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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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original always beats a remake. that's the golden rule. -w-
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TTYD wasn't a remake; it was more like a sequel...a really overrated sequel


eh, that rule usually applies to sequels as well. :\
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Of course, then there are cases where the opposite is true; like with Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

As for why The Wrath of Khan is better than The Slow-Motion Picture...


that guy looks like a combination of indiana jones and nostalgia critic.
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That would be Linkara; host of Atop the Fourth Wall
Just in case you didn't know who he was


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You should give his show a try sometime; it's pretty good, with a combination of comic book reviews with an ongoing story (Which, so you don't have to do the crazy archive binge I did to catch up on the story, he made a video that sums up the plot so far for people who are new to easily jump in)

Anyway, here's one of my favorite pieces of Engrish (Since it's more fitting for this topic)


fun times. -w-

and also:

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...Did they have a football-themed wedding or something?

Also, Kung-Fu Mario makes his return in Kung-Fu Mario 2: Electric Boogaloo


it looks like he and DeDeDe were in a fight, and poor link just got caught in the middle. :[
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Link is a victim of being in the wrong place at the wrong time; right within striking range of Kung-Fu Mario's foot of justice!


what happens when chuck norris plays video games.
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What happens when Chuck Norris plays video games is the final installment of the Kung-Fu Mario trilogy: Kung-Fu Mario III: Final Showdown with Gigas Fox


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