What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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How is Claymore?  My neighbor has the manga.



Just the character design for the claymores is boring and repeditive.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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YES. Mushishi and Claymore.  LOVE EM.  (I haven't watched much of mushishi and I love it. XD;; )

In the vein of Mushishi, maybe Kino no Tabi and Jigoku Shoujo may pique your interest.  Slow moving, but absolutely amazing, in my opinion.


I love Kino no Tabi, too.  I haven't seen Jigoku Shoujo, though.  I'll have to give it a look.


Quote from: "Siya"I love Kino no Tabi, too.  I haven't seen Jigoku Shoujo, though.  I'll have to give it a look.
I haven't even finished watching Jigoku Shoujo, but from what I've seen it's pretty good. ^^
Episodic, but it gets good later supposedly. If you love Kino no Tabi, I think you have a long enough attention span for it. :3

Oh.... Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino aired not too long ago... apparently there's a huge backlash amongst 2ch.  Lots of people are saying its crap. I'm not the type to judge on animation and the 1st episode alone though.  

Note: animation is quite different, with the larger eyes.  ...makes Giuse look way too young. I can get used to the new animation (done by the same people who did Mushishi, and not Madhouse like the first) And apparently there's a different cast too.... haven't heard it, but I'll need to get used to that too....  

Rawr, well, from the trailer shown in Comiket, at least they didn't ignore the attention to detail on the guns.... they don't seem to be as shiny or pretty, imo, but at least it's accurate....

bah. I'll withhold further opinion until I get some good fansubs for it.


Once you do, post links :D

I wonder how they are going to get around the ending they did, it kinda deviates from the original manga...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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ok, after that 1 episode, i can say that one was more or less an "introductory" episode.  I know that a totally new staff and cast were employed for the second season.

Animation looks low quality when directly compared with Madhouse's animation for the first season.  However, over the time I've been watching anime, I've found I really don't judge anime based on animation but more on the plot.  Although, from what I've seen online, this was a major point that was criticized.  

My main gripes are actually with Henrietta and Giuse/Jose/Joze.  They kinda went the "moe" route with henrietta, and it frankly bothers me.  And Jose sounds like he's 20 years old or something.  Hilshire also seems to have gotten younger... Other than that, the other voices don't bother me.  A couple of those voices have probably changed, but they keep the same spirit as the first, so I didn't notice.  

hm.... the first episode overall gave the vibe that it's more of an action thing than a drama.  I still have some hope that when the real plot starts, we'll start getting into heavy stuff, but so far it doesn't look like it.

That's it... Triad is subbing it, and they have quality translations.
I'm sure you know where that is captain, but if you don't want to bother typing the site in, here's the torrent tracker site:

I don't think it'll be as good as the first.  However, I don't think it's as bad as a bunch of people make it out to be.


Eh, Ive never watched it in sub, so ill let you know how I view it since i wont be effected by compairisons to the original japanese cast.  But concidering how small the american voice actor pool is, im pretty sure we are likely to get the same crew if they dub it.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Eh, Ive never watched it in sub, so ill let you know how I view it since i wont be effected by compairisons to the original japanese cast.  But concidering how small the american voice actor pool is, im pretty sure we are likely to get the same crew if they dub it.
I hope the american dub doesn't change it either, despite the drastic changes.  For a cast of mostly young girls, the dub was pretty impressive, particularly since most dubs of young girls tend to grate at my ears.

I think I figured out why it didn't have the same feel as the first.  It's not really the voices or the fact they cut corners with the animation... it's more the mood they set with the colors and the music.  The first season really set up the mood for a great, dramatic anime, with the cool colors and the strings in the music.  

You just don't get it in the second season.
So I don't end up disappoint myself, I'll lower my expectations and treat this as somewhat separate from the first season.

although, a part of me feels that Marvelous Entertainment doesn't have much of a budget.  The first season had a lot of high quality stuff from the music, to the cast, to the animators.  It's hard to live up to that with a staff of people that, frankly, aren't known for superior quality.  Yu Aida is directing, so I hope he ends up wow-ing me with his story somehow....


Gots two new shiny pieces added to my library:

First off, Shigofumi. Anime about a girl who delivers the last message from the newly dead, to the living.
I mean, it's a somewhat insane idea. But still it ends up being totally whack-off awesome - manly tears were shed by the end of the first episode, I swear. It's an awesome take on death, simply. Slightly oversubbed, but the ones I watched from [FTP-A] were quality-proof - get it at your local torrent provider ASAP. -w-

Secondly, Spice and Wolf. Wolf-girl Horo the Wise X merchant Lawrence.
Well, it's pretty slow and pretty smooth, but pretty damn fun as well. The parts where Horo goes ZOMFSOWNAGE on Lawrence without even moving a finger is pretty amusing stuff, too. Subbed by [BSS], with quality - get it at your local torrent provider as usual.

Then again, these are new for the season, and I guess many of you might already be watching them, ne? ^-^


Quote from: "NejinOniwa"Gots two new shiny pieces added to my library:

First off, Shigofumi. Anime about a girl who delivers the last message from the newly dead, to the living.
I mean, it's a somewhat insane idea. But still it ends up being totally whack-off awesome - manly tears were shed by the end of the first episode, I swear. It's an awesome take on death, simply. Slightly oversubbed, but the ones I watched from [FTP-A] were quality-proof - get it at your local torrent provider ASAP. -w-

Secondly, Spice and Wolf. Wolf-girl Horo the Wise X merchant Lawrence.
Well, it's pretty slow and pretty smooth, but pretty damn fun as well. The parts where Horo goes ZOMFSOWNAGE on Lawrence without even moving a finger is pretty amusing stuff, too. Subbed by [BSS], with quality - get it at your local torrent provider as usual.

Then again, these are new for the season, and I guess many of you might already be watching them, ne? ^-^

mmm shigofumi~ Absolutely love that anime.

I'm watching from Menclave, a fansubbing group I'm familiar with and a group whose quality I trust.
The artist of Shigofumi is the artist for Kino no Tabi.  And talking inanimate objects are always fun. XD;

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
I wonder how they are going to get around the ending they did, it kinda deviates from the original manga...
btw, she's not dead. :3

So far, Gunslinger Girl is okay.  They're doing the Pinocchio/Triela arc at the moment.  ...All the dudes in Section 2 got way younger voices, jeez.  They're still the same people, just.... younger.  I can see lots of people being turned off by things like this, since the original was just EPIC, but I think I'll stick with GSG-IT-  It's keeping me entertained.


Minami-ke ~ Okawari.  

Hm.. And that's about it these days.


I'm just mainly watching Bleach and Naruto at the moment. Haven't really found much else. Been thinking about starting on D. Gray-Man since the manga is good but haven't gotten around to it yet.


I just finished Murder Princess.


I am right now watching excel saga
"...and these children that you spit on,
as they try to change their worlds are
immune to your consultations.  They\'re
quite aware of what they\'re going through...
                                       - David Bowie"
Well it nice to meet now i have to go now
speak softly but carry a big stick

today is a summer service day, today is a summer service day, lets all go together to the blue blue sea, beach volleyball smashing watermelons it\'ll be so much fun we\'ll never leave. heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh" *head bobbles like an idiot*
believe in me, who believes in you