Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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back away slowly....

WWYDI people hit you up for change 16 dollars and up?
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Head to the Zombie Attack Preparation Cabinet...

WWYDI Your cat started glowing a faint shade of green while hovering/floating above you while you read the forums?

Chocofreak13 that you, pip..?

WWYDI you wasted almost an entire day waiting to get out of the house?
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Be pissed off, as I've had that happen before

WWYDI you had x-ray vision?


use it for justice D:

and maybe bit of peeking? >_>


WWYDI you were a billionaire for a day
My my, aren't you lovely~


Why buy a Mac Mini, when I can buy a Mac Pro and a semi-decent car with plenty to spare?

WWYDI there was a zombie apocalypse?


go to CT, getting my friends along the way. If anyone's prepared for it, my brothers are.

WWYDI your plans fell through?
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Depends on what the plans are; if it's something small, ignore it and carry on. If it's something that was to be big and awesome, than I'd likely find a way to plan again

WWYDI somebody stopped you on your way out on an adventure to say "It's dangerous to go alone; take this" and hand you a Slinky?


play with it, as i left on my journey with a confused look.

WWYDI when your computer overheated, you did too?
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keep playin~
it's always hot here anyway

WWYDI your nose won't stop dripping D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


Stuff tissues in them and then take some medicine

WWYDI, when listening to a favorite song on your MP3 player, you're compelled to stand up dramatically during your favorite part, but feel you can't because there's too many people around?


do it anyway. better to be true to yourself. ^^

WWYDI you came upon the house of an animal hoarder?
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If the living conditions are poor, I'd call animal control on them

WWYDI your cat turned into Nyan Cat overnight?



WWYDI you walked into a conversation at the most awkward moment possible?
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Make a comment about how I hate coming in right in the middle of a conversation

WWYDI you had the entirety of Monty Python & the Holy Grail memorized?