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Member Introduction Thread

Started by Pitkin, December 11, 2005, 04:12:02 PM

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Oooh, how Vyle.  Welcome!  ^__^


...i hope he/she(/it? ;013 ) doesn't taste as bad as it sounds.....


*bursts into frantic laughter*

Gah...that pun was just too bad, even for me.


Welcome Vyle and Emi! I wish I had more to say...


this thread kinda gives me an AA kinda feeling

"hi, im _____ and im an os-tanaholic"

Everyone else: "hi ____"
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


lol hello to all new members (since my last welcome). i really need to log on more often ^^;


Hi, I'm NewYinzer and I'm an os-tanaholic!


Hi, I'm Nejin Oniwa and I'll be going north tomorrow to SPANK THE BRAINS OUT O' THE SPEED LIMITS, REAL HARD!!! OOOOOH YEEAAHHH!!!!!! ;006  ;006  ;006

...erhm...just wanted to say that. ^-^; So I'll be gone from here for a week...will i survive?  ;013  Question is, though, whether or not i will survive racing down a frigging slope at 200k or more, so let's just hope i don't do the ME while i'm there (crash. boom.)...

er......oh and also, i'm an OS-tanaholic. And haruhiist. A little. Or...much. Depends. *continues pointless rant for too long to be able to put it in this post*


Ni hao! Call me Jereath (J-tan, preference) and no, it's just my alias.

I'm just a typical average Chinese that is living in the Khatulistiwa equator! So it's sunny all year round! For the past 17 years, I haven't even touched snow! I'm quite pale if you compare me to my friends despite the scorching sun all year round. I have black silky hair, average height of 170cm (hoping to reach that height soon ^^;) and I don't know what else to say!

I love Japanese Animation as well as Computer Graphic but my artistic value is near to zero. No talent for art! However, greatly interested and will fascinate other's people arts! I only know the basic of Photoshop so I can only make simple avatars as well as signatures.

Some of you may have this particular question of "How you came across this forum?"

Well, it's simple to guess. Like I said, I love pictures and animes so I somehow came across this forum by browsing one of my usual graphic site which lead me to the Wiki's OS-tan definition. Then through the external link which you can find it and the bottom page of Wiki.

Feel free to ask anything that I can answer.


Hi, welcome to this forum. It is no problem not to have much skill concerning drawing, only a few people here actively draw Os-tans. But in case you want to try, I would recommend inkscape or similar vector-based programs. Using GIMP or Photoshop is rather difficult if you want Bezier curves.

Oh BTW: Could you please look into the Linux0.12+VM-thread to help me on RedFlag-tan?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Hello Kami-Tux!

It will be good if you can list out all the vector based programs.

Sorry but I got no idea what is Linux0.12+VM-thread. It will ease me if you can provide a link or something.


Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Welcome Jereath!  ^v^
Touche, I'm also an avid vector graphics user.  ^__^

I recommend only Inkscape since that's what we use, it's free, fully featured, easy to learn AND now comes with blurring effects. ^.^

If you're interested in other programs, you can check the full listing here:

But then if you use something else, we won't be able to help ya out as much.  ^v^;

In any case, let's discuss more on that Linux thread.  ^.^

Speaking of which, you described yourself in detail, but left out the most important detail for this forum:  Which OS (or OSes) do you use?  ^v^'


Welcome Jereath! It's nice to know that the Chinese government has not blocked our site! Feel free to enjoy the forums, browse the gallery, and download from the download section!


I have more to worry about my workplace blocking this site, ya know.  So please please PLEASE try to keep this SFW.  -v-'


Jereath (for me three years ago 173 cm, two years ago 170 cm and 2006
175 cm, this year don't know yet) "175 cm + 56 kg = thin" -_-

Welcome and nice to you three. Enjoy! ^__^