We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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After putting the finishing touches on the story she was writing, Penti-chan closed her laptop and went to the kitchen to make another cup of tea


Chalk stares intently at his computer. he notices that it has frozen. Chalk angrily begins pressing ctrl+shift+esc. ><;
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After returning to the couch, with tea in hand, Penti-chan sits down to enjoy the peace and quiet


Chalk holds in his anger, knowing better than to take it out on Ydeeps. He reboots and logs in, immediately opening a game of Taipei to rid himself of some frustration.
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Feeling hungry, Penti-chan set off to the kitchen on a mission: a mission to make herself an epic sandwich


Brandon waits for Colonel-chan to return from the doctor's, all the while worrying that she is sick. ;.;


Chalk places a reassuring hand on Brandon's Shoulder, giving him a look of "everything's cool." =w=
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Finding some sub buns in the cabinet, Penti-chan takes one down and proceeds to cut it open, before going to the fridge to find stuff to put on it; hoping somebody remembered to stock up on her personal favorite, roast beef.


Ydeeps bursts into flames. Chalk immediately stands up, the laptop clattering to the floor in a small blaze. Chalk runs to the kitchen, returning with a damp towel that he tosses onto the burning keyboard. This method proving only slightly effective, He repeats this several times in an attempt to kill it with water.
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After finding everything she needed in the fridge, Penti-chan finished assembly of her roast beef sub sandwich, before calmly walking outside to relax in the lush green grass of the backyard and have a picnic...as the fire alarm went off inside the house; complete with strobe lights and a really annoying buzzing sound.


Putting out the fire, Chalk hugs the charred remains of Ydeeps to his chest.
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"I'm supposed to be monopolizing explosions here..." Nejina mutters while working.


After finishing that awesome sandwich, and noticing that the fire alarms had stopped, Penti-chan returns into the house; quickly noticing Chalk hugging the charred remains of Ydeeps.

In an effort to make him feel better, she walked over with a plate of cookies and a freshly-made pot of tea and offered some. "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!", she said with a smile


Chalk tearfully takes and noms a cookie, nodding in appriciation.

He looks over the burnt toast that was his PC. On a whim, he presses the button to turn it on, and it slowly whirrs to life.
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Making herself comfortable on the couch, Penti-chan poured herself a cup of tea. "Gee, it sure is boring around here..." she said in a goofy tone