Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Camp for kids. It'd be more fun

WWYP: Spock or Yuki Nagato?


yuki. >>;

WWYP: fortune cookie or sugar cookie?
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Fortune cookie. It's like an ice cream cone with a message inside

WWYP: A dog that thinks it's a cat, or a cat that thinks it's a dog?


cat that thinks it's a dog. still more manageable than the latter. ^^;

WWYP: wednesdays at nine or wednesdays at ten?
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Wednesdays at nine, I guess?

WWYP: Doing the impossible or seeing the invisible?
Row-row fight da powah!


doing the impossible. lightspeed travel to another dimension? I THINK SO! >:3

WWYP: the ability to turn invisible or the ability to stretch yourself indefinitely (think plastic man, only less like silly putty and more like a rubber band)?
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Turn invisible. I can then play mean pranks on my boss without getting caught

WWYP: Donkey Kong or King Kong?


it's on like Donkey Kong!! >:3

WWYP: being whistled at like a hot chick passing a construction site every 5 minutes or be followed around by this all the time?
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The former, since there isn't much construction going on in my area at the moment

WWYP: Pinkie Pie or GIR?


GIR, but only because he's more compact.

although, Pinkie Pie's an amazing cook......and has awesome hair.....

WWYP: wedding cake or divorce cake?
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Wedding cake. The latter doesn't sound very appealing...

WWYP: A shrubbery, or a killer rabbit?


(what's not appealing about divorce cake? >:3)

Shrubbery, since i could trim it into topiary, and make it look all pretty. ^^

WWYP: having nothing to do or having too much to do?
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Nothing to do

WWYP: A small Prinny plushie or life-size generic stuffed penguin?



WWYP: slow but stable old computer or fast but glitchy brand new computer?
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The former
*Points to Frankenstein V3*

WWYP: A 10-year-old monster of a desktop running Windows 2000, or a month old extra low-end netbook running Windows CE?