We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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"I'll be in my room. Wake me up when everything is back to normal..." Penti-chan said, before heading back down the hall to her room...only to find the door nob can't be reached thanks to Nejina turning the house upside down.


"It's not gonna go back on its own, damnit...that's why I was working the damn thing to start with!"


Chalk walks over to Sage, taking a ribbon from her hair. Tying it to the rubber band, Chalk begins to twirl it, tossing it up to the faucet. Missing, he tries again, hooking it on the cold side the second try. he gives it a tug, holding the plastic mug underneath to catch some water, tugging it hard the other way after he's done.

He puts the tea and sugar in, reaching up to open the microwave. He puts it in and stands on tiptoes to reach all the buttons.

While letting his tea nuke, he goes up to Nejina, scooping her up. He puts her on his shoulders, going over to the control panel.
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"Good thought. However, the two of us do not sum up to a total of 6 meters in length, which is what we need to reach that thing. And the remote is, sadly, broken."

Nejina remains on Chalk's shoulders, however, thinking. Then, dashing to action, she jumps down toward the roof-floor headfirst. Unexpectedly for everyone else, the fall is broken short just before shattering her skull, and she starts falling the other way.
After half a second of shrill screaming, she lands on the sofa. It cracks audibly, but ensures the safety of her own buttocks. "Ok. Ok. That. Was. Blind luck, and scary as hell. Eeeeh. You might not want to do that again, the damn thing has probably turned off that setting now to see if it can trick you into smashing your head. I'll - see what I can do."


Chalk gives her a stern thumbs-up, then goes to retrieve his tea.
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"Did somebody say tea?" Penti-chan said; walking into the room


Chalk notes this, going to another cabinet and opening it to an avalanche of cups. Letting the plastic ones fall to the floor, he does his best to break the fall of the glass ones, managing somehow to get them all. He proceeds to put a teabag and sugar in, tugging on the dangling ribbon for the water, retrieving his mug from the microwave as he puts the glass in.

He looks at Penti-chan, motioning to the microwave as he sips his new tea.
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Jumping up to hit the button on the microwave, Penti-chan sits back and waits for it to heat up; wishing she could get into her room, where her PSP is


Chalk sips his tea, waiting for something to happen.
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Noticing that her tea was ready, Penti-chan grabbed the nearby footstool to reach the microwave...and, upon getting up high enough to reach it, felt herself being lifted off her feet and pulled toward the ceiling.

"Oh crap!" she said with a terrified squeal; as she had a very rough landing on the cold tile ceiling-floor. Getting back onto her feet, she dusted herself off and retrieved her tea from the microwave; making note of the weirdness of seeing everybody else, with the exception of Nejina, walking on the ceiling


"Alright, good to see that worked," Nejina exclaims as she sees Penti fall back to the floor. "The rest is gonna be tricky, though, that was sheer balance flip..." She returns to mumbling and screwing around with the board.


Chalk gulps down the remainder of his tea. Going to the living room, he retrieves his laptop, handing it to Penti. He then hunkers down, and jumps as high as he can, extending his arms to break his fall somewhat. He flips and falls on his back.

Wincing, he takes back his laptop, and re-settles in his chair with it.
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"It looks like more of us are returning to the proper floor..." Penti-chan said, before taking a sip of her tea


Chalk gives a look to Sage, motioning her to come up to the floor.
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Looking up at the ceiling, Penti-chan can't help but notice that she accidentally left Atanos up there. Because she doesn't want to go back up there, she attempts to signal Colonel to bring it down with her