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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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I don't think I want to swim in the same pool as her...

The Doctor wrote a message for a fortune cookie

I facepalm'd

Where LOLCats are made

This sounds like something my dad told me about from when he was in school

Pretty colorful fire...

I know some people who'd love this bed

When I got a cup of Cylon Tea in Persona 3, this is honestly what I though

It's my hometown's police force in a nutshell!

I didn't know my grandma was a duck!



The fortune cookie is telling me to get a sex change

I need more badges...


my friend patt's profile pic on Fb. :3
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Dr. Kraus


My cat would love this

My sister's cat was like this

I've seen this happen before

Nothing more needs to be said

When you don't want Super Monkey Ball, there is still...

Ah, childhood...

Truly great ad placement

Part Batman, part Darth Vader, all win

I had a dream ages ago about going to a place like this

I like this bathroom


Remember: Don't do math. It always ends badly

This image speaks the truth

This is awesome

Yay for Pokémon logic!

I feel like this from time to time


thanks for making me lawl. >w<
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No problem ^_^

Also, I like this

Yo dawg I heard you like pool



don't get the last one, 2nd one looks like one hell of a party, and the first one made me facepalm and wish for a pokebra. >w<;;;
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It's a stupid joke about Pikachu only being able to say his name

Nothing needs to be said about this one

I wonder what dog tastes like...

I mean wow...


That last panel is so true

I LOL'd at the price tag

Fear of the duck!

Spider-Man cleans windows now

Yay for more Pokémon Logic!


I loved that pikachu joke so bad, man. ;W;


That cool starry bra is really cute. (\/)(;,,;)(\/)

Quote from: PentiumMMX on September 27, 2011, 07:23:19 AMThat last panel is so true

Does anyone really only have one artist that they listen to regularly?

I'm some combination of panels 3 and 4. I listen to a lot of bands that nobody I know likes/cares about/listens to, some of which is very obscure. (Except, unlike the guy in the last panel, I'd probably die before I listened to any record by Pink, Brittany Spears, Bowling for Soup (?) or Lady Gaga.)


i have pink, bowling for soup and britney on my ipod, though i'm less proud about the last one.

i had a lady gaga song on there at one point, but idk if it's still there.

@pentium: i want that bra
i'm the last guy in the panel
related to that one about the car chase: yesterday a bus driver for the middle school in my town was arrested for driving the kids to school while drunk :3
entei used ice blocking!
(V) (;,,;) (V)
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I can has?

I'd totally do this

This is awesome

Also, an amusing typo I saw...although, I have to spoiler tag it (Granted, I think everybody on here who is interested in Madoka Magica has already finished it, but just to be safe...)
Madoka Magica - Episode 6: ShowHide

I've heard of fighting witches, but not "wighting" them


I think wighting has something to do with this.