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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Uh... welcome! I don't know what else to say... most people here are insane and you might be attacked any second now.


The people here are usually nice. So... you don't have to worry over getting attacked unless you do something that actually get's people angry. Just follow the rules and everything will be alright.


And with that... again...

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Didn't you mean Mental Hospital? Except that the one who enter it didn't come out better, they get more insane. ;010

Anyway, lilsleepingninja and pdbdbomb, welcome to OStan forum. Hope you can get along with everyone and have fun.

And don't worry about other insane members, you'll join us...sooner or later ;012
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


Same difference... at least we're not calling it... Playboy Mansion with Mr. Norton...

Or should we...

I'm Mr. Norton! Yes, amma 60-year-old guy pimpimg out beautful girls with OS names!

Let the par-tay bee-gain!!! Wooo!
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


Hey, how's everyone doing? To be brutally honest, I just wanted to download the Troubled Windows flash. I lost it when my hd crashed five years ago, and I'd forgotten about the OS-tans for a while until recently. Guess I'll browse around and see what this forum has to offer.


Welcome... welcome!

Feel free to browse around... it's like a shop for crazy people here... a shop where stuff is basically free! lol
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


Welcome to the forum YuPing. Hope you have fun here and can find what you are looking for.
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


Hi to everyone! Newbie desu~ Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!~


Welcome Reo!  Please, enjoy your stay.

The Choice of a New Generation.

OS Freak

Welcome Reo & and Yuping to our forums!
Death as come. 2K Chan has but killed in extended Support. She has finally become Unsupported She is finally fully rejected by her Birth company. It\'s so sad...


What's up ?

I'm new to this forums and  groups stuff.

First of all. I'm mexican and I've been searching around some info about os-tans for about 2 years.

I've been looking in this site and I think you have the best os-tan art.

I like soccer, movies and pop music.


Hi everyone, I got by DaemonParasite online. Anyway, I'm not really that interesting, just starting looking at the OS-tans and thought I'd register.


Welcome mbison, great to see another SF fanboy enter our fold!

Hello DaemonParasite, you may want to be careful if you intend leech off of Nej - he can be hazardous to your health. ^^;

Welcome all, please kick your feet up and enjoy yourself for awhile!

The Choice of a New Generation.


Welcome to mbison and DaemonParasite. Hope you can get along with everyone in here.

Quotehe can be hazardous to your health

To be more precise, everyone around here can be hazardous to your health. It's just he is much higher priority. ;012
--- When it\'s worth doing, it\'s worth overdoing it ---


Quote from: "Bigbishounen"Hi!
Hello. Welcome to OSC.
Any chance that you could tell more about yourself?
This is an introduction thread you know...