bizzare Adventure? Sounds like some animu that's overly extravagant and had a fighting game based on the manga.


i'm not sure if you're serious
or if you're trolling...

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 19, 2013, 08:36:42 PM
why are you watching Winx Club.......at least you have Jackie Chan Adventures up there. that one i approve of. -w-

as for subs vs dubs, it's an age-old debate that no one wins. personally, i think that both should be checked out if one is willing. for example, with Panty and Stocking, there are different jokes for each version, meaning that you get twice the laughs. :3

i will say that staying true to the original is better, though. there are some cases where it's nice to have a dub (for example, my sister's fiancee gets distracted by subtitles, meaning he can't see what's going on if he has to read them), but for the most part keeping the original format is best, imo.

Kinda fell in Love with Techna... besides, seems a pretty nice attempt to get MG outside Japan... Then again...

Quote from: PizzaDrill on January 20, 2013, 12:43:12 PM
Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 20, 2013, 11:26:43 AM
@pizza: does that have anything to do witb Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?

EDIT: the library anime club starts this thursday. i've been asked to bring in the DVDs of Kodocha! and Chobits, and i'm gonna bring in Cyborg 009 too.

nope. not ever. what's Jojo's Bizzare Adventure? Sounds like some animu that's overly extravagant and had a fighting game based on the manga.
You don't know Jojo...? good for you, it makes my tummy hurt....


i've been curious about it. :0

also, what's MG?
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 20, 2013, 03:20:24 PM
i've been curious about it. :0

also, what's MG?

Jojo's one big bad Mess... half played the games and saw the anime... which I tilded as confusing, as hell...

the Magical girl genra