Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Real. Instant is good, but real is likely better

WWYP: Being a ninja or being a pirate?


........*brain explodes*

WWYP: starbucks coffee from 1990 or dunkin doughnuts from the "time to make the doughnuts" guy era?
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Starbucks from '90

WWYP: Turning into a penguin or into the Weighted Companion Cube?


companion cube, even though it means i wouldn't be able to move. :\

WWYP: living inside a giant companion cube or a giant soda can?
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Giant Companion Cube

WWYP: Throwing fireballs or icicles?


icicles, since they can pierce. plus, they're more my style. -w-
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WWYDI I purposely mixed up the topics to confuse everybody?


tear up, since i wasa dumb and forgot to ask a question x2. ;^;

WWYP: crab rangoon pizza or garlic bread rice?
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garlic bread rice, a little saucing can help with the flavor.

WWYP: A talking cat or A talking giraffe?


talking kitty. ^^

WWYP: a pokemon or a digimon?
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Pokémon. Digimon is cool, though

WWYP: A flying cat or a flying car?


flying car could take me places.....but i can't resist the angel-winged cat. <33

WWYP: a ghost to haunt your room or a giant spider to inhabit it?
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a ghost, well spider is just eww.. but with a ghost you could make a deal.

WWYP: the ability to "poof" food(any, but just food) out of nowhere, or the ability to "poof" any material item(not edible at all)


material item, since i figure that'd be more useful on commutes. plus, i'd imagine "poofed" food wouldn't be as tasty as home-cooked. :3

WWYP: finding 1 oz of gold or 100 oz of silver?
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100oz of silver. Gold may be worth more, but silver is prettier

WWYP: a plush Chocobo reading a book or one that's dressed like a white mage?