What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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There's thinking outside of the box and Living outside the box, you're currently doing one of them... -w-;


I'm living outside of the box but sometimes I'd like to get in there and transform into mecha guy >=]


lol after watching a lot of hot blooded shounen stuff. watching moe moe stuff becomes enjoyable from time to time.

watching hanamaru kindergarden
My my, aren't you lovely~


I am watching Naruto and Pokemon. I rally like these anime because they are not only about adventures but also about love story.  The artists of those anime were really fantastic.


I am currently watching Naruto, but my absolute favorite anime of all time is Ouran High School Host Club.


Nowadays, I needed something strange stuff, so I decided to start Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, as I heard it's pretty odd. Yeah, it managed to meet my expectations of crazy - and it's fun, in it's twisted way, ehehe~


Currently rewatching AMG, season 1 clear, season 2 up to ep7, currently watching ep8.

I've watched 32 episodes over 2 days (not including DRRR and other stuff). Lulzy. -w-;


Kiss x sis Series: It's cute and funny and never lays off the fan service.

I am looking to watch School days, but I heard they kill a loli....that's just evil man..... : (


Full Metal Panic. Weird alternate realities FTW?


really should catch up on all my anime....

avatar the last airbender counts, right? (after that, i watched please twins! a few weeks ago.)
click to make it bigger


My my, aren't you lovely~



I don't think Avatar's an anime... not to demean it, but anime by definition if Japanese-produced animation. I'd call it anime-like, since it's stylistically similar to anime but a western work (just like The Boondocks).

That's rough Stew. You don't have any DVDs or vids on your computer? D:


Well, I do have Haruhi Suzumiya and the first two discs of Yukikazi.  But hopefully every Sunday for the rest of the summer I'll be able to get in some Strike Witches and some other ones.  

Spice & Wolf: For the Economics.

Dr. Kraus

I've finished CLANNAD vol.1,2, and After Story.
Such a heartbreaking moment was when Nagisa died, brought back alot of memory's from my life because of the sadness.

If you don't mind I'd like to post my childhood story from a confortation I had with a close friend.

[UU]Kraus: I'm glad we got together like that

[UU]Kraus: I needed that...

[UU] Sharp: You're glad we got together at Dan's?

[UU]Kraus: No I mean, when I finished that series like that it made me think about my life

[UU]Kraus: How my childhood with interacting with other people was horrible...

[UU]Kraus: How for a portion of my life, I was either a tool of "friends" or just had no friends at all....

[UU]Kraus: Brought back alot of memorys of sadness

[UU] Sharp: Dude...

[UU] Sharp: That's deep...

[UU]Kraus: eh, thanks. You, Jon, and Dan were the first people to ever not
take advatage of me in a way or just disregard me as no one

[UU] Sharp: I respect you.

[UU] Sharp: First person I ever honestly respected was Jon.

[UU] Sharp: Then you.

[UU]Kraus: Thanks, not many people show any kind of respect towards me even though I go through a life that can be modeled as spoiled at points in time. The only person whom respected me even though I was younger then them was Bef, thats why I look up to him alot. He ran relay for life for my mom which is something I can deeply respect and am honored by.

[UU] Sharp: Nice.

[UU]Kraus: eh, life is such a bitch to me. I've herd people say stuff about me, saying that I should just go live is England if I am so proud of being English. People haven't ever respected my heritage and have just used it to bully or haras me. I used to get in alot of fights because I'll let people talk shit about me, but if they say that my family is crap they better be ready to fight me.

[UU] Sharp: That what happened with Kevin Sweet?

[UU]Kraus: Do you remember when I fought him in 6th grade? He walked up to me and said that my family is poor and never got an education. I beat him down for that, the entire football team backed me up and kept him from throwing any punches at me and let me leave without a scratch.

[UU] Sharp: In 6th grade?

[UU] Sharp: I don't remember that.

[UU]Kraus: I don't think me met at that time, it was the talk of the school for a while though

[UU] Sharp: Well, you were in my homeroom in 6th grade, but the extent of our conversation was talking about video games.

[UU]Kraus: People still remember me beating the shit out of him in 5th though, I punched 3 of his teeth out and chipped another.

[UU] Sharp: 3?!

[UU] Sharp: I heard you just knocked one out.

[UU]Kraus: 2 molars and a canine I think along with a chipped molar

[UU] Sharp: Wow.

[UU]Kraus: It was one huge as swing that I took though, some of the molars were adult so no new ones, had to get them implanted

[UU] Sharp: Damn...

[UU] Sharp: I'm sure you got suspended though, huh?

[UU]Kraus: The principal was on my side in all this, no suspenchion just she took me out of class for a few days to let me re-adjust. Keven had bullyed me for around three years untill that day, he also took my best friends away from me. the pollok twins.

[UU] Sharp: I see.

[UU]Kraus: I was pissed off every day and wouldn't even do my work with other people around. for about all my pethetic childhood in school I wasn't enjoying myself or making friends. I would go to the back room where we would put our coats and cry alot of the time, I would refuse to come out most of the class and had to be placed in the front of the room at all times because I would sneek in when nobody looked.

[UU] Sharp: Well, I'm glad that me, Dan, Jon, Snow, Yobbs, and Geoff came around.

[UU] Sharp: Sounds like you were almost clinically depressed.

[UU]Kraus: I would hide it alot, I still do sometimes when I get reminded
but this is the first time in around 3 years since I've felt this bad.

[UU] Sharp: Wow, that show really hit home for you...

[UU]Kraus: Yea man, I respect that show alot now because it just shows that life can be really bad but you have to be positive...

[UU] Sharp: Just remember this: All that's in the past now.

[UU] Sharp: You got friends now that want you around, not because you're easily used, but because you're fun to be around.

[UU]Kraus: yea, I'm just hoping TRP will snap me back into place again or Kennywood or something.

[UU] Sharp: Oh yea, I forgot we're planning on Kennywood day next week.

[UU] Sharp: Just remember, you ever need a pick-me-up, my house is always open.

[UU] Sharp: Just give me a bit of a heads up.

[UU]Kraus: ok thanks man

[UU] Sharp: No problem.

[UU] Sharp: Just forget about it.

[UU] Sharp: It's in the past.

[UU]Kraus: Yea, thanks man. You and everyone else are the best friends a could like me could have. I'm truly blessed.

Thanks for reading all this, I'm sure not many care that much.