Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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I'm in Doctor Who? Awesome!
*Sets out on a journey to track down the Doctor*

WWYDI you found yourself thinking "Why did I buy that stupid ringtone?"


lawl at the thought, because like my music, i never buy ringtones 8)

WWYDI you had the ability to travel on train and subway tracks by skating on them like ice or roller blades?
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lol, I never purchase any ringtone.. I mean what for when you could just make one?

Hell yeah!! that'd make my travel to campus much easier since the train is always packed.. *its what I've been wanting to do*

WWYDI you could talk to animals just like Dr Dolittle?


Carry on a conversation with my cat

WWYDI new Doctor Who was on tonight, but something happens preventing you from watching it?


hoo-ray for DVR!! (or the fact that the episode is repeated at midnight.)

WWYDI you were woken up an hour early......with a sore throat and a headache, and couldn't get back to sleep?
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Drink some hot tea and then do stuff online; ignoring the headache like I usually do

WWYDI a project you started on in the morning took a lot longer than expected?


take it in stride, and not do that ever again (at least without the proper amout of time).

WWYDI you had a never-ending container of your favourite drink?
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I'd figure out how to power my car with it. Infinite drinks and fuel!

WWYDI your cat was sleeping on one of your laptops?
I have this weird feeling I asked this before, but meh


(it was asked before, so i shall answer with the same answer as before:)


WWYDI you were marked for conversion into the order of the headless monks?
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Since I don't want to lose my head, I'd hide in plain sight by flipping into trap mode

WWYDI you had the ability to heal yourself, no matter how bad the injury?


begin walking the subway. (mind you, if i couldn't heal my stuff, i'd be a bit more cautious of that.)

WWYDI you woke up pregnant?
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I'd freak out at first, but then wonder who's child I'm carrying

WWYDI you had a really cool suit of armor?


Set it up so that it's in front of my door. or set it up in front of the door with my gas-mask dressform, so it can guard the room when i'm asleep or out.

WWYDI you had your own personal pony from MLP:FIM?
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I have a pony now? Awesome!

WWYDI you obtained Excalibur?


use it to carve a swath of destruction through evening commuter traffic.

WWYDI  you trolled someone backward through the timestream?h
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