Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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The latter, only if it means my first name is legally changed to "Thief" </zelda_link's_awakening>

WWYP: Doing something silly for a Klondike bar or stealing Trix cereal from that silly rabbit?


klondike bar. i wanna dance weirdly at a wedding. -w-

wwyp: nail polish or lipstick?
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Lipstick. I always hated the smell of whatever brand of nail polish my sister always used, as you could smell it from the other end of the room >_<;;

WWYP: Unable to go to sleep, or unable to stay awake?


unable to sleep, since it means i can get stuff done.

wwyp: free illegal drugs or every prescription you ever needed being 5x the cost?
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The former, even though I'd never take advantage of it

WWYP: Evangelion or Gurren Lagann?


GL, since i have the first one already.

wwyp: literal milkshake or milkshake dance ("my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...")?
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A literal milkshake :3

WWYP: Prinnies or Daleks?


prinnies. less dangerous.

wwyp: teacups or teapot?
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WWYP: Bella's vintage computer collection or my fleet?


your fleet. i have more use for it.

wwyp: brand new computer or well aged computer?
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Depends on what I'm wanting to do, but generally brand new

WWYP: OS9 or OS-9?


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Kings, as you almost never see them. Also, there's something about a woman who can pull off looking like a guy that's strangely attractive, in the same way as a trap -w-

WWYP: Ponies or superheroes?


ponies, since oddly enough they're more appealing.

wwyp: american comics or japanese comics?
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Japanese comics

WWYP: Super Sentai or Power Rangers?