Forum Games: What would you prefer?

Started by Pitkin, May 05, 2011, 04:41:41 PM

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DCR, but only because they're less common than VOLCANO BAKEMEAT.

wwyp: wasting time or having too much of it?
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Wasting time is always fun :3

WWYP: Cait Sith or a moogle, kupo?


cait sith, but only because he's ADORABBBBBBBLLLLLEEEE.

and he gives fortunes! and he comes with a moogle! ^^

wwyp: being a manta ray or a sea horse?
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Manta ray. That'd be cooler

WWYP: Milkshake or ice cream float?



wwyp: little cup of ice cream or little cup of sorbet?
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Cup of ice cream

WWYP: Rain or no rain?



wwyp: short winter or short spring?
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Short winter, as it likely means a long spring before brutal summer

WWYP: Brutal winter or brutal summer?


brutal winter. though brutal winter usually causes more damage. :\

wwyp: power outage or outage of a specific utility (cable, phone, internet, etc)?
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The latter...although I guarantee you it'd be one of the ones I care about the most >_<

WWYP: Zelda: Skyward Sword, or Super Mario Galaxy 2?


the latter, since i've barely played any zelda games, and i LOVED SMG1. :3

wwyp: skipping through a field of flowers or really tall grass?
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Field of flowers :3

WWYP: Sneaking in the back door in hopes of catching your foe off guard, or charging through the front door with guns blazing?


backdoor. dunno how much backup my foe has.

wwyp: too many cutscenes or too little?
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Too little. Better than watching a 30-minute movie before they let me play for 10 minutes, before removing control again for more story

WWYP: A PSone with LCD screen or a PSP?


PSP cause i already have a PSX and a PS1. :3

wwyp: cookies on ice cream or cookie ice cream?
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