Project Wiki OVERHAUL!!

Started by Aurora Borealis, December 06, 2010, 05:40:33 PM

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the article is at the end of the second third of being done. (i would have finished it today, but my browser has reached its limit for right clicks for the second time today, and while i could restart and finish it now, it's been 20 hours since i last slept, so i'd rather do it when i'm a bit more coherent. (i didn't leave anything half done, but i do need to upload some pics for certain parts of the article.) all of the pieces of the article i intend to write are there right now, but more may be added at a later date (depending on the frequency of various characters in OS-tan artwork and the development of new characters, if any). let me know what you think, i've been working on it for over 12 hours.... ;v;

@aurora: about the multimedia list, should i add the videos on the OS-tan playlist to it?
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@Kari: I like what I see so far. Nice job :3

Now, maybe sometime when I have some free time, I'll finally finish up the article on RedHat-tan ^_^;


That page looks great, Kari! I've always been curious about the various Futaba characters (since they show up so often in OS-tan artwork), and this has really demystified them for me. ^^

I think Yabai is my favorite. : o

Aurora Borealis

Excellent work, Choco!

@Choco: Yes, adding that link would be good. That's where I found those videos I added to the article!


Update: I added the OSC fanon interpretation of Windows 3.1's backstory, or what I could from memory.


@bella: you WOULD like the guro one, lol. (or maybe it's because she's a snowy owl harpy? seems like your type of character, lol. :3) makes me think i should have included Iya-san, too, since she seems to be a little on the yandere side. maybe i'll expand the maid section again to include the random maids (at which point i'll move yabai there). inai would probably go there, too, since she's considered a maid, though i've never seen her doing anything maid-like.....

@pent: thanks! i was thinking of working on some os-kun articles today, too, so i'll finish my articles if you finish yours. :3

@aurora: thanks! that means a lot coming from the main wiki contributor. ^^
do you want me to post a link to the playlist itself or to the videos from the playlist? i've got about 70 on the list (soon to be more once i figure out how to get the videos from here to youtube), while it looks like you only have about 20-30 in the multimedia list. :\
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Aurora Borealis

@Choco: How about you post the link to the playlist in the article, and here, point out to me the videos that aren't yet listed in the article, a few at a time? That way, going through the unlisted videos will be more manageable.


sounds good. i'll edit this post with a couple videos later.
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I finally got around to finishing RedHat-tan's article. Now, to dig around and find another character to work on the page of


I compiled a bunch of theories from /OS-tan Theory Revival and /Tans and Tropes into the now-misnomer'd "Character Theories" article:


One thing I thought about for the wiki, which might help:

I was wondering if anybody else thinks making some redirects would help. For example, "Pizza-tan" would redirect to the article on Nijura and Futaba characters, "2k-tan" would redirect to Windows 2000, etc.

Any thoughts?


article is finished. gonna break for dinner, but after i think i'll either rewrite some of the OS-kun articles or chase some new pic leads.

@pent: sounds like the logical thing to do.[/spock]
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Aurora Borealis

***Great work everyone! This has been the most productive day for the OSC Wiki! :D ***

For the experimental character tables, I added more character icons, and split Windows 1.0 into two separate entries since the OSC and Futaba versions of 1.0-tan are significantly different in characterization and appearance. Separate articles will probably be made, since trying to list info about them in one article could get unwieldy. I could use the original 1.0 page as a disambiguation section, while also stating that both versions were created independently.


i vote we keep 1.0 on one page, but break it in half, keeping the two halves seperate. Devote one box and half the article to the OSC version, and a second box and the other half of the page to the Futaba version.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 27, 2012, 08:26:40 PM
i vote we keep 1.0 on one page, but break it in half, keeping the two halves seperate. Devote one box and half the article to the OSC version, and a second box and the other half of the page to the Futaba version.

Seconding Kari here.

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on June 27, 2012, 07:10:25 PM
***Great work everyone! This has been the most productive day for the OSC Wiki! :D ***


Aurora Borealis

@Choco and Bella: I tried to get all the information for both 1.0-tans on the same article, but it came across as too unwieldy. A better option would be for the 1.0-tan article to briefly describe both of them and link to more detailed articles, such as:

=Windows 1.0:=

"Two designs exist, one developed by OSC, and one developed by Futaba. Both differ significantly in appearance and characterization, and were developed independently..."

==OSC Version==
basic description here...
[[OSC Windows 1.0 | Windows 1.0 (OSC Version)]] <-- Link to full article

==Futaba Version==
basic description here...

[[Futaba Windows 1.0 | Windows 1.0 (Futaba Version)]] <-- Link to full article

@Bella: Yeeeeah! Productivity FTW!!

Getting a bit more done, I added a little more on TIFRAC's article, noting that TIFRAC was based off of Von Neumann principles, making her an IAS-type system, and that TIFRAC's developers knew a little of ORDVAC's design. However, she could still be considered an independent system.

I don't have anything for her backstory yet, and I don't know if she ever met any computer-tans.

I also added some stuff to Solaris-tan's article.