We have all been gender flipped

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2011, 12:49:20 AM

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Nejina gets angry at the disruption in her workflow. "HEY! I was working on that!" She promptly takes the equipment out of the closet and places it back on the workbench.

Just as she does, however, the music cuts out and is replaced by an obviously synthetic voice that proclaims, "Rule applied: Gravity will be changed a total of 180 degrees."
A few seconds later, the room spins around, and everything that's not furniture crashes to the roof - which is now the floor.


After the shock of being suddenly slammed into the ceiling, Penti-chan got back up; disappointed to find that the plate of sandwiches that Colonel had made was now scattered across the floor. Starving, she carefully makes her way to the kitchen to see if maybe the cookie jar is still intact...


Angered that his laptop has been carelessly dumped on the celing floor, Chalk proceeds to stomp over to the offending speaker-object and stomp on it with his geta. He then goes to Sage, helping her up, and inspects the sandwiches to see if there are any he likes. Finding among them a peanutbutter and jelly, he picks it up, heavily brushes it off, and begins to munch it.

He then notices his mug of tea has been smashed. Quickly scooping up his laptop, Chalk places it away from the spill and goes to the kitchen for a towel and a dustpan.
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The circuitboard isn't exactly affected by being stomped on, nor does it crack in any visible way. What it DOES do, however, is start crying in an extremely obnoxious way, and locally shift its own gravity to shunt it back to the floor (ceiling), safely out of reach for attempts on its life.

The kitchen is, perhaps not so surprisingly, also upside-down. And unfortunately, the high ceiling makes every single handle, door or cupboard very much out of reach.

Nejina is grumbling vividly about something, and gesturing angrily at the circuitboard. The magpie, however, is very confused by things at the moment, due to not being flipped - as such, it looks like it is flying upside-down, a few decimeters above the headline of the collective populace. "Well, that's screwed schmewed, alright."


Chalk, annoyed by the goings on, manages to reach a towel, going back to the living room to clean up the mess. Forgetting the dustpan, however, he accidentally cuts his finger on the shattered mug. He winces, putting the offending digit into his mouth as he continues to clean up the mess.
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Upon realizing how high the ceiling in the house is, being completely unable to reach the cookies, Penti-chan fell to her knees and shook her right fist in the air, yelling "Damn you, Nejina!" in frustration


Hearing Penti's frusteration, Chalk goes back to the kitchen to help. He takes a horse stance, then lands a hard kick on the wall, shaking the windows slightly. The cookie jar falls in her lap like a coconut.

Chalk proceeds to nab a small trashcan from his room, bringing it out to the living room to pick up the pieces of the mug.
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Resisting the urge to squee like a fangirl over Chalk's awesomeness, Penti-chan took a chocolate chip cookie from the jar...and ate it!


Chalk sadly places the pieces of his favourite mug in the trash. Putting in the last piece, he gives an angry glare to the box on the celing, then getting up and moving the trash can into his room.

He returns to the kitchen, reaching up and opening the cabinet, forgetting that the rest of the objects were inverted along with all of them, resulting in a pile of broken pottery showering down over Chalk's head. ><; Out of all of them, a plastic mug falls and clatters on the floor, nested in the shards. Chalk carefully picks it up, moving it out of the way as he goes to fetch a dustpan for the broken mugs.
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*Colonel-chan floats by with a broom and dust pan, not exactly pleased*

D-Don't worry Chalk, I'll t-take c-care of this m-mess!  Not quite sure what happened, certainly no one was messing with the fabric of reality in my house.  Again.


Chalk sweeps up some, hoping to help as much as he can. After dumping the shards in the trash, he proceeds to the cabinet with the tea, opening it to have a pile of boxed goods such as tea, crackers, and ginger cookies fall in his head. He pushes the ensuing clutter to one side, picking out the box of tea and a box of sugar packets. he takes the two over to the mug.

Realizing that he can't make tea without water, Chalk thinks for a moment on how to reach the sink, which is just barely out of his grasp. He spots some rubber bands hanging off a cabinet, and takes one. He goes to reach for the junk drawer, only to realize what would be pouring out on his head that time. Narrowly avoiding injury from the mugs, Chalk decides he doesn't want tacks, batteries, and old nails falling on his head. He begins to search the house for some string or cord to use in place of what's in the junk drawer.
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"I think I'm going to step out of the way before something falls on me..." Penti-chan said, getting back up and slowly making her way out of the kitchen


Chalk begins studying the ladies in the room, hoping to find a hair ribbon among them.

Failing, he goes to Nejina's workstation, looking for a spare cable.
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*drifts into the living room with bag of cleaned up kitchen mess*

Y-You need a ribbon, Chalk?  Oh Nejina d-dear, why's m-my house upside-down?


"Your house is upside down because this bloody thing refuses to cooperate with me." She points vividly at her workstation that's nested on the floor-turned-roof, and the oddly shaped circuitboard upon it. "And in case you're wondering, it's not a circuitboard at all. Holographics. But that shape lets me work on the settings easier...not that it helps," she mutters off. She stalks off to find herself a ladder.