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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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true. it's like they're mad to keep the mods sharp.
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The Choice of a New Generation.


well, no one's joined in awhile. if the mind is given nothing to do, it is bound to wander. :\
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Hiya all~ The people here sure are lively. The name's PhAYSe (its just a screen name of course, not my real name). I'm male, 22-years old and hail from South-East Asia, Philippines. I'm into computer console gaming, card games (Yu-Gi-Oh! and Magic the Gathering) and computer customizations. I came across this site while I was looking for stuff to spruce up my computers, and WOW what a surprise I got! I'm looking forward to getting to know the other people in this forum (and getting the programs for the OS-tans too, hehehe~). Once again, this is PhAYSe, over and out!


Welcome PhAYSe, please put your feet up and stay awhile.

The Choice of a New Generation.


Hi! =)

My name is Roujo, I'm a gamer who, like PhAYSe, is also into card games. I stumbled across this site a few times in the past years, but I started working on Windows Server 2008 at school today, so I came back to see if there was an OS-tan for that system. (Btw, I found none... Is there any? =P) I'm looking forward to meeting you all! =D I'll be on IRC, if you're looking for me.

See you around! (^_^)

P.S: You may come to know me as the guy who uses smilies every other sentence. =P


Why hello thar, PhAYSe-san and Roujo-san. Enjoy your stays! :D


Welcome.... to the world of tomorrow!  Take a look around, make yourself at home, both of you.


OOoo Another ASEAN??. Philippines huh? nice place good food, large malls  except for them armed guards, they scare the bejebers out of me.
Anyways welcome both of you.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


I'm not asian, I just like japanese. I actually live in Canada. =P

Thanks for the welcome! =)


Unfortunately the board must tell you that due to unexpected downtimes, the Mauu is in a deep decline, and as such, no new evaluations will be given. We hope you will invest in our Loli-based currency at a later date, and hope you have a pleasant stay.


And this means...?  ;013

Is there a common knowledge I'm missing? Or is this some inside to this board's sub-culture that I'm unware of?

Or is it completely random? =P


Board subculture to the max.  We used to have an economic system based, administered by our able economic expert Master Nej, based primarily on the value of the loli.


I think all lolis are special ;_;


Forget mancession, this is a lolicession...

This joke makes a lot more sense if you've seen western news (namely Faux) recently -_-;.

Anyway, welcome to thread, Roujo!

btw.  Anyone know what happened to Vae-chan?

The Choice of a New Generation.