We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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"You're neither a warrior nor a blonde nor wielding a sword or shield of any kind nor elven-eary, so stop it with the lines, miss." Nejina keeps working.


"Well excuse me, princess..." she said...before realizing that she was starting to talk using only annoying quotes that vaguely fit the current situation. In a hurry, she grabs a small dry erase board and a marker and writes out a message:

Quote from: Penti-chan's signIs this a side-effect of some project you're working on?
If it isn't, what the hell is happening to me?


Chalk cocks his head to the side in confusion, motioning to his computer, as if to say, 'THIS is boring??" :\
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Erasing the original message from her sign, Penti-chan wrote out a new one; holding it up for Chalk to see

Quote from: Penti-chan's signIt's not that it's boring, it's that I can't stop speaking in quotes from things related to Nintendo. My guess being that this is a side-effect of one of Nejina's experiments...but, how do I reverse it?


A large belching sound erupt from within the circuitry, and Nejina exclaims a loud, high-pitched curse - as wheezing sound accompanies the arrival of a large gas cloud that instantly permeates the air of the room. A tad too high-pitched, in fact.

"Ok," Nejina starts, but the sound of her voice is squeaky, splintered and off. "No need to worry, that was just helium. Lots of it. Look at it this way, now we won't have to worry about sounding silly anymore because we will all be. Try singing a song like this, it's raving mad.
"The bad part is that I have absolutely no good theory on where it came from, and the only one I do have involves a fusion reactor that's not quite stable at the moment. Which isn't good. At all. So I'll just keep up." She returns to frantically working the equipment.


"I sound like a chipmunk now...wait; I'm not using those quotes now! YAY! Thank you, Nejina!" Penti-chan said, in a noticeably higher-pitched voice because of the helium

She then finds the compelling urge to sing...but, not wanting to annoy everybody else, she decides to run off to her room to dig out her PSP


"Incidentally, helium doesn't actually pitch the main tone of your voice," Nejina squeaks helpfully. "I did a report on this once. It just splinters up your overtones and increases their amplitude, so the high-pitched overtones sound more pronounced."


"So that's how it works..." Penti-chan said, peeking out of her room; still hunting for the lost PSP


"Interesting." Chalk says in a rich, deep voice. 8)
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"Wait...how does it make his voice deeper and more manly, yet make mine all squeaky?" Penti-chan said with a squeak, confused as to how that works. "Regardless of how it works, his voice is...kind of hot, actually. I never though I'd say that, to be honest"


Chalk, amused with the soulful sound of his voice, begins to sing.

"We're no strangers to love
You know the rules, and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy"
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Amused by the Rickroll, Penti-chan sat down on the couch to start playing Persona 2; which she had just recently bought.


Chalk is slightly shocked to find himself saying so much all of a sudden. "Must be the damn helium...." he mutters. Trying to save face, he quickly snatches up an issue of Time magazine and buries himself in it.
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While playing Persona 2, Penti-chan was overcome with a strange urge she has never felt before...an urge to watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Trying to resist, she continues playing the game; not wanting to become a brony


Chalk turns on the tv. MLP has just ended; Jem is coming on. :3 Chalk grins at the sight of one of his favourite shows. ^^
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