Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Feel like some strange mix of a Time Lord and Doc Brown

WWYDI you and your friends where watching an awesomely cheesy movie in a theater, and you where the only ones there?


revel in the fact that we only paid $3 for our tickets (there's a movie theater about half an hour away that actually does that). -w-

WWYDI you needed coca-cola to live?
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Buy a mini-fridge and stockpile it

WWYDI you turned into a Moogle, kupo?


first, wonder how i could tell if i was a boy or a girl, and second, wonder how i could either change back or go to the world of Final Fantasy, where i belonged (THEN figure out how to turn back).

WWYDI the world grew more and more paranoid about the welfare of the children (going so far as to invent knee-pads for babies and then frown upon parents who didn't use them)?
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To quote Prof. Farnsworth: "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"

WWYDI people kept forgetting your internet connection is a bad joke compared to the rest of the world?


take it in stride, since it is. :\

WWYDI you were constantly late for work/school, no matter what you did?
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If it's a job I've grown to hate, I wouldn't give a crap and just do my own thing

WWYDI you obtained a bowtie?


wear it as often as i could.

WWYDI you gained the knowledge of how to tie a bowtie?
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Make use of this knowledge

WWYDI you had a real, fully functional sonic screwdriver?


use it to my advantage. (oh, the subway's late? NO IT'S NOT~~~)

WWYDI humans used the litter box and vice-versa?
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I'd wonder what alternate universe I stumbled into

WWYDI you had pet mice who seemed to be trying every night to take over the world?


give them to my sister's friend dan, since he 1. has a pet rat and 2. the cats hear would likely eat them.

WWYDI your cat was crafty enough to feed itself?
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That explains why he was making a cheezburger when I got home...

WWYDI you had the ability to flip between genders at will?


be a guy on the train, as to deter creepos.

WWYDI  you could manipulate gravity?
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I'd manipulate it in a way to make people think I can fly

WWYDI you could play a song to manipulate the flow of time?
(Slow it down to have more time to do something, jump forward to a certain time, etc.)