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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Hi everyone!

I live a outside Stockholm in Sweden. I study at Nackademin to become a Network Engineer/Network Admin. I'm 19 years old and love anime.

I enjoy playing games on computers (My favorite game is UT2k4 (Online I use the nick "NipponBaka").

Right now I wish that it was week 9 since then I would be at a LAN.
My favorite color is red.

My favorite among the OS-tans is Windows 98-tan (not se-tan)

Thats about it.

/Stoy - Nobody of the resistance
Nobody of the resistance


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Hello NekOsaka and Stoy! Have fun at the forum!  ;hi


Welcome NekOsaka and Stoy! Glad to say that you're NOT on the Jersey side of the OS-Tan Universe!


Nek0saka (means cat or something ?)
Nice to see you two here and have fun whatever you do  ^__^


nekosaka.. is neko osaka.. neko being cat, osaka being a city normaly, or the girl in azumanga daio that got nicknamed osaka for being from there.  thus nekosaka is osaka with neko mimi (ears)
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


o i like azu really!!!!
and also i like osaka in azu!!!


azumanga was...ok to watch, kinda cute...but not funny at all in my opinion, the only thing i actually liked about it was the appearances of the male teacher tormenting kaorin


welcome all new member....(although i'm still new..wehe..)
hoahm....i'm still's 5 am in my country....and i just awake from my dream....

Connecting (to the real world).............................................error ! Connection timed out........ZzZZzzZZZZZzzzZZzZZz......................
Life is the most complex OS and system ever.


Life power rules !!!!


Irasshaimasu, Nek0Saka and Stoy...wait. Sweden? Isn't that where polar bears walk the streets and stuff? And where the natives push their reindeer in front of trains to collect the overkill insurance money? Or am I all wrong and prejudicial? ;012


Quote from: "Xyanide"azumanga was...ok to watch, kinda cute...but not funny at all in my opinion, the only thing i actually liked about it was the appearances of the male teacher tormenting kaorin

it's still unknown why he could get such a beautiful and kind wife...


Quoteit's still unknown why he could get such a beautiful and kind wife...

She says he was "kinda cool". She kinda reminds me of Mutsumi from Love Hina though...



Hello NekOsaka and Stoy! Enjoy your stay :)


Quote from: "NewYinzer"
Quoteit's still unknown why he could get such a beautiful and kind wife...

She says he was "kinda cool". She kinda reminds me of Mutsumi from Love Hina though...

DEAR GOD YOU'RE RIGHT! Can't believe I never noticed that before XD

Anyway, welcome to all the new guys :D


Greetings fellow human beings

Deep from the Carribean I've set my eyes on the realms of OS-tan - nice to see you all ^_^

My screen name's Guybrush Threepwood
My civil name isn't really important - you may call me Guybrush
I come from Denmark where I study some subject at the university - in fact I studied another subject before turning my eye on this one, but that's unimportant as well (if you against odds should wonder what subject I'm studying there would be a hint under interests in my profile)

I am male - aged 21 (although people tell me I act like I'm aged 12)

cya on the forum :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
To quote an old friend:  :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D