Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Pumpkin pie, if only because I've never tried it (My grandma prefers apple pie, so that's what she mainly makes)

WWYP: A Jolly Rancher or a jawbreaker?


jolly rancher, they're easier to eat.

WWYP: coffee or tea?
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Tea, no questions asked
Although the occasional cup of coffee isn't too bad

WWYP: Weighted Companion Cube or the L-block from Tetris?


cubey!! <333

WWYP: expired milk flavoured like pepto bismol or pepto bismol flavoured like expired milk?
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both gonna kill me is it? I'll take the pills instead.

WWYP? humiliated then let Alive or Killed then humiliated in way you'll never know?


staying alive, FOR REVENGE~~

WWYP: something you love leaving, or something you hate staying around?
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Something I love leaving, coz I know how WORST it is to have what you hated most stayed around.
I can always find new love and new hate but its impossible to love what you hate.

WWYP: A year supply of mineral water or A year supply of Dr Pepper?


Mineral water. There's a lot you can do with it; like make tea

WWYP: Not sleeping well, or sleeping well only to be woken up by a cat?


woken by a cat. i've always wanted an affectionate kitty.

WWYP: waking up as a demon or waking up as a valley girl?
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I prefer my current state of existence, thank you very much, so the former.

WWYP: Super-ultra hot teriyaki chicken or completely tasteless chicken (and you have no salt)?


completely tasteless. there's other seasonings than salt. :3

WWYP: being hacked or hacked to pieces?
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Being hacked. If they can break past a firewall and 7 proxies, than they are obviously quite talented

WWYP: Donut or muffin?


donut, since there's more kinds of those i like.

WWYP: saving 50 cents on 2 meals or paying the 50 cents for something more filling?
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paying more for something filling and fast for 3 days. used to do that before because I can.

WWYP: having 3 meals in a day but you're only having ration cookies or have a full meal once in 3 days?


if i could have cokes inbetween, i'd go for the full meal. if not, the ration cookies.

WWYP: camp for adults or camp for kids?
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