What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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Well, if "recently" stuff is allowed, then my list'd be quite a damn bit longer, but that's just my current stuff, mostly of what is airing currently. Bamboo and Macross F are the only ones I take after they've finished; everything else I'm all up-to-date with.

I can hardly remember all the stuff I've recently finished off with DELTA's supreme power...It usually goes into the temp folder, into the winamp and into the waste bin in one go. ^^


Dear lawd, Nejin-san and C-Chan, those are some lists! All I've watched recently (past week) was Serial Experiments Lain and I was planning on watching Howl's Moving Castle.

Serial Experiments Lain= massive mindfsckage. In a good way @.@

And I cannot, for the life of me, believe that anybody anywhere is still watching Bleach. It got drawn out by the 10th episode IMHO.


[breaks rules]I can hardly remember all the stuff I've recently finished off with DELTA's supreme power...It usually goes into the temp folder, into the winamp and into the waste bin in one go. ^^[/quote]

Kukuku... talk about efficiency.  ^^
By recent I do mean a couple of months -- still, that was unheard of a long time ago when I could barely get through a season of anything during a whole year.  @.@

My old desktops were fast and had enough storage... but I couldn't sleep with them either.  Not without the risk of electrocution anyway.....  `v'

QuoteDear lawd, Nejin-san and C-Chan, those are some lists!

And I hope to include Lost on there eventually too.  ^__^
Just will need a while to transcode so many episodes, but i will get to it.  Finally I'll be able to see evil PETchan.  ^__^

QuoteAll I've watched recently (past week) was Serial Experiments Lain and I was planning on watching Howl's Moving Castle.

Awesome!  Now you'll know where 1/4 of Unix-sama's inspiration came from.  ^v^

QuoteSerial Experiments Lain= massive mindfsckage. In a good way @.@

Told you.  ^^


Daggnam, this still feels weird being here.  Starting to get goosebumps.  >.<

I want to watch Code Geass II, DiGi Charat or Wolf's Rain next -- but besides that, if there really isn't anything interesting to report, guess I'll sign out.

Have fun all!  Â¯v¯

*trots off*

[/breaks rules]


QuoteBy recent I do mean a couple of months --

Ok, ok, I won't even try going close. That's gotta be...at least over 50, man. Shit. I'm broken >_>


QuoteKukuku... talk about efficiency. ^^
By recent I do mean a couple of months -- still, that was unheard of a long time ago when I could barely get through a season of anything during a whole year. @.@

Ack, half of what I watch I usually get fed up with or quite halfway though. Only exceptionally interesting series keep my attention...

QuoteAnd I hope to include Lost on there eventually too. ^__^
Just will need a while to transcode so many episodes, but i will get to it. Finally I'll be able to see evil PETchan. ^__^

Yay! I've recently been re-watching Lost on cable, and the second season (featuring the Apple ][ and SAGE of death) has just started.

QuoteAwesome! Now you'll know where 1/4 of Unix-sama's inspiration came from. ^v^

...And if you watch Lost, you'll be able to see why I've drawn some Unix-sama/Ben Linus parallels. Sometimes the most dangerous people are the least dangerous looking ^^

QuoteTold you. ^^

Still trying to figure out WTF was up with the alien. And Lain's sister. O.o

BTW, did you catch all the Mac/BeOS references throughout the series? At the end of most episodes it said "to Be continued" (in red and blue, the BeOS logo), they mentioned "Think different" and their computers were running "Copland OS" (Copland, of course, being a rejected Apple OS).

QuoteDaggnam, this still feels weird being here. Starting to get goosebumps. >.<

I want to watch Code Geass II, DiGi Charat or Wolf's Rain next -- but besides that, if there really isn't anything interesting to report, guess I'll sign out.

Have fun all! ¯v¯

*trots off*

Aha! We finally got C-Chan to venture out of the art threads! I knew it was a good to hide a bunch of Linux-tans in the OT threads!


Chaos;head is an anime?
i thought it was a game O_O


Game-based Animu. There are some.


I have no idea what to watch....     Right now I'm rewatching the Minami-ke series.    But I really have to get to something recent as well.


I saw a few episodes of Samurai Champloo yesterday...



QuoteI have no idea what to watch.... Right now I'm rewatching the Minami-ke series. But I really have to get to something recent as well.
Well...Birdy Decode and Toradora are pretty good, recent series. Macross F is being released off Blu-Ray rips recently, too, so that might be worth looking into. Not as new, but the DMC series were good too (although maybe a bit in the wrong direction). This season, Index is a good mix of serious and fun, with a mixture of supernaturality into the whole; Whilst Hyakko is pure, undiluted, undisputed, unCHALLENGED comedy #1. Except for episode 1. It sucks. Well, maybe not THAT much, but if you skim that, and go to episode 2 and 3 and 4, you'll be just fine.

Damn, I've been listening to too much rhythmic baselines at 80 dB tonight...every damn sentence I type sounds in my head like a rap line. OSHI-.


Well, I'll give some of these things you suggest a whirl, thanks.

I kinda fell by the wayside last spring, I started watching stuff but got sidetracked by lots of other things and then just dug out old stuff from my "archives".   Time to get with the program again.


I'm watching toradora now; an d i have seen Natsume yujin, i recomend this one too, i liked it! it has a really good story


oh yeah i forgot how the page-layout starts looking after Bella and the pig (do a remake of belle and the beast haha) had a conversation; great big posts with a weave of quote/text/quote/text...
how i have spent way too much time trying to understand and read it all....  :D:D

Anywhoz i am currently watching Death Note...
And i'm savoring it cuz i want my next anime to be as badass as this one, as kick-ass as GITS or as LULZ as trigun... hard, hard...
Besides my 1,2TB on my PC's full and the 250GB on my lappie's also full... so i do have to savour it untill i buyz me a new HDD... :D
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Dude... HOW do you fill up a 1,2 TB worth of hard drives? Did you just invent digital fat?


movies, anime, series, games, apps, windowses and a GB or 5 of old tools and drivers....
Simple really just never toss anything out and do not burn (i don't trust DVDs cuz they die after a year...)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^