Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Weeping angel mushrooms

WWYP: Mama Luigi or Donkey Kong wearing a fez?


DK in a fez, since idk what mama luigi would look like....... :\

WWYP: pretzel or ice cream?
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Ice cream~~!

WWYP: Family Guy or American Dad?


FG, since it's less hit-and-miss than AD.

WWYP: short version of the original song or full version of the remake?
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Short original version, although some remakes can be cool

WWYP: Kero-chan holding a sonic screwdriver or a dancing Coca-Cola can?


Kero, since then i'd have a sonic screwdriver! >:3

WWYP: barbecue sauce or chocolate syrup?
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As much as I like barbeque sauce, I'd have to go with chocolate syrup is only because it makes damn good chocolate milk compared to the powder

WWYP: Being forced to go somewhere where you feel out of place, or showing up to work to find that there's nothing to do?


showing up and having nothing to do. i hate feeling out of place. :\

WWYP: diamonds or gold?

(btw, the powder is way better, lol xD)
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Gold. After all, "gold is power"

WWYP: Air guitar to one of your favorite rock songs, or air drums to In The Air Tonight?


air guitar, since i've never heard of the other song, and it's kinda impossible to drum solo to a song you don't know. :3

WWYP: having to make a reservation for the bathroom or run to the empty house next door?
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Run to the empty house

WWYP: Turning into a werewolf or a were-ferret?


werret!! <333

WWYP: becoming dracula (in his timeframe) or becoming his victim (in this timeframe)?
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Becoming Dracula. I'd make sure to train myself to prepare for when Simon Belmont comes barging into my castle to slay me, so I can make sure he doesn't succeed

WWYP: lots of cool abilities like Superman or having tons of gadgets and martial arts training like Batman?


superman, since then they can't take away my gadgets at the airport or six flags

WWYP: man boobs or pointy boobs?
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Pointy boobs, like in some of my earlier trap pics

WWYP: Batman or Man-Bat?