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Wot's Playing?

Started by Q4(V), June 14, 2006, 09:42:50 AM

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Watched some Game Grumps earlier, before work.

Also, last weekend, I went to see Skyfall. That movie kicked ass >:3


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Last White Collar Crime class of the year


Just finished the new episode of Demo Reel. Egoraptor appeared in it *w*

Speaking of Egoraptor, I'm about to watch more Game Grumps


House is on commercial.
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Currently watching A View to a Kill

It's still early in, so all I can really comment on is "Duran Duran did the theme song" and "James Bond is on a snowboard. Your argument is invalid"


lol, duranduran. reminds me of the 80's christmas music i listened to earlier. -w-

American Dad.
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Walrus Cove -- "Diddy Kong Racing" soundtrack

I'm making a mix of video game "Christmas music" (read: music from snow levels)


new episode of American Dad. i think stanfran is about to happen on a bushel of hay. wait, they're watching dancing horses. wait, now the stanfran is happening.
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Game Grumps. You know, although I'm not big on most sports games, NBA Jam actually looks pretty good; seems like the sort of over-the-top, unrealistic sort of sports game I enjoy


does it have anything to do with space jam...?

Storage Wars. i think i'm becoming addicted to this show.
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Not really, aside from being able to play as Charles Barkley; who sung the Space Jam theme song

I'm about to watch the latest part of DC's Crash 2 series


hm. coincidence, then.

World's Dumbest, and grampy has Wheel of Fortune on in the other room.
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Sunday's AT4W crossover special with someone I've never heard of.  It's the traditional Wonder Woman theme so it'll be good.


DK Rap -- "Donkey Kong 64" soundtrack

Finally beat that game 101%, after 10 years