Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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wonder if there was something going on in my life that might be giving me prophetic dreams.

wwydi you consistently never got enough sleep?
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Do my usual thing and play minecraft?

WWYDI you have the ability to read people's minds?
My my, aren't you lovely~


find a way to use it to my advantage in commuting.

wwydi the urge to be politically correct took over the world?
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I'd likely become a rebel

WWYDI you had the ability to burn something by snapping your fingers?


I'd act in a comedy movie where in one scene I snap my fingers and immolate myself by accident.

WWYDI one day you'd find your keyboard layout changed slightly, but enough to make you typo in most words?


I'd adjust to it after a few hours...but not before I end up making amusing spelling mistakes ^_^;

WWYDI you had a bear for a pet?


Take it out for walks and hit on the ladies cuz bears are cool AND cute


WWYDI you were a slime thing
My my, aren't you lovely~


use it to freak people out........and learn never to snap.

wwydi you constantly had that feeling like you were going to sneeze but never did?
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I'd probably die from all the pressure. I mean just a while ago I've been sneezing every 3-5 minutes for the past 3 hours DX

WWYDI you are suddenly a hikikomori
My my, aren't you lovely~


I'd break the mold and resume my normal life

WWYDI you saw someone trolling the fish?


troll the waters for fish to troll.

wwydi suddenly several posts were inserted before your own? o__o;
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I'd wonder what's going on; is there a glitch, or is Pit pulling a prank on us?

WWYDI you had a parrot?


Teach it swears and/or another language. (and love it like the adorable pet it would be. <3)

wwydi it took you 12 hours to finish a relatively simple task?
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not do it till the last minute

WWYDI you suddenly grew eyes on the tips of your fingers?
My my, aren't you lovely~


use it to freak people out, and sneak around.......and wear armored gloves.

wwydi you were tied to something so that every time something good happened to it, good happened to you (and vice versa)?
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