Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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bring it out at inopportune times. -w-

WWYDI people thought you were "special needs"?
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Been there, done that
I was labeled as "special needs" during a church event when I was younger, simply because I was well-mannered compared to the other boys my age. I guarantee you if I where a girl, they wouldn't have though anything of it

WWYDI the only way to save the world was to confess your love ponytail fetish to a close friend of the opposite sex?


contemplate it till the last second.

WWYDI you couldn't figure out whether or not you wanted to save the world?
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Flip a coin
Our hero, ladies and gentlemen; a guy who leaves the fate of the world to a coin toss

WWYDI you where feeling lucky?


hit on the girls i like i hope for a harem?

WWYDI you were given a chance to move anywhere?
My my, aren't you lovely~


I'll take it, and move to an inhabitant island and live a secretive life with my Ach.

WWYDI all of the sudden, food can talk?


I'd likely freak out the moment my cake says "bite me"

WWYDI you really wanted a bottle of Coca-Cola, but all you have in your fridge is a bottle of Wal-Mart's store brand cola?


reject the swill and steadily go into withdrawl. then find the person who was dumb enough to bring me such insufficient tribute and slap them untill they GET IT RIGHT.

either that, or give my mum 2 bucks to go buy me some coke, to avoid THE WITHDRAWL ><;;;;

WWYDI you wanted to start something big but it was too late at night?
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Start on it the next day

WWYDI you wanted to do something so bad, but you're unable to for various reasons?


wait untill i could. :\

WWYDI you almost got the two threads confused?
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I'd end up getting them confused anyway; as I've demonstrated several times

WWYP--wait; wrong topic...

WWYDI somebody took the last donut?



(take the last bagel.)

WWYDI you were tired but couldn't sleep?
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it happens most the time, so I'll go into the land of imaginary and accept that I was dreaming =3

WWYDI: one day, you could breathe under water just like what we've done on land? you can smell things down there too =)


enjoy life as the world's first mermaid, provided that i wasn't affected by water pressure either. :3 (after that, TO THE TITANTIC WRECK!!)

WWYDI you were granted the powers of one of the fantastic four heroes? (you pick which one.)
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uumm.. I would choose the torch, but I'm not that good with handling fire then I guess the invisibility thing. good for making prank isn't it?

WWYDI:money is used the opposite way? (seller pays the buyer for goods, being poor is like being the richest guy ever, its like a world where money is not needed but still being used - you get the idea =3)