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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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I swear I'm gonna find a way to create edible scrap metal....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬


Wow i'm way behind on my hello's and welcome's aren't i?

Lol! Hello to:
Tupolev Wolf, tugteen, Coffee115, Xyanide, Rido98, and cheezepoof_kun. ;hi


Hi, my name is CyberRamses, I'm 26 years old and live in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

I found this forum when I was looking for OS-tan wallpapers, and it's very cool.

Hello everybody!  :aloha:


Hello CyberRamses! Enjoy your stay on the forum! I see that XP-tan is so popular... (she is my favorite OS-tan, too  ;003 )


Welcome to everybody i didn't welcome ^_^
Glad to see there are newcomers around, and i hope you'll enjoy the place :D

I wonder if XP-Tan would be so popular if she didn't have so much ....  RAM needs ^^;


Just give the word, Fedora-dono....  -v-

And I'll stuff Linux-chan so full of RAM, everyone here will be like "X-Who?"  ^v^'


Welcome, CyberRamses.   ;hi



Oh right, hello.  ^___^'

BTW, kudos to your country for implementing such an interesting energy policy.  ^v^


Ah! Welcome welcome, CyberRamses and enjoy to stay here!.
/The site is growing up keep growing\

Off(*C-Chan* your new Avatar is so cute with the same Pig)


[whispering]  (Thank you.)  ^.^

(BTW, you never did tell us which "small country' you come from.  I'm gonna go ahead and guess Tonga this time.... ^.^)

Megaman Z

Ohayo! Zeta here!

I am a Bemani nutcase (I hope I don't have to define "Bemani" for this board...). moderator of the official StepMania boards (at post time), an anime fanatic with a good interest in OS-tan, a gamer, and a percussionist (I play vibraphones and xylophones in addition to drums)

I also have a full platter as far as projects go (StepMania Insurrection and TWO RPG's in development), so I'm gonna be off-and-on at this board.

(and on a barely related note: when entering your email, one "o" in com. I had to email an admin to get my account activated, and afterwards, I found out that was the reason why I didn't get an activation email. big thank-you to Fedora-Tan for helping with that)

*notice's the pig in C-chan's avatar*

heh... cute.


Welcome there Magaman ^_^

Sorry for the registration inconvenience, to be honnest i just didn't see myself you put a double 'o', even when i pasted the email to answer you :D (else i would have corrected it of course). Such typos are nasty to spot...

Glad all is ok now ;)

Added after 1 minutes:

(is there any top level domain with 4 letters ? i know of 2 and 3 but none in 4 as far as i remember... if that's true i could just put a check like "if > 3 letters then incorrect email"...)

On other hand, doesn't happen every day :)


Oi CyberRamses and hello Megaman Z!!! Yay we're gaining members everyday  :D

Megaman Z

Quote from: "url=]Fedora-Tan[/url]"](is there any top level domain with 4 letters ? i know of 2 and 3 but none in 4 as far as i remember... if that's true i could just put a check like "if > 3 letters then incorrect email"...)
I doubt anyone would have their email address in one, but there are a couple 4-letter ones (and 2 six-letter ones) that I know of, the most common of these (IIRC) being the .info domain (see Home of the Underdogs)

of course, those are rare enough as it is.

QuoteOn other hand, doesn't happen every day :)
yeah... and I chalk it up to entering registration info in a hurry.

oh, and speaking of typos that went unnoticed for an extended period of time, I didn't realize this morning that you misspelled "megaman"... I've had people call me megaman X by mistake/habit, but I don't think I've ever had someone pull that typo on me. that's a first.