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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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and that's what we  love about it! ^^
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Well i definitely did come back even after several years! XD
My my, aren't you lovely~


we all come crawling back, like cats to the food.... :3
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Hello everyone,

I have returned once more.  I'm guessing this makes it my *starts counting on my fingers aloud* 3rd comeback?

Look at this place... so different from before... so shiny and new, it seems.  It's certainly been awhile - I think I might stick around for a bit.  I don't know how often I'll be on, though.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Welcome back ^_^

Aside from the fresh coat of paint, it's still the same old OSC you know and love


although we're not alot to have gif avatars anymore and it really grinds my gears. :\ (not sure how you still have one, maybe it was grandfathered in? either way, KEEP IT. KEEP IT MAN, AND STRIKE A BLOW FOR JUSTICE.)

that said, it's great to have you back! ^^ the more the merrier around here, considered we're so small. it brings us closer as a family/community/forum/etc. :3
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Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on August 25, 2011, 09:09:17 PM
Hello everyone,

I have returned once more.  I'm guessing this makes it my *starts counting on my fingers aloud* 3rd comeback?

Look at this place... so different from before... so shiny and new, it seems.  It's certainly been awhile - I think I might stick around for a bit.  I don't know how often I'll be on, though.




Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.  Aside from aesthetics, and apparently a few rule changes, the forum is just as I remember it.  I'm most certainly a proud member of this community no matter where I wander (and I've wandered a good distance for quite some time).  So yes, it's good to be back.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 25, 2011, 09:18:22 PM
although we're not alot to have gif avatars anymore and it really grinds my gears. :\ (not sure how you still have one, maybe it was grandfathered in? either way, KEEP IT. KEEP IT MAN, AND STRIKE A BLOW FOR JUSTICE.)

Your post did remind me that I should check the rulebook due to my absence, but I could find nothing in the forum rules that said anything regarding gif avatars (unless there's a revision that's not featured in the main forum rules list).  I have taken you at your word, however, and have changed my avatar accordingly.  Despite any dismay you may have regarding the change, I do think the current choice more than makes up for it, no? :3

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: IanDanKilmaster on August 25, 2011, 10:14:40 PM
Aside from aesthetics, and apparently a few rule changes, the forum is just as I remember it

That it is...

I do have to mention that when I came back here in March, I actually didn't reintroduce myself like you did; I merely popped back in and made myself comfortable


no! ;^; your avatar was awesome!! ;^; and pitkin wouldn't let me have a gif avatar so i was happy that someone had one ;^;

eh, well, no matter what it's nice to have ya back. where'd you go, anyway? (that question has plagued me every time someone leaves, except smokey since he said where he was going.)
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on August 25, 2011, 10:22:53 PM
I do have to mention that when I came back here in March, I actually didn't reintroduce myself like you did; I merely popped back in and made myself comfortable

I think I just jumped right back in the last time I came back, but it felt like I was gone so long this time, so a proper re-introduction was certainly an order.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 25, 2011, 10:24:49 PM
no! ;^; your avatar was awesome!! ;^; and pitkin wouldn't let me have a gif avatar so i was happy that someone had one ;^;

eh, well, no matter what it's nice to have ya back. where'd you go, anyway? (that question has plagued me every time someone leaves, except smokey since he said where he was going.)

You sure it wasn't the filesize of your .gif?  Mine was under 50kb and within the appropriate dimensional guidelines, so I don't think it would've been an issue.  Regardless, I'd rather not make waves over something so trivial, and I figured I should change my avatar anyway since that one was so old.

As far as where I've been, well I pretty much drifted off when I noticed the board drifting into lawless lands and started looking elsewhere to look.  I kept in contact with a couple of people from the board on MSN, but I vanished a bit there too.  I did find another board to hang around for awhile, until I found my... lets just say "current companion"... and then I just vanished altogether.  I moved several miles away from home (IRL) to be with my companion, and now I've come full circle, returning to the board I first felt at home.  I'm back because it feels like the right time :3.

Please pardon my clichéd and effusive manner of posting, I think I'll grow out of it in a few posts.   It's been awhile and I'm feeling a tad bit loquacious.

The Choice of a New Generation.


go for it, dude. if you want to talk in a frilly aristocratic/nostalgic manner, then so be it. -w- it's good to hear that you've been happy in the time you weren't here, and are happy to be here again. i hope you and your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/wife/husband/partner/friend/friend-with-benefits/[insert relation here] are happy. :3
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Thank you, Choco.  We very much are.  I'd go on, but I prefer not to gush about that side of my personal life - no matter how tempting it may be xD.  If you'd like, we can continue this discussion along with our current one in Topicless.

The Choice of a New Generation.


if you ant to gush about any sort of relationships, relationships or member picture thread is typically where we do that now. :3
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Dude!  IDK!  We've missed you man!

.....I know its been a while, but the man shut down my radio show so no Friday radio anymore.