Forum Games: What would you do if...?

Started by Pitkin, December 27, 2005, 03:13:00 PM

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start singing it out loud in a cutesy voice, to annoy the hell out of people. ^^

WWYDI you had a sudden urge to create?
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I'd create stuff; wither it be writing a story, drawing a picture, building something out of Lego, or painting the walls in the rainbow-colored blood of my enemies.

WWYDI you suddenly woke up in a strange place with a woman wearing an eye patch watching over you while you're giving birth to a child you didn't even know you where carrying?

(Hoping I didn't spoil anything for anyone by doing this...)


no, you didn't.

Freak Out. then try to cover myself, then wonder who the father is.

WWYDI blobs of flesh decided to press you against a wall?
click to make it bigger


I'd wonder what the hell is going on, and if this somehow involves my tampering with Time Lord technology

WWYDI if you discovered that the entire world was recreated 3 years ago by that person you hang out with that everybody thinks is completely crazy?


wonder where the hell i got a clone of myself.

WWYDI everyone thought you were crazy? (have i asked this before? :\ )
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I'd likely play up on it; going to the store in trap mode, wearing a fez to work, downgrade 2k-tan the Desktop to run Windows 2000 natively with Windows 7 in an emulator...

I think you may have asked it before, but I'm not sure...

WWYDI Nickelodeon brought back their early '90s game show, "What Would You Do?", with new episodes?
(This I know I asked in this topic eons ago)


possibly rip questions off, but otherwise ignore it. most game shows are kinda boring..... :\
(now if it was Legends of the Hidden Temple, that would be a different story....)

WWYDI you were going around the corner to get milk....and ended up in canada?
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sweet, now i can get some 'plants' their

WWYDI: you were transported into a stereotypical hentai game.


I'd probably attempt to score with at least one of the ladies in the game

WWYDI you kept hearing the sound of the drums?
*Knocks on the wall exactly 4 times*


Go insane and take over the world in my image, to a montage of "I Can't Decide" by the Scissor Sisters.

WWYDI half your keyboard was broken?
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Find a keyboard that is half dead, but functional on the side my main one is broken from, and put them together

WWYDI you knew how to make combustible lemons?


play Portal 2

WWYDI: i asked the same question twice.


I'd just answer it anyway; with a chance of making some smartass remark about repeating the same question

WWYDI you where stuck driving a car without a working heater in below freezing temperatures?


blankets, just like what i do with my bed. either that, or jerry-rig a space heater out of the lighter. -w-

WWYDI your computer began biting you?
click to make it bigger


Downgrade it's RAM until it agrees to stop biting me

WWYDI, while cleaning your room, you found a dead body?