Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Bring my kitty along on an adventure

WWYDI you had the ability to move small objects with your mind?
(A can of Coke at the largest)


use it to fling rocks at the other kids.

WWYDI you had to consult a magic-8 ball on all life decisions?
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Likely get annoyed when it says "Don't count on it" when I ask if I'll get a blackbelt in belt making today

WWYDI you had a blackbelt in belt making?


fight crime with my snakeskin belt of justice?

WWYDI you had a short skirt and a long jacket?
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As long as it's comfortable, I wouldn't care at all

WWYDI it was hot enough inside your car to bake cookies?


bake up some sugar! and some oatmeal!

WWYDI you had a hankering for spicy mustard (when you hated both spicy food and mustard)?
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Make a sandwich with some spicy mustard

WWYDI it was uncomfortably warm in your room?


change into lighter clothes and turn on the fan.
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WWYP: Mixing up the topics on purpose, or on accident?


on purpose, since if it's accidental it's embarrassing.

WWYDI you had to pay for everything in song?
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I'll stay home most of the time, and do as much of online purchase as possible.
well, pity those guys who gonna listen to them anyway.

WWYDI you get a 10Mil offer but to get it you have to appear in a world live TV broadcast dressing in your worst silly costume you can think of and act retarded with your profile shown on screen?


Turn down the offer. That may be a lot of money, but it's not worth making a complete fool of myself

WWYDI somebody offered to give you anything you could possible want regardless of price, but in order to get it, you first have to beat The Stig in a race?


shoot him in his helmet-head during the race so i win by default.

WWYDI you thought you had something nice but it turned out to be crap?
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Tinker with it to make it nice

WWYDI you where trying to think of what to get somebody as a gift, but you just can't come up with any ideas for them?


turn to thinkgeek. when i can't think of something for a gift, thinkgeek usually provides the ideas for me.

WWYDI you woke up in another dimension that was your favourite tv show?
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