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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Welcome to all the new members! ^_^


Quote from: "Siya"Hello!  I am an artist and I tend to personify anything and everything in my work.  The whole OS-tan concept hooked me in, rather quickly.   When I first heard of it, I even sketched up a few pages of concepts.  

Anyway, I figured I'd join this forum.  I look forward to being here!

Siya, welcome to the community! We look forward to you being active here and a other possible contributions as well!  ;010

Quote from: "troubled_tux"I'm an IS professional but I'm also into CG. When a colleague told me about OS-tan I got really interested. OS-tan is so cool. ^_^

Anyway, I look forward to being part of this community. ^_^

Welcome Troubled Tux! We also look forward to you being active and some contributions too!  ;hi

This is the right place for you guys! You can go check out this site's feature like the gallery, downloads section and our own wiki!


Welcome Siya and troubled_tux.    ;hi


Welcome! Siya and ... troubled_...tux... WAH! o_o  They're multiplying.
But I hope that you both have fun here.


Hi all  ;hi
Now you have a new french member! (from paris)
Nice to meet you ;001


Bonjour là dame !  ;hi

...wait are you a girl? Kirie?

...I may not be french, but for sure the primary admin of this site is one!

     Nice to meet you Kirie! Since you seem so excited, we really look forward to your participation in this board!  ^_^ You can go check our picture gallery, downloads and   this site's wiki.


Sorry i'm a man ^^
I didn't know for the wiki, i'm gonna check it out :)


Then it's Bonjour là homme for you! :P

As for the wiki, click here. ^_^


Thanks :)
Now i need to find a good avatar and a sign (it's difficult since photoshop doesn't work anymore :'( ).
Hope i will find some pics in the gallery ^^


Aye-oh, welcome Sindy, Sandy, Synda or whatever it was, Kyrie (AGH!) and Tux^3 (ergo, Tuxcube)! Hope you don't die mysteriously during your time here! ^^


Bonjour Kirie! ^-^
It's nice to see some French members on the board! Hope you enjoy your time here! Au revoir pour maintenant! (I hope that was right. O_O)


Thank you for welcoming ^^

Quote from: "NejinOniwa"...Hope you don't die mysteriously during your time here! ^^

I will be careful ;001

Quote from: "Icelilly"Bonjour Kirie! ^-^
It's nice to see some French members on the board! Hope you enjoy your time here! Au revoir pour maintenant! (I hope that was right. O_O)

You should say "a bientôt" :) (in any case thanks for your effort ^^)


Quote from: "Kirie"
Quote from: "Icelilly"Bonjour Kirie! ^-^
It's nice to see some French members on the board! Hope you enjoy your time here! Au revoir pour maintenant! (I hope that was right. O_O)

You should say "a bientôt" :) (in any case thanks for your effort ^^)
Ah, I see!. ^^; I'm still learning. X3

NejinOniwa i could try flinging out parts of the random french i've learned from 5 years of studying but...meh.


Hello everyone!

I new around here (obvious, by the fact that I only have a couple posts. ^^; ).

I'm also Canadian! Doubt I'm the first though. ;)

EDIT: Woo, made the next page.

By the way, God invented beer so Canadians wouldn't take over the world! ;P
Dreaming in Digital,
Living in Realtime,
Thinking in Binary,
Talking in IP,
Welcome to our world!