Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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Object to it, even if the person who's signing me up isn't listening
After all, my boss does stuff like that all the time with me

WWYDI you felt like you where being torn away from the people you care about?


fight like hell to stay. i don't usually adjust well to change.

WWYDI you couldn't decide what to wear to bed?
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If it's comfortable enough, wear whatever I'm currently wearing to bed

WWYDI you felt sleepy, but didn't feel like going to bed yet?


have a coke. :\

WWYDI you could hop back in time and meet your parents when they were your age?
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After getting to know them, I'd probably freak them out with little predictions about insignificant things; like what song is going to become a big hit or not

WWYDI if it was raining sideways?


be thankful that my bubble umbrella can't be flipped inside out. -w-

WWYDI there was an air of unrest over your house?
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I'd go to the nearest park and relax for a while; waiting for whatever is causing the unrest at home to pass over

WWYDI you felt that something good was bound to happen today?


either revel in it or become extremely suspicious. :\

WWYDI you were running out of time and plans had not yet been made?
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Try to get everything together as quickly as possible, so I'll be ready for whatever is coming

WWYDI your spider senses where tingling?
(Yes, you now have spider senses)


get jumpy (since i'm either sensing something bad, or sensing a spider, which is worse).

WWYDI you felt like spending the day resting (staying in bed, having soup and tea, possibly taking a nap)?
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I'd relax and enjoy a day where I had nothing important to do

WWYDI you saw your cat dragging a large pillow down the hallway?


silly kitty! you have the whole house and yard to sleep on!

WWYDI old man herbert from family guy showed up at your doorstep?
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I'd likely find a way to distract him while I make a break for it. That guy is creepy...

WWYDI you developed a way to teleport to anywhere in the world?


wake up as late as i want for class. -w-

WWYDI you woke up in a hoarder's house?
click to make it bigger


If anything catches my eye, I'd likely ask if they'd want to sell it and for how much

WWYDI pizza or tacos?