Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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Male colleagues before females who sell their bodies for money

WWYP: Cheezburger or the same exact thing you had for lunch for the past 2 days?


not a fan of the former, so the latter. AGAIN. >>;

wwyp: cherry brains or grape spleens?
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Grape spleens. Sounds weirdly cool

WWYP: Snakes on a Plane, or Bears on a Submarine?


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Sunshower. Those are neat :3

WWYP: Pot or pan?


pot, since you seem to be able to do more with it.

wwyp: cat in the window or cat climbing to be in the top window?
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Cat in window :3

WWYP: To receive a hug, or to hug a cat?


cats. >>;

wwyp: many question or poison answer?
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Many questions

WWYP: Fishsticks or custard?


custard >>;;

wwyp: custard or jelly doughnut?
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Jelly donut

WWYP: Fighting to save the world, or fighting over half-price bento?


the latter. IT'S MORE IMPORTANT.

wwyp: secret brother or sister?
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Secret sister :3

WWYP: A program on your computer to give you an accurate weather report, or a rock hanging outside that can do the same?


the latter, as THE FUCKING WEATHER already does a good job for me in the virtual world.

wwyp: leaving the heater on overnight with risk of fire, or turning it off only to be ice cold all night?
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The latter, as long as I have plenty of blankets. I'm weak against fire ^_^;;

WWYP: Extreme resistance to heat to the point of being able to put your hand inside a bonfire without sweating (Let alone get burned), or extreme resistance to cold to the point you can comfortably walk around Antarctica in swim trunks or a bikini?