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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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Much rad, my minion. Good worke. : )


Quote from: LeaflameSD on January 13, 2014, 12:55:56 AM
Wow, that's pretty awesome, Choco. Also, CONGRATULATIONS on winning the ice cream contest.
I said ice cream ._.'
I mean cosplay contest.


@leaf: ROLL WITH IT *brofist*
@nej: tankyou, mashtur. -w-
click to make it bigger


You know what we need? More pics of Kari's cosplays. Sadly, I don't have any on me; I do, however, have some random pics to share :3

First off, pics from my random trip to Tyler yesterday; almost entirely comprised of pics I took while waiting on mom to finish shopping LOL:
I swear, I'll never see "Topo Chico" and not have my thoughts go to a certain character who occasionally pops up in some of Brad Jones' videos -w-;
9 out of 10 hokages approve of Ninja Blenders
This table is covered with lies. Delicious lies
I found my people</inner_glados>
"What killed the dinosaurs? The ice age freezer section!"
Please tell me I'm not the only person who remembers these
Wow. Much Nutella. So Good. Very Value
I needs this. Pretty sure Bella would want it, too

...and now, what I bought:
Another turret! This time, I ended up with the sunset variant :3
A 14-year-old Magic booster pack and the Adventure Time 3DS game
The back of the box to Adventure Time; because everyone needs to see BMO
Giant Box Of Hot Chocolate. Eevee for scale

Now, for other stuff

Since I did this with XP-tan and Windows XP Pro...
Fuuka and Persona 3 FES
Tails and Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Also, since I realized last weekend marked the 20th anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog 3, Tails atop the box

Tails and Fuuka together, intended as a nod toward this meme pic with Buzz and Woody ("Crappy sequels; crappy sequels everywhere")
Tails holds Fuuka's card
Hot Tails on Fuuka action xD

My sister's Derpy keychain

What seemed like a random boring trip to Wal-Mart with mom became fun as I took pics -w-;
Minecraft piggy! >w<
There were many creepers around. Thankfully, none of them exploded, but they made an exploding sound when you squeezed them
Why would anyone want Call of Duty Mega Blocks...
...when a Lego The Hobbit set is next to it?
DK on motorcycle, because it's awesome
Insert joke about Diddy Kong Racing 2 here
Mario on a motorcycle. Yes
"The bears; they're everywhere, man!"</linkara>

Lastly, for Stew and others who like trains, a vintage toy train, on display in the genealogy section of the local library :3



Some stuff I got (image is pretty big):
Spoiler: ShowHide


My great great uncle Eddie has been missing since 1944.  His aircraft disappeared somewhere over "The Hump" between China and India on a routine supply flight.  In 2011 they found his bomber.  I just found out tonight, and that I may have the only remaining pictures of him.


Is it odd that I see the tiniest resemblance between you and him? Like in the eyes and nose?



Yep. That was before Gamestop enforced the "district manager must field destroy all $.01 items" rule





I wish my phone had a cute Android sticker / badge.


Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 04, 2014, 11:14:50 AM
nice phone, alf
thank you... it only costed me MX$ 1,300 almost US$100...

Quote from: Bella on March 04, 2014, 02:28:08 PM
I wish my phone had a cute Android sticker / badge.

well, mine had one just left of the front camera, but it was on the screen protector